Thursday, 6 October 2011

Best Stories of the Matt Smith Era

1.The Day of the Doctor-Excellent

A great adventure with the Zygons having a great introduction as creatures who could copy humans and there is loads of great interaction between the 3 Doctors, with John Hurt's War Doctor's criticisms being very interesting like how He hates The Doctor kissing,flapping his hands about, talking like children and their attempts at assembling a cabinet with a sonic screwdriver and there is some fantastic ideas from Moffat here about processes being carried out from one sonic model to the next and of course the saviour of Gallifrey with all the Doctors is just pure epicness
-Moffat's idea of freezing Gallifrey in a stasis cube in a picture that is bigger on the inside than out and this disappearance of Gallifrey causing the Daleks to fire on each other and wipe each other out is just incredible writing from Moffat.I kept thinking how could He be so clever?Is He a Timelord?

2.The Time of the Doctor-Excellent

This episode features the fantastic protrayl by Matt Smith of the Doctor growing old and reaffirms the Doctors core beliefs with the Doctor sacrificing everything to stay behind and save Christmas.The episode also has the Daleks show to us that they are still by the far the most powerful race in the universe, I had doubts that the Cybermen would be able to adapt to Dalek machinery but I don't now with their stupid new found  Borg like abilities and finally sees some mega Dalek action which I feel has been lacking in Matt's Era, with Daleks usually just being a background plot easily forgotten about-Victory was great but was just about getting the Daleks back into the Universe rather than a major Dalek invasion and thats all we really get apart from background action and Asylum which is just utter rubbish.The script shows us that Moffat can write for the Daleks, which was feared to be not true after Asylum by me at least and who doesn't want to see the Silence blasting electricity at the cybermen that was a lovely geeky moment for me.Yes the episode could have been better as a 2 parter with lots of special effects and fighting but thats not the point of this episode, the 50th was more about that, the point is about who the Doctor really is.The sendoff for Matt Smith is very emotional with The Doctor being very happy to die and effectively reincarnate as Peter Capaldi which I felt was important and was very fitting with Matt's Doctor.What else can I say but that it takes something like the 50th to beat this and nothing else can come close.

3.(The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang)-Excellent

When the doctor arrives at the oldest clifface in the universe,a message is waiting for the doctor,and it reads "Hello Sweetie".This story is everything fans want it includes:alien planets,an unbeatable cliffhanger(still unbeaten) that left me confused on what would happen next,an historic trip,a fairytale and of course monsters and that is why this finale will always be at the top the list for the moment.Read on to find out about the other top stories of the Matt Smith Era
4.Vincent and the Doctor(Excellent)

A heart-warming,emotionally shocking adventure with a great monster idea!!!The monster idea is excellent becuase basically it's an invisible monster but for fans of CGI you still get to see it and a good monster it is too and thanks to a present form his great grand-mother in law of something like that and a sort of board used in art thats good at stabbing the doctor and vincent survive alive just about but it appears amy's memory isn't up to scratch.
5.Amy's Choice(Excellent)

Amy is pregnant,rory has a ponytail,the best actor to have set foot in doctor who plays a character who shows all aspects of personality needed at different times including winding the doctor up and tricking Rory, Amy and the doctor that they will die when there is no way of dieing and the only way really is to think one world world is real and did i forget the elderly monsters?and Rory's first death?
6.(The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone)-Excellent

Well with different types of angels,an alien planet,the return of the mysterious and dangerous river song,who could want anything more?or wait a minute i'm sure i employed Tom for this job but where is he?what was i just saying?of course it's only me here it always has been!!! and what is that smiling crack i think i'll go over and touch it!!!
7.The Snowmen(Excellent)

The Snowmen felt extremely magical.The introduction of the new companion was great because Clara was so full of energy and was on the same wavelength as the doctor.One of the key good points of the episode, as mentioned above was how magical it felt, with the long staircase and especially when the Doctor showed Clara the tardis-the motion of the drama and music helped convey this effect even though the new tardis wasn't particularly exciting-Although, I really like the swirling effect on the top columns.The Doctor being deceived by the Great Intelligence was one of the good points as well because the Doctor was sure he could defeat him, by using the memory worm and so was I but it wasn't so simple because the Doctor still thought that the snow was alive but the snow was just normal snow, which was controlled by the Great Intelligence to feed on Dr Simeon's love of snow.This scene got particularly exciting, when it turned into a horror movie and the possessed Dr Simeon tried to strangle and freeze the Doctor.

 8(The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People)-Excellent

This story had everything aswell as all the others it had monsters aswell as an interesting perception on the future of the human race through a moralistic story wrote by matthew graham who appears to have actually wrote something good unlike Fear Her.This story develops upon another two parter from last series wrote by paulk cornell but shows another moral that is very scary and immediately took in by the viewer-can their sole be copied?because normally in clone sci-fi shows the body is the same and the sole is completley different because that is what mskes someone unique and their body shape-shifts like a monster too and although the acting seems peculiar at first it soon becomes exceptional especially by Jenny and the person who is a dad and the person who is evil on both accounts both human and gnager so a lot of good acting then; this story also shows how someone can be created who is equally entitled to be you as you which is horrifically terrifying to the viewer.
The other stories in the era are listed below according to my ranking:
9.A Good Man Goes to War(Excellent)
10.A Girl Who Waited(Excellent)
11.Victory of the Daleks(Excellent)
12.The Angels take Manhattan(Excellent)
13.The Wedding of River Song(Good)
14.Journey to the Centre of the Tardis(Good)
15.The Doctor's Wife(Good)
16.The Hungry Earth(Bad)/Cold Blood(Excellent)
17.The Impossible Astronaut(Ok)/Day of the Moon(Excellent)
18.The Eleventh Hour(Good)
20.The Bells of Saint John(Good)
21.The Vampires of Venice(Good)
22.The Name of the Doctor(Good)
23.The Crimson Horror(Good)
24.Cold War(Good)
25.The Power of  Three(Good)
26.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship(Ok)
27.A Christmas Carol(Ok)
28.A Town Called Mercy(Ok)
29.Let's Kill Hitler(Ok)
30.Closing Time(Ok)
31.The Rings of Akaten(Ok)
32.The God Complex(Ok)
33.The Lodger(Ok)
34.The Beast Below(Bad)
35.Night Terrors(Bad)
36.The Curse of the Black Spot(Bad)
37.Nightmare in Silver(Bad)
38.The Doctor,the Widow and the Wardrobe(Bad)
39.Asylum of the Daleks(Bad)

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Primeval Series 6 is Confirmed for Autumn 2012

Primeval Series 6 is confirmed for Autum 2012,with filming starting this winter, and it should air on ITV.

It will not include any of the main characters from the last 2 series,as seen above, but they could still appear in guest roles and in Series 7,which could be lined up for as early as Spring 2013 but the creatures are back.The show will follow the tagline New World or New Order and will be set in canada and will be darker,scarier and more Canadian than previous series.So i thought what creatures should appear in the series and and decided to post them .Please Comment and Add your Own Suggestions!!!

