Thursday, 21 April 2011

New Video Mystery

The BBC have uploaded a strange video called are real on the doctor who website but what is it all about?and what is the flickering about?makes me think of The Time of Angels Anyway,above is a screencap of one of the flickers (2nd Image)so just look above and tell me whether you see anything significant.Please Comment!!!
EDIT:The BBC have uploaded another one on youtube their is a screencap above for that aswell(1st Image)

New Blog Address

Our Blog Address has changed this blog is now called this will hopefully bring more people to the blog to view our extensive range of spoilers but don't worry if you thought that our change of blog title will mean that this blog will not provide what is next for the doctor i can tell you it still will because that was our main purpose before and it will still be our main purpose.

New Dailymotion Competition

New Competition
1.A Henchman's Quest-
2.The Explosive Mystery-
3.Death Came From the Lake-
4.The Moment of Destruction-
5.The Premonition-
6.Day of Resurrection-
7.Demons of the Icy Cave-
8.Gas Saved My Day-
9.A Trap Within A Trap-
10.Gas Not Wanted-

I think the first ones the hardest!!!
Please Send the Answers by Message not by Comment because it makes it easier to check who's won rather than look through loads and loads of comments but you can comment on hows difficult or easy they are!!!P.S You will need a Dailymotion account for this!!!