Monday, 31 May 2010

Cold Blood Review

Quote of the Episode
Now ten thousand years later I cast my thoughts back to the doctor and the losses he suffered and the greater losses yet to come

Enemies:Alaya,Restac,Restac's Army,Ambrose,Time Field
Companions:Amy Pond,Rory Williams,Nasreen Chaudry,Mo Northover,Ambrose Northover,Elliot Northover
Saviour:Eldane and The Doctor
Deaths:4 (Alaya,Restac,Malokeh,Rory)
Rating:1000/10 (3RD best so far)
Twists:Eldane's Narration at the start,Amy pick pocketing Malokeh,Human Germs keep the doctor alive,Alaya's Death,The conference between ambassadors,Eldane Appearing to Stop the executions,Restac killing Malokeh,Restac waking up the silurians to try and overpower Eldane,Drill,1,000 year alarm,Timefield,Rory's Death,Amy forgetting Rory,Only Amy Pond on the hill now and A piece of tardis
Reason for Plothole:N/A
Setting:Mining Village,Wales and in the centre of the earth
This was an excellent episode nothing much wrong with it it showed a different side to Doctor Who and made the viewer want to see Silurians and Humans together and teased us about the cracks with Rory being killed and taken away from time and I presume that Restac doesn't exist anymore because she died very close to the crack without protection from the hibernating facilities.What does the piece 0of tardis mean?Does the tardis blow up and cause the cracks?From pictures released from the finale it looks like the tardis decreases in size and does a logopolis because in two pictures seen the doctor is holding a cuboid sort of shape which is blue and looks a bit like a smaller version of the tardis.The worst thing about this episode was Rory's Death I thought it was too sad I really want Rory back and Amy Doesn't remember him and the engagement ring stayed.By the way,I am sure the doctor remembers Rory because when he says are you OK? it sounds like he is trying to see whether she has forgotten Rory because if she mentions Rory the doctor knows she has remembered but if she doesn't say anything about it she hasn't so you get the feeling their that the doctor is trying to see if Amy remembers Rory.Another strange question I must ask how does Eldane know about Rory because the doctor lost nothing that day other than Rory so he must know what happened to him and how does he know he will have greater loses in the future?
What I am looking forward to in City of the Daleks:

1.How Skaro has survived
2.How they destroyed and took over earth
3.Seeing the city of the daleks in all its might
4. Seeing the emperor talking to the doctor
5.How The Doctor stops Amy fading away
6.How The doctor and Amy escape 1963
7.Seeing how shocked the Doctor and Amy are when they arrive in London 1963 to see it destroyed and full of killer daleks
8.Seeing How the daleks are defeated
9.Seeing how music,audio and visual effects can fit with gameplay to make an adventure
10.Seeing How the puzzles work

Finale Picture Analysis

Another Finale Picture

I have to thank someone on Imageshack this time what a finale this will be
Other pictures not released but do exist:
1.3 sycorax and 1 cyberman
2.The doctor in a different suit
I wonder when these will be released I am currently looking for more and this latest picture confirms Arthur Darvill in the finale you can see his hair it is definitely him him(Probably)in the purple sort of gown Please tell me if their is any more I am looking for more photos

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Massive Spoiler Picture Finale

Roman Soldiers are grabbing the doctor while the supreme Dalek,Hoix and Judoon watch.
If you look closely you can see the pandorica box behind them. I believe the Roman soldiers and aliens are forcing the doctor to open it.What will happen if the pandorica opens?
Thanks to Vortex from Doctor Who Vortex It is a great blog you should visit it

Friday, 28 May 2010

Silurian Problem Solution

4.6 billion years ago theia crashes into earth making life existent
300 million years ago another planet or small asteroid starts coming for earth and the earth's gravity is too powerful for it keeping it in orbit around it changing life on earth as the moon's gravity control's the earth's tides

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Doctor Who's big Silurian Mistake

