The Correct Pilot has been found
Enemy:Hologram(Auto Pilot)
Aliens:Hologram(Auto Pilot)
Companions:Amy Pond
Deaths:17 (2 on screen I think)
Rating:9.54/10.00(8th Best of the Series)
Twists:Tardis throwing the Doctor out,Time Distortion,Earpiece,Fake Kiss,Shower,Monkeys,Man upstairs,Lodger Advert,headbutt,attempt to make a tardis,no upstairs,Crack,Wedding Ring
Plothole:1 Where on Earth did that Earpiece come from?
Reason for Plothole:Unknown
A decent episode the positives from this adventure are the portrayal of the hologram was very strange and at first I thought it was a zygon upstairs or some strange shapeshifting creature however it would have been better to have a creature as the main enenemy not a hologram that is my main criticism about the episode.I enjoyed the doctor playing football and being in the shower as it showed a new level to doctor who the doctor trying to become human.Craig opening the doctor's room was an hilarious moment and seeing a mad machine which was trying to track down signals from the upstairs flat and really didn't do anything at all so that was a bit silly.Another Criticism, I have for this episode is that their are still a lot of mysteries which haven't been answered who tried to create this space-time machine?I feel the production team again didn't have enough money to show us they should have showed us in a flashback scene or something anyway I can promise you if you are lacking monsters after Saturday's episode then episode 12 the pandorica opens is for you loads of monsters are coming.Their are other things I liked like the relationship between Craig and Sophie and I loved the bit where The Doctor and Amy said Kiss the Girl like they where ordering them to.I feel this was the low budget episode which showed in ways furthermore the humour and fun in this episode was good after two sad episodes and two sad ones to come after this and the ending was very strange does she remember Rory?Are Craig and Sophie safe from the crack behind their fridge?Let the finale commence!!!
What I am looking forward to in The Pandorica Opens:
1.The Return of the Cybermen
2.Rory retrning thank god he isn't gone forever
3.Amelia Returning
4.River Song,Liz 10 and Churchill returning
5.Loads and Loads and Loads and Loads of creatures including Daleks,Cybermen and Sontarans
6.The Pandorica
7.Finding out who is the most powerful and dangerous creature in the universe is
8.The Cliffhanger We know every single thing is revealed about the plot as everything from the entire series comes together
9.Finding out what happens to the Doctor How can he be gone by the big bang?
10.The Tardis being destroyed
11.Cyberman attacking Amy
12.Loads of spaceships above Stonehenge including four sontaran warships
13.The Doctor wrestling with two Roman soldiers with creatures watching
14.Chelonians We have seen them in a comic strip now they will appear on TV Will they be CGI or will actors play them?
15.Roman Soldiers
16.Finding out why the Roman soldiers are helping the aliens
17.Finding out how these cracks where created
18.Zygons How will they be different than when they where in Terror of the Zygons and how will they be the same?
19.Creatures walking somewhere with Cybermen leading
20.Weevils and Silurians Lovely to see these back
21.An action packed emotional incredible drama which I am sure will be the best one yet