Thursday, 15 April 2010

Daleks ride to Victory

Unfounately the daleks have only won once before in 1975's Genisis of the Daleks when the daleks foiled attempts by the doctor to destroy their exsistence and exterminated davros.In two days time they shall win again or is the victory a trick decided by moffat and gatiss?Will they win?
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Monster of the Day-The Timelords

The timelords are a powerful spieces who used to protect vunerable spieces.They could regenerate 12 times and had two hearts.The war changed the timelords and the doctor was forced to use the moment to destroy the war and stop their terrible plans.The timelords found a way to escape the time war in the end of time through the constant drumming in the masters head.Only one timelord still stands a timelord whose life is known by the entire the universe he has been forced to destroy his people two times to save the universe.