The Silurians avoided a collision with theia 300,000,000 years ago according to doctor who.Theia crashed into earth 4.6 buillion years ago not 300 million and formed the moon without this collision life would have never existed the moon is needed to maintain life by controlling gravity on the planet with the tides without the moon life is impossible on earth.So obviously the doctor who creators have made a big mistake.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

The Hungry Earth-Review

Quote of the Episode

Enemies:Silurians (Main Enemy)
Bio-Programmed Earth(Helper Enemy)
Companions:Amy Pond,Rory Williams,Nasreen Chaudry
Rating:9.38/10(7th best of the season)
Twists:Amy and Rory in the future,Sunglasses,Bio-Programmed Earth,Alaya,Tony Mack and silurian civilisation in the ground Revelation
Plot Holes:1 three silurians where meant to came up to the ground it seemed like two or even one did lets think like the doctor the first silurian takes elliot down to the ground the secound attacks tony mack with its tongue and the doctor captures it and its not the third because the doctor mentions that its venom needs 24 hours to recharge so its definetly same one maybe the third one got scared and ran away or the bio-programmed earth attacked it or is it still out there
Reason for Plothole:Chris Chibnall's bad counting which this proves he has bad counting
Setting:Rio No it doesn't look like rio no i think its a welsh mining village in 2020not rio oh dear
The episode was a bit of a letdown for one main reason it took ages for this episode to get going and there wasn't anything really intresting to the end and patches of the start.We can' always say the disappointments though because the idea of the cliffhanger was good and the cgi for the cliffhanger was good but i felt it had been done wrong because through that cgi could we ell there was a civilisation the answer is No and Neve McIntosh was quite good and so was Meera Syal and the end bit with Alaya saying one of them will kill her was suspenseful who will her?Will she be killed?What is happening to tony mack?Another thought this is only the first part and the secound part looks a cracker so maybe this story overall will be an excellent one.

What i am looking forward to in Cold Blood:
1.If Rory stays there is evidence to say he does and doesn't but i think we may find out in dwm
2.Silurians loads of them
3.How the future amy and rory plays a part in the plot
4.How amy escapes the scientist if she does will she be dissected?
5.Full Scale War
6.More finale links
7.How on earth this one gets sorted out it seems impossible
8.Who Survives
9.What happens to tony mack
10.How the doctor destroys a siluria weapon with the sonic screwdriver
11.More and More war full scale war what else can we want?
Sorry for the lateness of the review I have been having internet problems and I am typing this up at school because i have finished my work thank you for the support everyone has given this blog and please read the latest episode of my fanseries Dispanded Sherwood

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Doctor Who-Dispanded Sherwood

