Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Impossible Astronaut Review

Dalek1099's Review:
I'm Pregnant

Quote of the Episode I'm Pregnant
Enemy:The Silence,The Astronaut(Helper Enemy)
Aliens:The Silence,The Astronaut(Possibly)
Companions:Amy Pond,River Song,Rory Williams,Canton Everett Delaware III
Saviour:TBA In Day of the Moon (Prediction:The Doctor and River Song)
Rating:9.6/10(Best this series not suprising because we have only had one episode so far!!!)
Twists:France,WW1 Prisoner of War Camp,Regeneration Failure,Rewritten History,Balloon,Envelopes,Astronaut,Shooting,Old Canton,Younger Doctor,1103,909,908,Straw,Nixon,Oval Office,Invisibility Cloak,Memory Loss,Phone Picture,Death by Silent,Pregnancy,Lodger Tardis,Little Girl,Phone Calls,Map,Jammie Dodger,Fez,Stetson,2nd Choice,Amy shooting Little Girl,Paradox,Secrets,Tunnels
Reason for Plotholes:Might of not been plotholes to complicated
Setting:Oval Office,1969 Utah,2010 France,1482 WW2,
Cliffhanger:Amy Shoots the Little Girl

Overall,great episode lots of loose ends how come that little girl is the astronaut who shoots the doctor or is she?It was absolutely fantastic seeing the silence use the tardis team's disability of seeing them to their advantage at the end of the episode and i find it really hard fully reviewing this episode when we've only seen half of a story.One criticisms is their wasn't enough of Utah but then again knowing what we've seen in trailers and things it looks like we're returning their.Amy being pregnant was an amazing twist aswell because i was fully expecting Amy to realise that she'd seen the silent as she has a photo of it and the doctor to see this photo and explain to us what is happening.That is what is so good about this episode it makes the doctor not encounter the silence and not have a chance to be part of the adventure as much as his companions which banishes the stereotypes of the doctor just doing everything and gave such variety to the show.The Doctor's Death was a bit too fast is another criticism we needed more build up to anticipate it more and fully anticipate it when it came.Overall,though absolutely excellent opener and once again it looks like Moffat has decided to pack everything into the second part.I'm looking forward to how he wraps it all up.
My Theory:I think that the silence have a spaceship, above Earth and have been manipulating the human race, into Beginning a space program which they plan to take over, so they can get to their spaceship- they must have had to escape in an escape pod or something. Don't know how this links to their tardis though - maybe it can only travel in Time and not Space now what a great twist that is we've seen things that can travel in space and time and space but not just time like H.G.Wells novel The Time Machine.

Ritzii's Review:

It's back, it's finally back! Was it good? Ohhhh yes! Now, I find it hard to judge a multi-part story without seeing everything but I'll give it a go.

(Synopsis from the official site)

The Doctor is back in the biggest, most mind-blowing series opener ever. Amy, Rory and River also return for an adventure that combines humour, shocks for our heroes and one of the creepiest creatures they've ever encountered...

The Doctor is engaged on quest that takes him from the visually stunning Utah desert to the White House where he's enlisted by President Nixon himself to assist enigmatic former-FBI agent Canton. His mission - save a terrified little girl from a mysterious spaceman.

Prepare for the return of the galaxy's greatest hero. Prepare for excitement. And prepare - if you can - for The Silence...

The Good - Almost everything about this episode was fantastic. Our main cast deliver excellent performances as usual and Mark Sheppard as Canton is one of the finest guest stars to appear in the series to date. Throughout the episode, the main thing I felt was intrigue, I was intrigued to know what would happen next! The episode ended leaving you wanting so much more and that is the job of a first parter!

The Bad - I have one main qualm about the episode and that is simply the pacing. It was a tad off for the first 20 minutes or so. I understand that we have to get everyone together and explain what's going on for new/casual viewers, but I think it could have done with some slight fine-tuning.

The Ugly - The Silence! Whoah, I would not want to run into them in a dark alley. Then again, maybe I have and I don't remember?