1.Mer,Future Crocodiles and Future Sharks Setting:At Sea
2.Wolly Mammoth and Short Faced Bear Setting: Paleontology Museum
3.Future Snake,Future Spiders Setting:Deep in the forest
4.Future Wasp,Future Predator and Megaopteran Setting:Ancient Monument of Religon
5.Flying Gigantoraptor Setting:Farm
6.Megladon and Pliosaurs Setting:St Lawrence River
7.Dimetrodon and Gorgonopsid Setting:Canadian Train Station,Russian Airport
8.Argentinosaurus Setting:Niagara Falls
9.Future Carnivorous Birds that change into Future Carnivorous Camoflaging Lizards Setting:School Swimming Pool
10.Future Shapeshifting Creatures that excrete chemicals that make you fall asleep Setting:Control Centre
11.Abnormally tall Carcondotosaurus and Future Parasite
12.Future Cannibal Semi-Robotic Humans,Future Predator and Gorgonopsid
13.Several including:Arboreal Raptor,Future Wasp,Future Snake,Tyrannosaurus,Giganotosaurus,Velociraptor,Megaopteran,Future Crocodile,Future Predator,Giganotoraptor and Prehistoric Beetles.

Episode 12 and 13 Synopsises because they tell you about the main plot of the series:
12.The smallest anomaly ever is so small that the team don't manage to find it but that doesn't mean that it can't expand and unleash Future Carnivorous Giant Humans though!!!They feed on human flesh in the future,are very desperate and Semi-robotic.Followed by them are Future Predators and Gorgonopsid that are about to make history.
13.The team have accidentallly saved Claudia Brown.This creates loads and loads of anomalies that unleash Arboreal Raptor,Future Wasp,Future Snake,Tyrannosaurus,Giganotosaurus,Velociraptor,Megaopteran,Future Crocodile,Future Predator and Giganotoraptor aslong as many other creatures including a swarm of prehistoric beetles that swarm the team's building.The team must find an anomaly that will lead them to a period that was just before the event that changed history happened and make sure it happens they can find the anomaly using connor's date calculator that they got delivered to them after asking Connor but with future beetles destroying all equipment in the team's control centre.How can they hope to make sure that Claudia Brown dies and Jenny Lewis lives?so that the world can survive this terrible outbreak of creatures.
Final two episodes involve Jenny Lewis and Connor Temple in cameo roles and Claudia Brown in a significant role
For More information about what i hope for the 13 episodes:

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

New Poll-Best Monster 2011 (Eps 1-7)

I have narrowed down the monsters for the best monster 2011 Eps 1-7 Poll the winner will proceed to round 2 with my personal winner for the particular catergory in that vote then the winner of round 2 will go on to round 3 to face the winner of Eps 8-13.
So there are three you can vote for:


2.Headless Monks


I will not tell you which one i have picked because if you pick that one then it will automatically proceed to round 3-The Final.

Also,I have not been posting recently because i have been stressed over exams.However,hopefully normal service will resume soon because i have completed 60% of my exams.So Please Vote!!!(I am not allowed to vote in any rounds)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

It's Exam Time

Yes it's exam time - what a shame!!!That means that we all have to work harder again-harder than we ever have.Exams for GCSE and A level have already started but i'm lucky because my first exam isn't until 10th June 1pm!!!I have 5 exams to sit:2 English Exams(La+Li),2 German Exams(R + L) and 1 Maths Exam.In total nearly 6 hours of exams.I also wish everyone else who is taking exams the best of luck!!!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Doctor Who gets 8.86m

I'm surprised at the big leap from overnight ratingas and remember that the final figures are what counts.Also,an unknown amount of viewers also watched in hd.I can't find the ratings for HD on the barb ratings list.

Series 6 Ratings (So Far):
1.TIA 6.4M+2.46M=8.86M
2.DOTM 5.3M+2.46M?=7.76M?

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Monster of the Day-Astronaut Suit

The Monster of the Day today is the astronaut suit it was a simple life support system but the suit could move and would gobble up its victims.In this case,the victim was the little girl who i think is not the child of Amy i think she is Amy i still don't get how she has a future picture of herself though because it is too obvious to be the baby and the eye patched lady who will be revealed to be Kovarian recognbised her.The Astronaut Suit killed the doctor with the weaponary in the suit but it is not known who was gobbled up by it.The suit allowed the little girl to phone the president in distress.The suit was built by the silence to protect the girl for an unknown reason.The Silence even decided to send huimanity to the moon so they would produce a spacesuit for the little girl from the humans designs.

Doctor Who Falls by 1.1m to 5.3m

Doctor Who Overnight Ratings for Day of the Moon where 5.3m with about 0.1 million watching in hd compared to 6.4m last week with hd viewers added 6.5m.

Day of the Moon Review-Dalek1099

I won't bother with the a large review this time mainly because the way moffat writes this show just makes it hard to review.Anyway a bit confusing it areas but we do know that the doctor locked himself in the prison so that the silence couldn't get him or his friends.They would be safe in their and away from American inspection.A great episode lovely defeat of the silence although the defeat does make their scare factor go down because kids know that if they've seen a siloent then they will have killed it.Only disappointment is how Steven Moffat likes leaving all the ends open i mean a few hints like RTD but maybe you making the arc too cruical to individual episodes which is not a good thing.Also,we never found out what happened in them three months.Cliffhangers should always be resumed immediately because you only have to look at Last of the Timelords to see why.Excellent opening though really got you excited because Moffat really seemingly killed off everyone except The Doctor who had already died in the previous episode.

Loose Ends:
1.Who did Amy mean to shoot?
2.Is Amy pregnant?
3.Why is Amy being nasty to Rory?
4.Is the little girl Amy?How did she regenerate?
5.Who was in the suit at the start of the 1st episode?
6.Who is the eye patch lady(Kovarian)?
7.Who was the voice in the pandorica opens?
8.How come the doctor was able to switch the opening of the tardis to make River land in the swimming pool?
Any i missed?
Sorry for the spelling errors my laptop can't charge and my computer can't spellcheck.
Rating:9.89/10 (Best of the Series)
Next Time...
Amy must rescue The Doctor from the pirates and Rory from a hungry mermaid.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Primeval and Doctor Who Creatures and Synopsis's update