Earth,Sherwood Forest,1188
ROBIN HOOD:Come on the sheriff is coming we need to move fast to escape him I will stay behind to distract them
ADAM:You'll kill yourself
ROBIN HOOD:You Know I won't because I am Robin Hood nobody defeats me
ADAM:5 minutes
ROBIN HOOD:Agreed I will meet you down there in 5 minutes
ADAM:Keep Moving
JOHN:What is happening? the birds are fleeing
ADAM:It must be the Sheriff's men they must be in the forest
A gremlin like creature approaches robin hood with a blue round shaped head with yellow uneven circles on the face which are spots and a small thin rotting browny-yellowy body.The gremlin is no bigger than a 8 year old child
GREMLIN LEADER:He is harmless
OTHER GREMLIN:I concur he is not a threat we should make him unconscious just in case he is on to us and is a spy or something
GREMLIN LEADER:Have you got the Tierlinary Conductor working for this area?
OTHER GREMLIN:Don't worry leader we will succeed in our mission
GREMLIN LEADER:Get to it our people are dieing we need to save them
Sheriff's men come by with swords and bows and arrows ready to fight on horses
TERRY:Oh look little children playing around with silly masks I have got to say they are well made
GREMLIN LEADER:Nice to see you but you need to catch that villain robin hood
SHERIFF: Yes We do and Terry I need to warn you Do not mess around with little children this could be a trap by robin hood
Sheriff's men knock unconscious robin hood over with their horses not realising at the time and just as they enter the section of the forest where robin hoods men are
GREMLIN LEADER:Excellent let this area become out of bounds we need more experiments like this Set the Tierlinary Conductor to take this area out of Sherwood Forest
SHERIFF:What is happening I can see only grey
SHERIFF:What is happening?
Robin's men,the sheriff and his men are in the newly formed time vortex where there is grey holes which are time tracks
SHERIFF:This does not feel right
Their bodies are starting to disintegrate from the pressure in the time vortex
ADAM:Our bodies are falling apart
Sheriff notices robin's men
SHERIFF:The merry men kill them
TERRY:I don't think we have enough time we are all going to be ripped apart by this sort of vortex
The men are falling further into the time vortex hen they see a spaceship the spaceship is incredibly complex and below it is the black world of Mephta they can only see grey and black the world is being tortured by the spaceship and the population of the planet is dieing
SHERIFF:What is this?
TERRY:I can't make it out
SHERIFF:This must be an illusion I knew it Robin Hood as tricked us this is some sort of trap with fake versions of his men to lure us in Robin Hood might have finally defeated us
ADAM:What can you make out?
JOHN:All I can see is "Crit Warship Only Full Scale attacks worlds"
ADAM:What on Earth could that mean?
JOHN:I have no Idea
The men all start crumbling to pieces and are disintegrated into atoms
Robin Hood wakes up
ROBIN HOOD:What?Where has all this forest gone?Where are my men?All I can see are more white spaces no spaces nothing existent in them just white voids totally blank and this happened twice before what is going on?I need more sleep I keep seeing things which aren't there this is impossible
In a crashed pod like spaceship with half wrecked equipment
GREMLIN LEADER:Thank god this pod escaped
OTHER GREMLIN:I must warn you their is not long left to save our people they are dieing currently from the crits or something like that isn't it?
GREMLIN LEADER:That isn't their names for some reason I have forgotten it is Crit then their is three other letters after crit or something like that and then s for plural Crit letter letter letter s We'll me must get on
OTHER GREMLIN:We mustn't worry we know we will be successfull we always are and the third experiment has proved successful we have now removed one quarter of sherwood forest and soon we will be able to initiciate the final phase of our plan and transport all of our world and our people onto this position and we and our people shall surviveand this planet shall be thrown out of its orbit into the time vortex where it will disintigrate in about 10 minutes and We shall have it's sun and it's orbit to ourselves save from the crits and we will be able to rebuild our society to make it a better world than earth ever could be
GREMLIN LEADER:You are right we will shall suceed and save our race the crits will not be able to destroy our race ever and earth shall pay the price for our survival
Doctor Who Title Sequence
The Tardis lands in the forest
AMY:This doesn't feel right
THE DOCTOR:1188,Sherwood Forest,Nottingham,East Midlands,England,UK,Europe,Northern Hemisphere,Earth,Solar System,Milky Way,The Universe
AMY:You don't need the universe everythings in the universe
