Monday, 31 May 2010

Cold Blood Review

Quote of the Episode
Now ten thousand years later I cast my thoughts back to the doctor and the losses he suffered and the greater losses yet to come

Enemies:Alaya,Restac,Restac's Army,Ambrose,Time Field
Companions:Amy Pond,Rory Williams,Nasreen Chaudry,Mo Northover,Ambrose Northover,Elliot Northover
Saviour:Eldane and The Doctor
Deaths:4 (Alaya,Restac,Malokeh,Rory)
Rating:1000/10 (3RD best so far)
Twists:Eldane's Narration at the start,Amy pick pocketing Malokeh,Human Germs keep the doctor alive,Alaya's Death,The conference between ambassadors,Eldane Appearing to Stop the executions,Restac killing Malokeh,Restac waking up the silurians to try and overpower Eldane,Drill,1,000 year alarm,Timefield,Rory's Death,Amy forgetting Rory,Only Amy Pond on the hill now and A piece of tardis
Reason for Plothole:N/A
Setting:Mining Village,Wales and in the centre of the earth
This was an excellent episode nothing much wrong with it it showed a different side to Doctor Who and made the viewer want to see Silurians and Humans together and teased us about the cracks with Rory being killed and taken away from time and I presume that Restac doesn't exist anymore because she died very close to the crack without protection from the hibernating facilities.What does the piece 0of tardis mean?Does the tardis blow up and cause the cracks?From pictures released from the finale it looks like the tardis decreases in size and does a logopolis because in two pictures seen the doctor is holding a cuboid sort of shape which is blue and looks a bit like a smaller version of the tardis.The worst thing about this episode was Rory's Death I thought it was too sad I really want Rory back and Amy Doesn't remember him and the engagement ring stayed.By the way,I am sure the doctor remembers Rory because when he says are you OK? it sounds like he is trying to see whether she has forgotten Rory because if she mentions Rory the doctor knows she has remembered but if she doesn't say anything about it she hasn't so you get the feeling their that the doctor is trying to see if Amy remembers Rory.Another strange question I must ask how does Eldane know about Rory because the doctor lost nothing that day other than Rory so he must know what happened to him and how does he know he will have greater loses in the future?
What I am looking forward to in City of the Daleks:

1.How Skaro has survived
2.How they destroyed and took over earth
3.Seeing the city of the daleks in all its might
4. Seeing the emperor talking to the doctor
5.How The Doctor stops Amy fading away
6.How The doctor and Amy escape 1963
7.Seeing how shocked the Doctor and Amy are when they arrive in London 1963 to see it destroyed and full of killer daleks
8.Seeing How the daleks are defeated
9.Seeing how music,audio and visual effects can fit with gameplay to make an adventure
10.Seeing How the puzzles work

Finale Picture Analysis

Another Finale Picture

I have to thank someone on Imageshack this time what a finale this will be
Other pictures not released but do exist:
1.3 sycorax and 1 cyberman
2.The doctor in a different suit
I wonder when these will be released I am currently looking for more and this latest picture confirms Arthur Darvill in the finale you can see his hair it is definitely him him(Probably)in the purple sort of gown Please tell me if their is any more I am looking for more photos