Above:Future Beetles Invade the Arc
Primeval Series 5
1.The series starts with an underground creature bringing chaos to the city, forcing the team to chase around the city to track down the movements of this vicious burrowing creature. When the creature strikes for the final time, the team find one of their own in mortal danger and fight to save their life.
Creatures:Large Burrowing Creature
2.When a nuclear submarine encounters an anomaly and Liopleurodon in the sea, the team are called aboard to help. They soon find themselves under attack once more, and get sucked back through an anomaly, with Liopleurodons damaging the outside of the sub. The team must not only capture the panicked Eustreptospondylus aboard, but fix the sub exterior in order to get home.Creatures:Eustreptospondylus + Liopleurodon
3.Following a displaced raptor through an anomaly, Matt ends up in Victorian London. Realising its to blame for several gruesome murders in the area, he tracks it down only to find Emily attempting to do exactly the same thing. Despite attempts from an angry mob and her own husband, Emily and Matt are forced through the anomaly with an angry raptor, where Emily is forced to make a tough decision about her futureCreatures:Balaur Bondoc
4.Philip and Connor secretly open an anomaly within the ARC, only to be invaded by a mass of scurrying future-beetles, who force the ARC into lockdown. The team have just moments to save the day before the ARC and the beetle threat is destroyed when Philip threatens to incinerate the building. Creatures:Future Beetle
5.With increasing numbers of anomalies running the ARC team ragged, Matt realises his mission is coming to a climax, and determined to stop Philip, races to his machine. The team meanwhile are struggling to keep up with demand. When Philip escapes Connor’s custody, the clock is ticking for them to stop him in his tracksCreatures:Thrinaxodon + T-Rex?
6.Connor has disappeared through Philip’s anomaly, and Matt thinks that his mission is over – Philip has won, and seemingly, nothing has gone wrong. Matt has a decision to make about what to do next – and jumps through the anomaly to save Connor only to find himself in a barren desert world, with Connor struggling in the immense heat and deadly sun’s rays. It’s a world we recognise from Matt’s dreams. Worse still, coming towards them are a group of disgustingly mutated future predators, intent on causing some damage. Creatures:Mutated Future Predators

Doctor Who Series 6
1.Already Aired Creatures:The Silence + The Astronaut
2.Already Aired Creatures:The Silence + The Astronaut + Kovarian
3.The TARDIS is marooned onboard a 17th-century pirate ship whose crew is being attacked by a mysterious and beautiful sea creature, as the time-travelling drama continues.

Becalmed and beset by cabin fever, the pirates have numerous superstitious explanations for the Siren's appearance. The Doctor has other ideas but, as his theories are disproved and every plan of escape is thwarted, he must work to win the trust of the implacable Captain Avery and uncover the truth behind the pirates' supernatural fears – and he must work quickly, for some of his friends have already fallen under the Siren's spell...

4.The Doctor receives a distress signal from an old friend. Could there really be another living Time Lord out there? Hopes raised, he follows the signal to a junkyard planet sitting upon a mysterious asteroid in a Bubble universe, populated by a very strange family, as the time-travelling drama continues.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory are given the warmest of welcomes by Auntie, Uncle and Nephew. But the beautiful and insane Idris greets them in a more unusual fashion – what is she trying to tell the Doctor? As the Doctor investigates, he unwittingly puts his friends in the gravest danger.

Creatures:The House + The Ood
5.Oh dear," said Marcus Wilson, our steadfast and undefeatable new producer, looking at his BlackBerry. "The roof's fallen in." "What do you mean?" we asked. "Oh, what's happened this time?" "No, it's not a metaphor," said Marcus, wearily. "It's the roof. It's actually fallen in!" For a shoot that involved a collapsing location and, for a while, a director (hello, Julian Simpson!) on painkillers and a walking stick, this is a cracker of a two-parter.

Get behind the sofa now - reserve your place. If you, like me, have always longed for a movie about an alien shape-changer and an industrial dispute, this is the one for you. Yes, it's The Thing meets Made in Dagenham - and a brief but terrifying insight into the mind of that king among television writers, Matthew Graham (Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes). You'll probably want a little sit-down afterwards. Creatures:Shapeshifter + Gangers
6.Oh dear," said Marcus Wilson, our steadfast and undefeatable new producer, looking at his BlackBerry. "The roof's fallen in." "What do you mean?" we asked. "Oh, what's happened this time?" "No, it's not a metaphor," said Marcus, wearily. "It's the roof. It's actually fallen in!" For a shoot that involved a collapsing location and, for a while, a director (hello, Julian Simpson!) on painkillers and a walking stick, this is a cracker of a two-parter.

Get behind the sofa now - reserve your place. If you, like me, have always longed for a movie about an alien shape-changer and an industrial dispute, this is the one for you. Yes, it's The Thing meets Made in Dagenham - and a brief but terrifying insight into the mind of that king among television writers, Matthew Graham (Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes). You'll probably want a little sit-down afterwards. Creatures:Shapeshifter + Gangers
7.Want to find the most dangerous place in the universe? Easy. Harm a hair on Amy's head and just wait. But as the last of the Time Lords and the Lone Centurion [above] blaze across galaxies to save the woman in both their lives, history is unfolding. In her cell, in Stormcage, River Song knows the time has come at last. She has a secret, and this is the day she tells it.

The battle of Demons Run has begun.

And the Doctor's darkest hour is now.Creatures:Cybermen + Sontarans + Silurians + Dorium + Kovarian

Doctor Who Series 7
1.No Synopsis Released Creatures:Gangers + Kovarian
2.No Synopsis ReleasedCreatures:Dolls + Toys + Scissors
3.No Synopsis ReleasedCreatures:Handbots
4.No Synopsis ReleasedCreatures:Deformed Humanoid + Minotaur
5.No Synopsis ReleasedCreatures:Cybermen + Cybermats
6.No Synopsis ReleasedCreatures:Pterodactyl + Dinosaur + The Silence

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Doctor Who Disappoints in the Ratings Again

Above:River Song,Amy and Rory's reaction to the news
Only 6.4m tuned in for the series opener The Impossible Astronaut meaning,the final figure will probably be about 8m, this will be the lowest a series opener has been ,if the series continues to fall it could be axed.It can't be doubted that the series has lost a lot of its ratings through the loss of David Tennant, with an average of 10m tuning in for his last year as the doctor, that figure fell by about 2 million last year, with the arrival of the new doctor.Figures for the series were terrible last year, with the lodger getting the lowest ratings yet, for doctor doctor who since the revival, with final ratings of only 5.98m.The finale last year was abysmal in ratings aswell, the final ratings showing only just over 6 and a half million tuned in to watch it,where as the last two finales for david tennant both scored mid 10m and 11.79 million respectivley.The only positive is that the latest christmas special scored an impressive 12m final figure.Lets hope for mid 7m overnight ratings for Day of the Moon.At least it's not as bad as recent ratings for Primeval have averaged 4.18m (final figures).Even though, Primeval gets a bigger budget than Doctor Who with a budget of over £1,000,000 an episode compared to recent estimates of Doctor Who's Budget to be between £700,000-£800,000 an episode.