THE DOCTOR:No that's not right their are many different universes to name a few Hexipop,Prime,Dinosaurusine,Adraxica,Parallel Universe 1c,Quala,Wonderland
AMY:Why is our universe called the universe?
THE DOCTOR:Because it is the most central and easiest to get to
AMY:How many are there?
THE DOCTOR:On the timelords last count before they died three hundred and twenty one billion tweleve million ten thousand and nine hundred and sixty six but they where still discovering them about on average four thousand and twenty three a day so their should be more
AMY:But how can more be created the universe only lasts so long and you are onluy in one place so if you go into the future their would be more because thats how it works doesn't it doctor?
THE DOCTOR:No it doesn't Amy if parallel universes are created they will have been their since this universe
AMY:But time is in a straight flow isn't doctor?
THE DOCTOR:No Amy it is like big ball constantly changing
AMY:But how does that work their must be another timeline for this universe because lets see an event happens then you go their change the event then a alien then a bunch of monkeys their must be another timeline of change
THE DOCTOR:You know what how clever are you amy pond for a uman that is incredible and yes their is but it is really complicated and thts how i use the tardis thats what timeline they live in and what all time travellers libve in yoyu don't live in the same timeline as your aunt or anybodies timeline on earth apart from a few people you live in The Rassiloanian Omegarian Timeline Rassilon and Omega found that timeline and where able to break into it and thats how we time travel becaue of them because of this timeline
AMY:And they got their names on the timeline for it
THE DOCTOR:Oh yeah because they gave their lives for it both of them they both can't die because they have trapped time energy in them which they disturbed when they discovered time and created a link they don't even fully realise it but they are legends and I have just seen Rassilon the other day while you were swimming in the lakes of Darilite he has realised how wrong he was trying to destroy the universe and wants to see me again once this strange pandorica and bigger threat involving spaceship with invincible aliens battling pandorica is sorted out Anyway we better change topic
AMY:Was England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland in the uk in 1188 because you said Nottingham,East Midlands,UK
THE DOCTOR:No but I like to think they where Scotland joined with england in 1707 wales and ireland joined them in 1801 and then ireland split with northern ireland staying in the uk and the republic of ireland becoming a independent country in 1922
AMY:How do you remember all these things?You must be a great teacher
THE DOCTOR:I was on gallifrey but that was never enough teaching physics,maths,time and Biology I only taught four subjects
AMY:Doctor What is wrong?this feels wrong their seems to be no life in the forest none at all and where are the birds I love to hear them
THE DOCTOR:I agree this is very wrong too dispanded and where is robin hood or the sheriff of nottingham it seems to have just lost it's life it really has it is too dispanded and I love Sherwood Forest Dispanded Sherwood
AMY:Hello Anybody?By the way what does dispanded mean?
THE DOCTOR:The opposite of dispanded smaller too small for my liking
Robin Hood Wakes up again
AMY:ROBIN HOOD!!!Nice to meet you
Amy and the doctor shake robin hood's hands
ROBIN HOOD:I am sorry to disappoint you and you're lovely red headed gorgeous companion but it's not dispanded sherwood it's dispanding sherwood
THE DOCTOR:Is it still getting smaller and smaller?
ROBIN HOOD:3 times in the last few weeks parts of the forest have disappeared and when I look for them I see loads of white no spaces white voids
AMY:White Spaces?
ROBIN HOOD:Just blank spaces totally blank spaces with all it's past life cleanly removed
THE DOCTOR:I don't like the sound of that
AMY:Have you seen or heard anything suspicious?
ROBIN HOOD:I seen a blue headed impossible creature the size of a eight year old and its head was completly round
THE DOCTOR:And did this creature have unevenly circle shaped spots on its face,a green tongue and rotting brown and yellow skinwith very thin legs and arms
ROBIN HOOD:Yes all the information you said about the creature is true Have you seen this creature before like?
THE DOCTOR:Yes they are giglobsbut what are they doing?They are a very happy race that is how they got their name because they giggle a lot and they told the most strangest,funniest stories ever heard before and where one of the nicest races in this sector of the universe Why would they steal sherwood and keep dispanding sherwood making it more and more dispanded?