Overall - If this is just the start, I cannot wait to see how the rest of the series unfolds. This was a fantastic opening to the series with many twists and turns and some genuinely scary monsters. If you haven't watched it yet, watch it now!!!

The Impossible Astronaut in 5 Minutes Don't Forget

Watch the Elisabeth Sladen Tribute at 6:45pm

We're talking about the Daleks. The most evil creatures ever invented. You must destroy them. You must complete your mission for the Time Lords!

Sarah Jane Smith was an incredible character,one of the best if not the best doctor who companion of all time, unfournatley her character will only have three more adventures in Series 5 of The Sarah Jane Adventures .The Quote above shows how great of a companion she was to the doctor she knew how bad of a mistake ,he was about to do and knew even better than him, that the daleks should be destroyed because of the massive amount of people that would perish, at the daleks hands, if they weren't destroyed.However,we do have to remember that her character would not have been the same without the incredible actress Elisabeth Sladen ,who unfournatley died recently of cancer, so i find it fitting that she will have a show dedicated to her, just after doctor who ,on the CBBC channel.So don't let her down and watch the show in memory of her incredible acting ,as Sarah Jane Smith remember 6:45PM My Sarah Jane:A Tribute to Sarah Jane-I will be tuning in so make sure you do.

A Christmas Carol Review

But that never Happened...But it did...

I'm Sorry for never posting a review of the story so i will now, only a short review though.

Enemy:Elliot Sardick(Main Enemy),Flying Shark(It was Hungry)

Aliens:Flying Shark,Flying Fish

Setting:Planet Snow,44th Century

Companions:Amy Pond,Rory Pond,Kazran Sardick,Abigail Pettigrew


A good story not the best at least it was better than The Beast Below last year and better than the average RTD episode but Steven Moffat quickly raised that standard last year.The story was good because it showed new aspects of time travelling like Kazran realising, that he has new memories and that he can't work the fog machine because his father never allowed him because of the person he has become.My only criticism is that the monsters weren't used enough, the sharks did have some great scenes but since this show is about the monsters i feel they should have featured more.There were some great twists; they followed the original well.

Review Plans

I plan to write a review and so does ,our new author,Ritzii.Me and Ritzii are currently planning to each write our reviews as drafts and then fuse them together into one and publish the review .However,plans could change.At the Moment,I can't give a time when the review will be posted because i know when i will be able to write my part of the review but i don't currently have a time when Ritzii's available.So,all i can say is wait patiently as the review should be posted soon.

Monster of the Day-The Pyroviles

Firstly,I know that the last Monster of the Day had maybe too much information so hopefully this monster of the day, will be shorter and more to the point.

The Pyroviles came to Earth after their home world,Pyrovillia, was stolen by the daleks and davros who later would plan to use the world as part of their reality bomb to make daleks the only creatures left in the whole reality.A group of Pyroviles escaped in an escape pod and crashed in the heart of mount and lay dormant their until an earthquake occurred which was the precursor to the main eruption which the Pyroviles were planning to stop by using the power the eruption would release to build their empire on Earth.They created a plan to make Earth the new home for their species by tricking parents into wanting their daughters to become part of the Sisterhood,this made them become Pyroviles because to get the power of prophecy which was needed to become part of the sisterhood they had to sniff in the fumes which were actually made of dust and turned you into stone just one step on the way to becoming a fully grown Pyrovile.Pyroviles can kill humans instantly by breathing fire at them but they can easily be destroyed by water.The Doctor defeated them by quickly escaping from their grasp ,narrowly avoiding being burnt alive,and locking himself and Donna inside they Escape Pod which gave them two advantages ,a chance to revert the Pyrovile's power stealing from the heart of mount Vesuvius and cause the eruption which would end 20,000, by pressing down the lever and a chance to escape the eruption, he was going to cause.They're is two forms of Pyrovile Child Pyrovile and Adult Pyrovile;pictures of both can been above.

New spoilerific images from the official site

Check them out!