Monster of the Day-The Silence

The Silence make you forget if you look away and similarly to the weeping angels they can drain electricity and they use it in a terrifing way to kill you!!!.Somehow,the silence bare similarities to the Ood,the Cyberman,the Sycorax and the weeping angels.Also,has anyone noticed how they seem to kill in the same way River's Gun killed the fez.Their home planet is unknown.However,we do know that they live in undergroiund tunnels underneath your house and visit regularly.You just forget everytime you see one.The Doctor,River Song,Rory and Amy decide to mark themselves to show how many times they've seen a silent.Apparently,they were responsible for blowing up the tardis on 26/06/10.Why did the silence choose this date?What links them to Amy and Rory's wedding?and What did the silence mean by "You must tell what he needs to know and what he must never know"?They created the lodger tardis and who knows how long they have been setting traps for the doctor.All i know is they believe this world is theirs and if you don't agree you should look away and forget rather than be destroyed by the silence's electricity.One things for certain i can't wait for them to have a fight to the death with the doctor and his friends in the lodger tardis.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Impossible Astronaut Review

Dalek1099's Review:
I'm Pregnant

Quote of the Episode I'm Pregnant
Enemy:The Silence,The Astronaut(Helper Enemy)
Aliens:The Silence,The Astronaut(Possibly)
Companions:Amy Pond,River Song,Rory Williams,Canton Everett Delaware III
Saviour:TBA In Day of the Moon (Prediction:The Doctor and River Song)
Rating:9.6/10(Best this series not suprising because we have only had one episode so far!!!)
Twists:France,WW1 Prisoner of War Camp,Regeneration Failure,Rewritten History,Balloon,Envelopes,Astronaut,Shooting,Old Canton,Younger Doctor,1103,909,908,Straw,Nixon,Oval Office,Invisibility Cloak,Memory Loss,Phone Picture,Death by Silent,Pregnancy,Lodger Tardis,Little Girl,Phone Calls,Map,Jammie Dodger,Fez,Stetson,2nd Choice,Amy shooting Little Girl,Paradox,Secrets,Tunnels
Reason for Plotholes:Might of not been plotholes to complicated
Setting:Oval Office,1969 Utah,2010 France,1482 WW2,
Cliffhanger:Amy Shoots the Little Girl

Overall,great episode lots of loose ends how come that little girl is the astronaut who shoots the doctor or is she?It was absolutely fantastic seeing the silence use the tardis team's disability of seeing them to their advantage at the end of the episode and i find it really hard fully reviewing this episode when we've only seen half of a story.One criticisms is their wasn't enough of Utah but then again knowing what we've seen in trailers and things it looks like we're returning their.Amy being pregnant was an amazing twist aswell because i was fully expecting Amy to realise that she'd seen the silent as she has a photo of it and the doctor to see this photo and explain to us what is happening.That is what is so good about this episode it makes the doctor not encounter the silence and not have a chance to be part of the adventure as much as his companions which banishes the stereotypes of the doctor just doing everything and gave such variety to the show.The Doctor's Death was a bit too fast is another criticism we needed more build up to anticipate it more and fully anticipate it when it came.Overall,though absolutely excellent opener and once again it looks like Moffat has decided to pack everything into the second part.I'm looking forward to how he wraps it all up.
My Theory:I think that the silence have a spaceship, above Earth and have been manipulating the human race, into Beginning a space program which they plan to take over, so they can get to their spaceship- they must have had to escape in an escape pod or something. Don't know how this links to their tardis though - maybe it can only travel in Time and not Space now what a great twist that is we've seen things that can travel in space and time and space but not just time like H.G.Wells novel The Time Machine.

Ritzii's Review:

It's back, it's finally back! Was it good? Ohhhh yes! Now, I find it hard to judge a multi-part story without seeing everything but I'll give it a go.

(Synopsis from the official site)

The Doctor is back in the biggest, most mind-blowing series opener ever. Amy, Rory and River also return for an adventure that combines humour, shocks for our heroes and one of the creepiest creatures they've ever encountered...

The Doctor is engaged on quest that takes him from the visually stunning Utah desert to the White House where he's enlisted by President Nixon himself to assist enigmatic former-FBI agent Canton. His mission - save a terrified little girl from a mysterious spaceman.

Prepare for the return of the galaxy's greatest hero. Prepare for excitement. And prepare - if you can - for The Silence...

The Good - Almost everything about this episode was fantastic. Our main cast deliver excellent performances as usual and Mark Sheppard as Canton is one of the finest guest stars to appear in the series to date. Throughout the episode, the main thing I felt was intrigue, I was intrigued to know what would happen next! The episode ended leaving you wanting so much more and that is the job of a first parter!

The Bad - I have one main qualm about the episode and that is simply the pacing. It was a tad off for the first 20 minutes or so. I understand that we have to get everyone together and explain what's going on for new/casual viewers, but I think it could have done with some slight fine-tuning.

The Ugly - The Silence! Whoah, I would not want to run into them in a dark alley. Then again, maybe I have and I don't remember?

Overall - If this is just the start, I cannot wait to see how the rest of the series unfolds. This was a fantastic opening to the series with many twists and turns and some genuinely scary monsters. If you haven't watched it yet, watch it now!!!

The Impossible Astronaut in 5 Minutes Don't Forget

Watch the Elisabeth Sladen Tribute at 6:45pm

We're talking about the Daleks. The most evil creatures ever invented. You must destroy them. You must complete your mission for the Time Lords!

Sarah Jane Smith was an incredible character,one of the best if not the best doctor who companion of all time, unfournatley her character will only have three more adventures in Series 5 of The Sarah Jane Adventures .The Quote above shows how great of a companion she was to the doctor she knew how bad of a mistake ,he was about to do and knew even better than him, that the daleks should be destroyed because of the massive amount of people that would perish, at the daleks hands, if they weren't destroyed.However,we do have to remember that her character would not have been the same without the incredible actress Elisabeth Sladen ,who unfournatley died recently of cancer, so i find it fitting that she will have a show dedicated to her, just after doctor who ,on the CBBC channel.So don't let her down and watch the show in memory of her incredible acting ,as Sarah Jane Smith remember 6:45PM My Sarah Jane:A Tribute to Sarah Jane-I will be tuning in so make sure you do.

A Christmas Carol Review

But that never Happened...But it did...

I'm Sorry for never posting a review of the story so i will now, only a short review though.

Enemy:Elliot Sardick(Main Enemy),Flying Shark(It was Hungry)

Aliens:Flying Shark,Flying Fish

Setting:Planet Snow,44th Century

Companions:Amy Pond,Rory Pond,Kazran Sardick,Abigail Pettigrew


A good story not the best at least it was better than The Beast Below last year and better than the average RTD episode but Steven Moffat quickly raised that standard last year.The story was good because it showed new aspects of time travelling like Kazran realising, that he has new memories and that he can't work the fog machine because his father never allowed him because of the person he has become.My only criticism is that the monsters weren't used enough, the sharks did have some great scenes but since this show is about the monsters i feel they should have featured more.There were some great twists; they followed the original well.