AMY;If they where desperate for something or where in trouble and where trying to survive?
THE DOCTOR:Possibly because the Giglobs are a very determined race nothing would stop them reaching their goals and keeping their race alive It is hard to imagine though
ROBIN HOOD:Recently I have seen strange spaceships fighting each other their was always this one spaceship at the centre of it all it was odly shaped with four ends and a middle section it sorted of looked like a spacestation but it kept on attacking other spaceships and worlds in every battle I have seen.It was incredibly designed and it has won every battle I have seen.Somehow the spaceships never come here,fournately.We swouldn't be able to defend ourselves if they did
THE DOCTOR:Where do you get all these words from?
ROBIN HOOD:I just think of them I sometimes right short stories of what I think these battles mean
AMY:I thought they didn't write in 1188?
ROBIN HOOD:I used to write in classes at school when I was a child and used to learn things at school , here in nottingham their are two types of schools for the rich and poor and I fight to close the gap by stealing off the rich and giving to the poor
THE DOCTOR:Yes i know you steal from the rich and give to the poor we all know who you are and what you do?
ROBIN HOOD:I am famous
AMY:Sort of and the sheriff of nottingham he's you're enemy isn't he What Happened to him?
ROBIN HOOD:I think he got taken with my men and his men by whatever is making them holes you said giglobs doctor didn't you?
THE DOCTOR:Yes I did but I still don't understand you shouldn't have schools this is too early for 1188 you really shouldn't have schools Unless...
AMY:Unless What?
THE DOCTOR:About 60% of the lifeforms in this special telepathic sector of the universe are telepathic and their telepathic signals must be transmitting into the minds of lifeforms around them subconciously gioving them a great need of urgency to do something to save themselves so the human race tries it's best to move on to stop the aliens that are attacking this sector subconciously and think of schools earlier than they should and spaceships and all these wonderful words.
How on earth are they defeating pandorica?
AMY:Where are all the cracks?I am really starting to think that argon really was telling the truth about what's happening
ROBIN HOOD:Look over there they are fighting again a world and a spaceship
AMY:I don't see anything doctor Can you?
THE DOCTOR:Yes I can interesting but how can you see it Robin Hood?
ROBIN HOOD:I was given medals and trophies for competions because of my incredible sight it helps me noone else I have seen could see these battles
THE DOCTOR:But you really must have exceptional eyesight I can see two hundred and fifty times further than any other human being all timelords can and I can just see it like a few dots into space but a little bigger
ROBIN HOOD:I can see the battle about the same size as the moon normally is I can see it incredibly clearly
THE DOCTOR:Well whatever is happening I don't like it whatever is happening up there and down here we must try and stop immediately
THE DOCTOR:Galron hello I haven't seen you since the bettles on the your homeworld Mephta
Thousands of Red Beetle like creatures with a blue massive infectious stinger attached to their back start swarming into a tower high up in the city of Radlop in Mephta
GALRON:What do we do?
THE DOCTOR:These are infectiouds bettles which are carrying a terrible space virus released from the moment which I used to end the time war We must find a predator something that will think of these beetles as prey and is big enough to contain and destroy the virus and not die from their stings or the virus
GALRON:A turlon
ROSE TYLER:What is a turlon?
GALRON:It is a green quickly adapting half crocodile half lion like creature which eat millions of beetles in one mouthful and a four times the length of humans and half the height and about four times the widgth of humans and has blue teeth and a purple tongue and could easily kill them all and contain the virus and they eat beetles similar to that too but how do we attract one?
THE DOCTOR:Get a beetle like thing and pour some beetle blood on it
GALRON:How are we going to get that?
ROSE TYLER:Don't worry the doctor has some beetles and beetle blood in his pockets i really don't know how he fits it all in his pockets It is like a tardis in there
The doctor pulls out some beetles and pours beetle blood all over them and throws them at the tower
THE DOCTOR:And Rose I have got to tell you this I haven't got a clue how I fit all my stuff in my pockets and this turlon I know it is going to be Fantastic
ROSE TYLER:Right so When will the Turlon be able to detect it
