Sunday, 24 April 2011

Doctor Who Disappoints in the Ratings Again

Above:River Song,Amy and Rory's reaction to the news
Only 6.4m tuned in for the series opener The Impossible Astronaut meaning,the final figure will probably be about 8m, this will be the lowest a series opener has been ,if the series continues to fall it could be axed.It can't be doubted that the series has lost a lot of its ratings through the loss of David Tennant, with an average of 10m tuning in for his last year as the doctor, that figure fell by about 2 million last year, with the arrival of the new doctor.Figures for the series were terrible last year, with the lodger getting the lowest ratings yet, for doctor doctor who since the revival, with final ratings of only 5.98m.The finale last year was abysmal in ratings aswell, the final ratings showing only just over 6 and a half million tuned in to watch it,where as the last two finales for david tennant both scored mid 10m and 11.79 million respectivley.The only positive is that the latest christmas special scored an impressive 12m final figure.Lets hope for mid 7m overnight ratings for Day of the Moon.At least it's not as bad as recent ratings for Primeval have averaged 4.18m (final figures).Even though, Primeval gets a bigger budget than Doctor Who with a budget of over £1,000,000 an episode compared to recent estimates of Doctor Who's Budget to be between £700,000-£800,000 an episode.

Monster of the Day-The Silence

The Silence make you forget if you look away and similarly to the weeping angels they can drain electricity and they use it in a terrifing way to kill you!!!.Somehow,the silence bare similarities to the Ood,the Cyberman,the Sycorax and the weeping angels.Also,has anyone noticed how they seem to kill in the same way River's Gun killed the fez.Their home planet is unknown.However,we do know that they live in undergroiund tunnels underneath your house and visit regularly.You just forget everytime you see one.The Doctor,River Song,Rory and Amy decide to mark themselves to show how many times they've seen a silent.Apparently,they were responsible for blowing up the tardis on 26/06/10.Why did the silence choose this date?What links them to Amy and Rory's wedding?and What did the silence mean by "You must tell what he needs to know and what he must never know"?They created the lodger tardis and who knows how long they have been setting traps for the doctor.All i know is they believe this world is theirs and if you don't agree you should look away and forget rather than be destroyed by the silence's electricity.One things for certain i can't wait for them to have a fight to the death with the doctor and his friends in the lodger tardis.