Review Plans

I plan to write a review and so does ,our new author,Ritzii.Me and Ritzii are currently planning to each write our reviews as drafts and then fuse them together into one and publish the review .However,plans could change.At the Moment,I can't give a time when the review will be posted because i know when i will be able to write my part of the review but i don't currently have a time when Ritzii's available.So,all i can say is wait patiently as the review should be posted soon.

Monster of the Day-The Pyroviles

Firstly,I know that the last Monster of the Day had maybe too much information so hopefully this monster of the day, will be shorter and more to the point.

The Pyroviles came to Earth after their home world,Pyrovillia, was stolen by the daleks and davros who later would plan to use the world as part of their reality bomb to make daleks the only creatures left in the whole reality.A group of Pyroviles escaped in an escape pod and crashed in the heart of mount and lay dormant their until an earthquake occurred which was the precursor to the main eruption which the Pyroviles were planning to stop by using the power the eruption would release to build their empire on Earth.They created a plan to make Earth the new home for their species by tricking parents into wanting their daughters to become part of the Sisterhood,this made them become Pyroviles because to get the power of prophecy which was needed to become part of the sisterhood they had to sniff in the fumes which were actually made of dust and turned you into stone just one step on the way to becoming a fully grown Pyrovile.Pyroviles can kill humans instantly by breathing fire at them but they can easily be destroyed by water.The Doctor defeated them by quickly escaping from their grasp ,narrowly avoiding being burnt alive,and locking himself and Donna inside they Escape Pod which gave them two advantages ,a chance to revert the Pyrovile's power stealing from the heart of mount Vesuvius and cause the eruption which would end 20,000, by pressing down the lever and a chance to escape the eruption, he was going to cause.They're is two forms of Pyrovile Child Pyrovile and Adult Pyrovile;pictures of both can been above.

New spoilerific images from the official site

Check them out!

Friday, 22 April 2011

I guess I should introduce myself...

Hi there, I'm the latest contributor to this blog. I'm not completely sure what to say here, so I guess I'll go with the basics. I'm 20 years old and became a fan of Doctor Who back in 2005. This wasn't with the relaunched series though, I started watching classics on UK Gold and soon enough the new series came! My favourite Doctor is Tom Baker (particularly in his early seasons) and most of my favourite stories come from his era. I'm currently working my way through a Doctor Who marathon, although being a bit weird - I started with Tom and then went back to Hartnell once I'd finished the classic-era. I'm at 'The Time Meddler' at the minute and I'm loving the Hartnell-era so far.

My plans for this blog are simple; first of all - I am planning to give it a complete redesign. It isn't the best looking blog out there, so I plan to spruce it up and make it sleek and simple. I'll attempt to post as much news as I can find and will probably write a review for each episode of the upcoming series. But the most important thing is you guys, if you want something - just mention it in the comments and I'll do my best to get what you want (all within reason of course!).

So yeah, that's me! I hope everyone is looking forward to 'The Impossible Astronaut' tomorrow, I know I certainly am!

New Author Joins the Blog

I have been looking for a new author for my blog after several searches around the internet for possible authors i've found one.The New Author has been very kind because he's decided to give up his time helping my blog as soon as he seen that i was looking for a new author he was straight in their asking for help.He's even said he'll help sort the design of the blog because he thought it was cluttered.So,that is how kind he is and i'm sure he'll make a great new addition to our team.So I will now announce him the new author is Ritzii,He has previous blogger experience maybe not the most extensive but experience nonetheless.He is represented above by his Gallifrey Base Avatar.Ritzii will be writing his first post later telling us about himself.

What's Next Doctor is Looking For a 2nd Author

This blog is looking for a 2nd Author for many reasons to increase the possible posts per day because at one certain period of time i hadn't posted for ages and the blog was at risk of being closed.However,i carried on unlike blink who couldn't keep his blog up to date and i understood this as i have had such problems on this blog aswell.Fournately,he now has a place on Combom's Blog nominated for an award in the SFX awards How Much better of a promotion can you get?Right now to the point i want this new author to look around the internet for news which noone else will have picked up and help post the monster of the day posts which some people loved but i haven't had time to post them as often as i would and also possibly help my doctor who series because it has got a bit stuck where i don't know how to turn the plot into a full episode.Please Remember you don't have to do all of the things above they are just suggestions of how a 2nd author could help this blog and what possible tasks they could have.Please Comment if you want to become the 2nd author and please write a paragrah on why you want to become part of my job,what possible skills you have/Previous experience on other blogs etc and what you hope/will bring to the role.Closing Date for Entries:08/05/11 2nd Author Announced:12/05/11

P.S Please include email so i can send the invitation and contact you on issues relating to the blog

EDIT:This Post has been locked at the top of the page till 12/05/11 16:00 when the winner will be announced and i will send an email invitation then hopefully on the same day they will write a new post talking about themselves and what they may hope to achieve etc

Monster of the Day-The Sontarans

The Sontarans are the fourth most recurring monster behind the timelords,daleks and Cybermen.They are constantly at war with the rutans a strange shape shifting creature which looks a lot like the strange dalek experiment the doctor found in Daleks in Manhattan.These Monsters look like boiled potato and are very short 5ft compared to the 6ft Daleks and 7ft Cybermen.They have appeared in 10 adventures 7 from Doctor Who,2 from The Sarah Jane Adventures and another spinoff adventure called Shakedown:Return of the Sontarans.The Sontarans have not faced the rutans in Doctor Who but did end up facing their enemies the rutans in Shakedown.In their very first adventure a sontaran pod crashed to earth in medieval times and a lot of the equipment in the ship was damaged so the sontaran Linx needed to kidnap earth scientists from the 21st century to fix it.The Sontarans returned again this time they decided they needed to complete several tests on humans to find their weakness when the reports on humans were not sent to the fleet of the sontarans because of the 4th doctors intervention the invasion was cancelled.In the next story they invaded gallifrey by tricking the doctor into lowing the forcefields around gallifrey to defeat the vardans who were secretly working for the sontarans.Then in their next adventure after that they kidnapped the 2nd Doctor and where trying to find a way to timetravel like the timelords.The Sontarans returned to face the 10th Doctor were they planned to turn Earth into a clone world for the sontarans so the sontarans could clone new soldiers in their constant battle against the rutans by doing this they released toxic gases into the atmosphere this meant that if the transformation of Earth into a sontaran clone world had been completed then all humans on the planet would suffocate.Jast a single companion attempted to assassinate Martha Smith-Jones and Mickey Smith-Jones put the doctor thwarted his plans by knocking him off a railing and hitting his probic vent in the process.A sontaran's probic vent is their only weak point meaning they always have to face their enemies and can't look away or their probic vent would be attacked.The probic vent was were the sontarans were fed energy instead of feeding hence attacking it would mean that the energy that the sontaran that was attacked had would be drained.They then returned to help the doctor be trapped in the pandorica and said a wonderful line "We will save the universe from you".To Add to This,their catchphrase is "Sontar-Ha" similar to the dalek's catchphrase "Exterminate" and the cybermen's "delete.Their catchphrase and their name comes from their home planet which is Sontar.The Sontarans are very strong and great fighters of combat because their planet Sontar has gravity six times stronger than Earth.The Sontarans will return in Series 6.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

New Video Mystery

The BBC have uploaded a strange video called are real on the doctor who website but what is it all about?and what is the flickering about?makes me think of The Time of Angels Anyway,above is a screencap of one of the flickers (2nd Image)so just look above and tell me whether you see anything significant.Please Comment!!!
EDIT:The BBC have uploaded another one on youtube their is a screencap above for that aswell(1st Image)

New Blog Address

Our Blog Address has changed this blog is now called this will hopefully bring more people to the blog to view our extensive range of spoilers but don't worry if you thought that our change of blog title will mean that this blog will not provide what is next for the doctor i can tell you it still will because that was our main purpose before and it will still be our main purpose.