GALRON:Prety soon because they have incredible noses
A pack of Turlons appear and follow the blood to the tower and start climbing it
More and more turlons can be seen sniffing around and jumping on the tower
THE DOCTOR:I think you will find the virus not very effective now but some more giglobs will die because their is no cure but it will fully die out in a few days because the only transmitter of the disease, the beetles, are dead Giglobs and everything else can die from the disease or get infected but can't transmit it
ROSE TYLER:You can't always save everyone
GALRON:I agree goodbye doctor but what where them beetles exactly?where did they come from?
THE DOCTOR:Xipholos they thrive in wars they come from skaro and where created by the war between the thals and the kaleds the war forced many insects to become extinct,many to adapt and many new species's to be created but the time war happened and I used the moment to ends it all and made them almost extinct now I think the turlons have made them fully extinct but their may be a few left somewhere
GALRON:Goodbye Doctor!!!
ROSE TYLER:I hope we see you again!!!
The Tardis Dematerilses
End of Flashback Scene
GREMLIN LEADER:I am not called galron names are not needed anymore as long as we survive and by the way our race will be changing our spiecies soon we are not giiglers anymore so the name no longer applies I think our race should be called Rud-aleks
AMY:The Doctor said you where a peaceful race why are you doing this?
GREMLIN LEADER:For the survival of our race
The Doctor,Amy and Robin Hood wake up to find themselves tied up in the giglobs crashed pod
THE DOCTOR:What are you doing?
OTHER GREMLIN:Setting our technology for the final phase Earth shall fall into the time vortex and this position this sun this orbit this atmosphere shall be ours
AMY:You Can't thats not fair stealing of another planet's community to benefit yours
THE DOCTOR:You can't do this you don't need to do this I can take you somewhere better and you can live in peace there you don't need to steal this positon and send earth into the time vortex
GREMLIN LEADER:Set up the Tierlinary conductor
GREMLIN LEADER:Our world is dieing doctor we are the only lifeforms alive on the planet even micro organisms are struggling to survive We need to do this for our race and we will definetly not be keeping the name Giglobs no way we will become Rud-aleks We want to be shown as a powerful race not a giggling race a race that will not be defeated by anything
AMY:What are they doing?
ROBIN HOOD:Replacing Earth with Mephta Their is no hope for us now
THE DOCTOR:Stop this you can't succeed
GREMLIN LEADER:HA HA HA!!!This world shall soon be taken by the time vortex and replaced by our planet we always survive
OTHER GREMLIN:I can even hear our planet Mephta bleeding through
Gremlins can be seen on the planet bleeding through
GREMLIN MOTHER:It is working they have suceeded the spaceship is fading we are going to be safe again
GREMLIN CHILD:Look mother the new atmosphere sun it is perfect we will be able to rebuild our society through this excellent position
GREMLIN MOTHER:I know little one and you are right we shall build a new world from this wonderful orbit,sun and atmosphere.It shall be spectacular
In the forest and all over nottingham people can be seen screaming and running as they look up in the sky and see large pink clouds steaming from the forest bleeding the reality of mephta over earth and pushing it into the time vortex
THE DOCTOR:You don't need any of this you can go somewhere else and be left alone by the rest of the uniersesomewhere totally safe and perfect I can take you there.I understand that Earth's Position is the only safe place in this sector but I can take you further to the other side of the universe because I have a spaceship and it is very big big enough to fit all you're people inside Just listen to me and consider it because you are making a big mistake a terrible mistake Trust Me I am The Doctor
GREMLIN LEADER:We will not be fooled that easily by you're stupid lies you are not to be trusted you are too sworn to earth and will do anything to save the planet and you are too doctorish for my liking
The Gremlin leader opens the pod while the other gremlin is working on the tierlinary conductor
GREMLIN LEADER:Look Doctor a perfect position and it shall be stolen very soon perfect atmosphere,orbit and sun and look what happens when my friend presses the final button PRESS IT!!! this shall all become ours and the human race shall die out on a world robbed of atmosphere and sun and fallung into the time vortex
The sky starts to go completely pink and the equipment starts firing up properly into the final phase of the tierlinary conductor and both worlkds can be seen flickering constantly and five grey clouds can be seen forming making it rain since of the enviormental disturbances.Earth starts disapeering more and more with only mainly Mephta in sight and slight flickering with the earth
ROBIN HOOD:What about this pod will this stay in the same position?
THE DOCTOR:Yes it has stabilizers and they can control the effects of the tierlinary conductor in here so in theory this pod muststay with the world it is transmitting onto the position
The Doctor starts trying to untie the ropes and is struggling to reach his sonic screwdriver to untie the ropes
AMY:What are you doing doctor?
THE DOCTOR:Trying to get my sonic screwdriver
AMY:Does that work on rope?
THE DOCTOR(Whispering):Yes but Don't tell them
GREMLIN LEADER:15 14 13 12
OTHER GREMLIN:We Shall Suceed in 9 8 7 6
The Doctor gets his sonic screwdriver and puts it against the rope
The Doctor Jumps for the core of the Tierlinary Conductor at the same time as
The Machine Blows up and the earth returns to normal the doctor and the giglobs fall back and the doctor sonics amy and robin hood's ropes and ties up the giglobs
The Doctor,Amy and Robin Hood head up to the Forest
ROBIN HOOD:What do I do now?No sheriff No merrymen?
AMY:You have support King John may still get the throne and try and stop whoever he sends after you this this probably the new sheriff of Nottingham
AMY:Goodbye Robin Hood
ROBIN HOOD:Thank You for saving us doctor
THE DOCTOR:It was an Honour
The Doctor is about to step in the tardis with the two giglobs when
ROBIN HOOD:Where are you going?
AMY:We are going to their homeworld Mephta to save them and give them a new home
ROBIN HOOD:I am sure you will succeed
The Doctor and Amy step inside the tardis with the giglobs and it dematerialises
ROBIN HOOD:I am sure I have heard that noise before anyway no merrymen no sheriff well what do I do next I must protect the loyal king and we shall build a new kingdom together one that supports both the rich and the poor
In the Tardis the Giglobs Wake Up
GREMLIN LEADER:You don't Understand you have ended our chances of saving our species
THE DOCTOR:I think I am just about to increase them
GREMLIN LEADER:What are you doing?
THE DOCTOR:Saving you're race
THE DOCTOR:Stay here Amy and untie them while I rescue you're them
The doctor runs out avoiding firing from the spaceship above and
THE DOCTOR:Hurry come inside
All the Giglobs run in the Tardis
THE DOCTOR:Is this all their's left of you now?
GREMLIN:Their is only about one hundred thousand of us now
THE DOCTOR:By the way I am sorry for what happened but sometimes these things can't be avoided but now I am going to find you a new home away from that spaceship
The Doctor opens the doors to a incredible world
THE DOCTOR:Sparina wonderful world one of my favourites pink atmosphere and brown muddy soil very like Mephta was always meant to look like with flying purple dragons who breath out very dark red fire and have yellow wings which are called Darrilows
and all you could ever want a perfect habitat for your species
GREMLIN LEADER:Thank you doctor How can we repay you?
THE DOCTOR:Change you're name back to Galron and keep giglobs as the name of your species and giggle a lot
OTHER GIGLOB:This is fantastic this better than earth could have been for a position and better than we could have made Mephta
THE DOCTOR:I told you to trust me
GALRON:Thank You doctor
THE DOCTOR:Remember to be happy and giggle when I see you next I want to hear good things not bad things
AMY:Come On Come On get out their and enjoy
The Giglobs run out and The Doctor and Amy leave in the tardis and are flying in space when
On the Grotchel
MARTIN:How long can we keep the passengers of this crew from finding out the truth about us?
LIAM:Until we reach our mother this universe is getting dangerous she needs a good feed we will give ourselves to her
MARTIN:Do you think the passengers will realise in time
LIAM:No they are too stupid
They notice the tardis flying by
LIAM:Oh no
MARTIN:What is it?
LIAM:The Tardis this is a machine used by the doctor he is a enemy of us he must be destroyed
MARTIN:What did he do?
LIAM:He destroyed one of us on earth at least we have got a perfect chance for payback now the doctor shall be destroyed
MARTIN:Should I fire?
LIAM:Fire Now
MARTIN:The enemy is firing back
LIAM:That is too be expected keep firing
MARTIN:Firing more Photo9n Beams
LIAM:Well Done!!!
The Tardis Explodes
LIAM:Now nothing can stop us reaching the mother and feeding this crew to her
MARTIN:I am looking forward
LIAM:Search for life signs he may alive in the wreckage
MARTIN:Doing it now
LIAM:Any life signs
LIAM:The Doctor Is Dead
To Be Continued...
The Season will now take a mid season break and this cliffhanger will sure keep you waiting it will only be for about a month probably.
Please comment below