New Dailymotion Competition

New Competition
1.A Henchman's Quest-
2.The Explosive Mystery-
3.Death Came From the Lake-
4.The Moment of Destruction-
5.The Premonition-
6.Day of Resurrection-
7.Demons of the Icy Cave-
8.Gas Saved My Day-
9.A Trap Within A Trap-
10.Gas Not Wanted-

I think the first ones the hardest!!!
Please Send the Answers by Message not by Comment because it makes it easier to check who's won rather than look through loads and loads of comments but you can comment on hows difficult or easy they are!!!P.S You will need a Dailymotion account for this!!!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Welcome to the Chatango Universe

This blog now has a fully functioning chatango box which hopefully all of this blog's readers will post in and it will be extra special for whoever gets to post the first comment in the box who is not called Dalek1099.Please make sure you have sign in details so their is no risk of impersonation.Also,i have left the Cbox because sometimes the Chatango box doesn't load and if you still want to express your comments in another way than post a comment then you can even if your internet's slow!!!
Here is my Chatango Message:
Please Chat Politely and don't post stupid comments.Also,Advertisement is allowed as long as it relates to Whoniverse spoilers,websites and blogs or similar fantastic shows like Star Trek,Merlin and Primeval Thank you for visiting my blog and Posting in the Chatango Box.

New Poll-Which Monster are you most looking forward to see from Series 32/33?

Please Vote and Don't comment saying the daleks aren't appearing because Steven Moffat pretty much told us in DWM that they would appear in the last episode so i have voted and voted them because they are the best monsters to have appeared in Doctor Who so far in my opinion!!!

New Tardis Materialisation

Above is a screenshot from the Impossible Astronaut Trailer showing the tardis materialising strangely or possibly revealing it self from some sort of disguise or cloak?
In this trailer we see the tardis materialise strangely in the white house this is then followed by the guards putting guns at their hands and before this we see the doctor saying lets take it slow but what has the doctor or River Song done to the tardis to make it be invisible?materialise in a strange way?and what do you think about this issue being connected to number 8 of the digital spy teasers ("River, make it blue again!")i think this event of the the tardis strangely materialising is where that line is from but what do you think?Please Comment Below!!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Elisabeth Sladen has Died Meaning That The Future of SJA is Doomed

Noone will ever forget you,you are so important i don't know what i'm going to do without you we need Sarah Jane saving the world in 13 Bannerman Road it was all because of the silence this they have planned this all along to take advantage of people like you Sarah,who save the world when i can't and now all of us are doomed.Why did I ever let the silence take you away because you were one of my best companions if not the best because you showed loyalty,courage and frienship a man like me has never seen before and probably never will
How Sarah Jane Smith should be tributed by The 11th Doctor.This is terrible news so terrible i had to post it normally this sort of news about who has died usually sails over my head but now both Nicholas Courtney and Elisabeth Sladen have died both of them have appeared in loads and loads of stories of doctor who aswell as spinoff series.Elisabeth Sladen dying now means that Series 5 is incomplete not all of it has been filmed only half of it is certain to have been filmed and is likely since of this we will only get to see 4 stories this year and that will be it for SJA because of this terrible death How is the universe of Doctor Who going to be the same again without Sarah Jane ,played by the incredible actress Elisabeth Sladen?Also,here is a good tribute video to Sarah Jane Smith a character so excellently played by Elisabeth Sladen and without her incredible acting the doctor who universe would never have been as popular and excellent as it is today.
P.SThis Video is not made by me,it is from Youtube from a user called, TheNextTimelord here is the original video

New Side Banner and Template

The New Side Banner has finally been completed and has been positioned around the new template originally the template was to have featured all the doctor who monsters on TV ever but this challenge disrupted the blog too much and it was difficult to maintain that amount of images so the plans for the side banner where changed to include all the Doctor Who Monster of the Year winners as revealed yesterday.Please comment about these new changes and Please don't mention other faults at this moment with the gadgets with this new template as i am trying to fix them problems now.Thanks for reading this blog!!!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Monster of the Year:1963-2011 Winners

This is all the winners of Monster of the Year as chosen by me Please comment below on what you think of them:
1966-War Machines
1972-Sea Devils
1974-Eight Legs
1980-Great Vampires
1983-Raston Warrior
1987-Cleaning Robots
1988-Gods of Ragnorok
1989-Cheetah People
1990-Ice Warriors
2011-Silence (Probable)

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Full Spoilers-The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon

This is from a post on Gallifreybase from Ape Goes Insane who did not go to the screening but had a friend who went and told us basically everything that happens so here it goes :
The episode opens with the Doctor in France getting caught posing nude for a female painter, then it cuts to Rory reading out what goes down out of a history book to Amy in what appears to be their new (and very modern looking) home while Rory has Laurel and Hardy on. When they aren't looking the doctor wearing a fez comes up to the screen and waves. Anyways the mail comes and they recieve a TARDIS blue envelope that has the number 3 on the back, the envelope just has the date and coordinate for Utah, USA. It cuts to the Stormcage where River gets her mail and recieves the same envelope but with a 2 on the back and she escapes. So Rory and Amy arrive in Utah and meet up with The Doctor who sent the envelopes, cue Stetson line and River arrives, they stop at a diner and compare diaries. This Doctor and River seem pretty in sync, so they have a picnic, he mentions they have a mission in 1969 regarding the moon.

Amy askes how old he is and says he is now 1103, Amy states last time they saw him two months prior he was only 908 (I think thats how old she said). So this Doctor is the Future Doctor - 200 years in the future. Amy looks a cliff and sees a Silent and flips out but she looks down and forgets. Anyways he says the line about he needs to stop running, and when he looks at a cliff he sees an old man standing there, turns around and the Spaceman is in the water.

He approaches the Spaceman and says it's ok I know who you are and what you are going to do. As he opens the Spaceman's visor the camera pans so you don't see who it is. Amy, Rory and River wondering from a distance who it is. Then next thing you know BAM! The Spaceman fires a laser gun at him. BAM! Again fires more shots. He looks at his hands as they start to glow gold and I think he said I'm sorry its happening again. And right before he was about to burst in regenerative energy BAM! He gets shot one more time. They run to him all flipping out and River is furiously firing her gun at the Spaceman, Amy seeing The Silent again, The Doctor is dead. No life signs, no regeneration. Just dead.

The old man comes down. He has a TARDIS blue envelope as well. His is numbered 4. It's an aged Canton Everett Delaware The 3rd. And he brought a can of kerosene/gasoline to burn the Doctor's body. Rory decides to do it "with honour" as he spots a rowboat. They place the doctor's body inside and set it on fire and push it out into the water. When they head back to the diner, Amy notices another TARDIS blue envelope with the number 1, they ask the diner who it is and he just says some guy but he is in the bathroom, River surmises who it is and askes who does the Doctor trust the most. The door opens and out pops The Doctor. Looking goofy as ever saying he just went to get his favorite straw because it makes drinks more fizzy. River calls him cruel, Amy and Rory are in shock. River tells Amy to ask how old he is and he says he is 908, so essentially this is the Past Doctor/Current Doctor. Also Canton Everett Delaware is basically a full companion for the entire 2 parter, multiple TARDIS trips and everything.

Aat the end of episode 1 you find out who Amy shoots. It's the girl calling Nixon, she is trapped in the spacesuit which can move on its on. She is a human prisoner (at least I think she is) of the Silents. Amy and Canton go to investigate the home she is from, Amy find her room and see her pictures but she gets captured by the Silents One of which is Amy holding a baby (I know right). Rory and River have to save the Doctor from NASA because he got arrested. She disappears for the rest of the episode until the final scene in 1960s NYC.

The Doctor goes to the Silences base which River and Rory found in episode 1 (its the Lodger TARDIS or at least a duplicate) and The Doctor pretty much lays down the law. Saying he hates guns but River not so much. She would easily kill 8 of them without hesitation. Stuff happens River starts killing Silents, Rory tries to save Amy, the Doctor sonics her free and then joins River in the onslaught amd uses the Sonic Screwdriver as a weapon shooting energy blasts. They return Canton to the White House and then are on their way and you cut to the final scene....

You see a hobo going through the trash and she comes stumbling through. He asks " are you alright little girl?" and she says "No ::cough cough:: I'm dying..." The homeless man sounds startled and confused "... but it's ok" she says "because it's starting" her hands and body starts to glow bright orange and energy starts to float off of her, the hobo gets scared and runs away and WOOOOOOOOSH! This unknown 6-8 year old girl starts regenerating. And then it cuts to the credits.

In summary: Future Doctor - dead, and unknown girl starts to regenerate at the end.
Also,Amy asks the doctor whether time travelling affects pregnancy.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

50 Clues for Series 6/7

silent siren ood the house gangers shape shifters sontarans silurians cybermen nazis dolls scissors toys time glass handbots red waterfall rita mole minotaur hotel cybermat cybermen cybership craig amy the doctor sophie river nixon canton avery regeneration astronaut spaceman 1969 1676 anchor Amelia war wife memory mondas young cavaliers Stetson

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

I nearly got Episode 3's title right

I predicted the title would be Curse of the Pirates and how much closer can you be when the title tuns out to be The curse of the black spot the curse is obviously of the pirates and i didn't mention any black spots so i came so close but not close enough i completely failed on the rest never mind.

Friday, 1 April 2011

The truth behind the April fools joke

Of Course it was an april fools joke here is the real cv:
It would have been good if she was going to be in doctor who playing the cybercontroller.Comment below i you were fooled!!!

Tracy-Ann-Oberman to Star as Cybercontroller

What do you think of the news?

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Predicted Synopsis for all Series 6 Episodes

Last year i posted the synopsis for every episode which showed what i thought was going to happen they weren't too accurate or inaccurate but last year they posted with a post about every story for the new series this year they will be posted all together as one so here we go:
1.The Doctor,Amy and Rory arrive in Utah in 1969 and meet up with River Song they are then escorted to the oval office for a special meeting with president Nixon.Once at the oval office,they soon discover something is wrong and that a special project called Apollo 10.5 is being kept secret by the U.S government.But how does this linked to an invasion of America by aliens?
2.USA has been invaded and the doctor has realised that aliens have been hiding undercover and have invented a new disastrous space mission Apollo 10.5.Who are the Silents?Can the Astronauts for the mission be saved? and what does the mission mean for the human race?
3.In the 1600s,the doctor, Amy and Rory discover pirates who are cursed by the siren.Can the doctor save the pirates from the curse and at the same time protect Amy and Rory from being took over by the siren because the doctor soon realises one drop is all that is needed for her to rise out of the ocean.
4.On a Junkyard Planet The Doctor discovers Idris,who wants to commit suicide,and is somehow linked to an old acquaintance who has a new face.Who is Idris? and Why have the Ood invaded the doctor's tardis?
5.In the future,the doctor, Amy and Rory discover a cloned doctor but they soon discover this is all part of devastating plan to destroy the earth.
6.The workforce of The Doctor's nightmares,the incomplete clones are only part of a big alien invasion and Amy and Rory can't work which doctor is which?Time is running out,they must find the right doctor and obey his commands not the clones or Earth will never be the same again.
7.The Doctor meets up with River Song again and when the tardis lands on earth they discover that Earth has been annihilated by the alliance.Why has the alliance formed now that the cracks never existed? Why do the alliance want to devastate Earth and How can the Doctor save Earth from the alliance?

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Amy Pond meets Amy Pond in Double Trouble

Doctor Who will have a red nose day special featuring two Amy Ponds,two tardis's and The Doctor and Rory but their could be two doctors and Rorys - we will have to watch and see.I have provisionally named this special Double Trouble and given it a production code of 32x2 meaning Series 32 Special 2 A Christmas Carol was 32x Series 32 Special 1.

Also the cover of the new DWM issue seems to suggest that 32.1 Series 32 Episode 1 will be called The God Complex.Both titles should have a title previous rumours said the titles for the two parter were Apollo 10 ½ or The Silence.I personally feel The God Complex is the title for Episode 1 And The Silence is the title for Episode 2 so here is how Series 32/33 is shaping up.

Series 32
X.A Christmas Carol (Already Aired)
X2.Double Trouble (Rumoured Title)
1.The God Complex(Title shown on Cover but might not mean what I think it means)(P1)
2.The Silence 2 of 2 (Rumoured Title)(P2)
3.Curse of the Pirates (Rumoured Title)
4.The Power of the Rain Gods (Rumoured Title)
5.The Rebel Flesh (Working Title) (P1)
6.Gangers (Working Title) (P2)
7.Demons Run (Working Title) (P1)

Series 33
1.Relationship Problems (Rumoured Title) (P2)
2.What are Little Boys Made of?/Night Terrors/House Call (Working Titles)
3.The Return of the Weeping Angels (Rumoured Title)
4.The Coward Known as Gibbis (Rumoured Title)
5.The Lodger 2 (P1) (Rumoured Title)
6.The Truth of the Silents (P2) (Rumoured Title)

Series 32
NOTE:All Writers Credits are shown before Series 32
X..Steven Moffat (Already Aired)(Writer of The Empty Child,The Doctor Dances,The Girl in the Fireplace,Blink,Timecrash,Silence in the Library,Forest of the Dead,The End of Time Part 2 (Last Scene),The Eleventh Hour,The Beast Below,The Time of Angels,Flesh and Stone,The Pandorica Opens,The Big Bang)
X2.Steven Moffat (Rumoured Writer0
1.Steven Moffat
2.Steven Moffat
3.Stephen Thompson (New Writer)
4.Neill Gaiman (New Writer)
5.Matthew Graham (Writer of Fear Her)
6.Matthew Graham
7.Steven Moffat

Series 33
NOTE:All Writers Credits are shown before Series 32
1.Steven Moffat
2.Mark Gatiss (Writer of The Unquiet Dead,The Idiot's Lantern,Victory of the Daleks)
3.Richard Curtis (Rumoured Writer) (Writer of Vincent and the Doctor)
4.Toby Whithouse (Writer of School Reunion,The Vampires of Venice)
5.Gareth Roberts (The Shakespeare Code,The Unicorn and the Wasp,Planet of the Dead(Co-Wrote),The Lodger)
6.Steven Moffat

Extra Note:The Comic Relief special seems to see Amy Pond's legs last Apperance because in the opening two parter she is wearing jeans and purple tights in the pirate episode please comment if you know that they will be exposed again later in the series.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Follow Dalek1099 on Twitter

I now have a twitter account so please follow my twitter account:

Monday, 21 February 2011

Apollo Mistake

I have just realised that their is a mistake on the poll it should be Apollo 10 ½ on the poll not Apollo ½!!! That title might be real i found it on a website somewhere and it seems plausible because we know the episode will set between apollo 10 and 11 and steven moffat mention apollo 10.5!!!

Why Doctor Who Series 32 will air on Easter Saturday

Combom's guess is April 2nd 2011 however i have my own guess and that is April 22nd 2011 and i am pretty sure combom is wrong this year because one basic rule for airdates the issue before the dwm issue that features previews of the first episodes is published DWM includes a preview which always says that the next issue will include what i have stated above.DWM is never late or wrong the latest DWM went out on 10 February 2011 the next will be 10 March 2011 and the next after that will be the 7th April 2011 and the latest issue didn't mention about any previews so we know that the series will air 9th April or later.If the series aired on April 23rd then it would finish on June 3rd this would leave a three month gap to series 33 meaning it will air on September 3rd which would allow the BBC to cram 6 episodes of Doctor Who and 10 episodes of merlin just before christmas and Merlin has not officially been announced to be aired in 2012 and reports say it might air in October so that is my guess for the series airing.I have set the countdown widget for 6:30 pm on that day because that i feel is the most likely date it will air.Please comment about your views on the airdate!!!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Monster of the Day - Dinosaurs

Operation Golden Age used dinosaurs to evacuate London so that they could reverse Earth's history and reduce the amount of humans on our planet because they felt Earth was far too polluted.Dinosaurs have played a role in Primeval.Raptors have appeared in shopping malls and theatres.A Dracorex was hunted by a knight.Giganotosaurus appeared at an airport and Spinosaurus chased Connor and Abby through an anomaly.I love dinosaurs because they are great representations of how lucky we are not to have lived in the creatceous and how our planet has created incredible monsters.Dinosaurs are over used though because we also have mammal like reptiles from the permian and early mammals from just after the dinosaurs were destroyed an asteroid in the real universe but in the whoniverse they were destroyed by the ship which the cyberman planned to use to destroy live on Earth but failed by sending to far backwards in time.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Monsters Series 32/33

Series 32
1/2 Silents By Steven Moffat (Confirmed)/ Grey Alien seen in trailer/ Mara (Rumoured) (Unlikely since if they returned they would probably have to be the main enemy but a giant snake has been reported to have come out of a lake while filming Grey Alien and Silents could be the same creature The Grey alien may be what Amy and River will become if the doctor can't save them)
3 Siren By Stephen Thompson (Mentioned in Speech (Blood draws the Siren) )

4 Rain Gods/Ood (Confirmed to be in an episode) I think the ood will be in this episode because Rory seemed in the same clothes in the trailer and it can be noted that the ood seemed to be in the corridors of the tardis
By Neill Gaiman Not Confirmed but where mentioned by Neill Gaiman)
Probably an episode where the doctor tells asn alien species similar to our own or even humans to stop sacrificing to the rain gods because they are not real but the doctor realises they are real and must defeat them to save the species from the rath of these monsters

5/6 Rebel Flesh / Gangers (Working Title)Incomplete Clones (Confirmed)/ Monks (Confirmed)Aliens (Daleks?) (Not Confirmed) who made them It can be noticed that the doctor was cloned before by the daleks and it was mentioned that the doctor will have a flashback of Skaro so this could be them returning and the old daleks will join the new daleks if the daleks return.Is this series trying to look back at the black and white era? Episodes 1 and 2 set in 1960s People where sacrificed to the Rain Gods in the Aztecs and the doctor was cloned in the chase

7 Demons Run (Working Title)(Part 1 of 2) Sontarans (Confirmed)/Cybermen (Confirmed)/Silents (Not Confirmed) By Steven Moffat The Silents will probably feature because i doubt steven will only feature the silents in the opening two parter

Series 33

1 (Part 1 of 2)Sontarans (Confirmed)/Cybermen (Confirmed)/Silents (Not Confirmed) By Steven Moffat The Silents will probably feature because i doubt steven will only feature the silents in the opening two parter

2 What are Little Boys Made of?/Night Terrors/House Call (Working Titles)
Dolls (Confirmed)/Giant Scissors (Not Confirmed/Toys (Not Confirmed)

3 Mole (Gibbis) ? (Not Confirmed)By Toby Whithouse The Sun said David Walliams would play a cowardly mole called gibbis this might not be true because the sun is a tabloid but the daily star got the finale storyline last year right If this is true the plot will probably be set on a planet were their are two species one enslaved by the other or at war with them one species bad one species good the mole is part of the good species and the doctor needs Gibbis's help to save his species from the bad species he decides to not help since he is a coward but he decides to help at the last minute saving the day The doctor who website has confimed he will play gibbis no news about moles though

4 By Gareth Roberts / Tom Macrae / Paul Cornell (Not Confirmed) Possibly set on an ice base or egypt but episodes 7 and 8 are rumoured to be set in egypt will probably include Freddy (Will Wylde)(Confirmed to be in an episode )

5/6 By Steven Moffat (Not Confirmed) (Not Confimed to be a two parter either) Silents?/Daleks?/Cybermen?/Sontarans? Silents will be probably included as a end to their 3 series arc