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

10 Teasers for Dispanded Sherwood

1.You get to find out the first four letters to the main monsters of the series
2.The plot is very similar to The Vampires of Venice
3.The Episode leads into Conspiracy on the Grotchel
4.The main monsters in this story look similar to the Graske
5.Their is another flashback scene
6.Three Important Words What do they mean?Turlon,Mephta,Galron
7.The aliens in this story used to giggle a lot.
8.Aliens are using earth in a sort of computer Format Think Copy,Paste,Delete,Cut
9.Their is a terrible war going on.
10.Robin Hood is more intelligent than he should be

I will hopefully be posting this story on Thursday.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Amy's Choice Review

Quote of the Episode
I wouldn't be surprised if their was a purple space dog to show what an intergalactic wag you are
Quote of the Episode
Enemies:Psychic Pollen(Main Enemy)
Dreamlord(Enemy Helper)
Aliens:Psychic Pollen
Companions:Amy Pond,Rory Williams
Saviour:The Doctor
Rory (All in Fake Realities)
Dreamlord(Is he really dead)
Psychic Pollen (Dead really in the real reality)
Rating:4000/10(Best Episode Yet)

Twists:Dreamlord,Birds,Mrs Poggit,Rory's Death,Blowing up the Tardis,Both Dreams,Dreamlord=Darkness of the Doctor,Psychic Pollen,Snog
Plot Holes:1(The Doctor saying outside their how many zeros have you got)Cold temperatures don't have many zeros they only go down to -273 and the doctor was in a fine state not joking and it was not in the dreams that the cold star was a strange temperature
Reason for Plot Hole:Probably Simon Nye's lack of Scientific Knowledge or Simon Nye falling asleep when typing or silly mistake
Setting:The Tardis
Now what an episode that was with Toby Jones superb acting thrashing Matt Smith who was brilliant aswell.The monsters were great it is a shame they didn't really kill anyone really or even exist in upper leadworth but never mind lets just pretend they did.The Psychic Pollen was great and just think if the doctor, Amy and Rory hadn't realised both were dreams then the psychic pollen would have got so strong it would kill them and the whole universe (Probably).The Pollen's Player or Helper was very good and pulled a sneaky face towards the viewer as he said he was defeated but this was another trick to try and keep them in the fake reality to make the pollen stronger.The pollen created this character from the doctor's darkness and fed on them as it trapped them in a game with it's player or helper the dreamlord trying to lie a lot and keep them trapped. Furthermore,did you realise the Eknodine and Burning Cold Sun where actually helping them.I don't know if any of the players knew this but they where and the dreamlord and the Psychic Pollen couldn't control this even thugh the dreamlord pretended he could.I believe it was the doctor and his companions fighting back and this helped them and luckily the doctor realised what was happening and saved the day.
What will be good about the next episode:
1.The Silurians Return
2.The Doctor playing the middle man again
3.People being sucked into the ground
4.Why Silurians are conducting experiments with dead and alive humans and creating hybrids.
5.The Cliffhanger
6.Silurian Technology like Heat Sensors
7.The Doctor's talks with the Silurians
8.The Graveyard scene
9.Experimenting Silurians
10.Silurians secret chats
11.The Silurians being woken up by the ground
12.What the Silurians instant reaction is to being disturbed
13.Silurian's Drilling
14.Finding out what happens to Amy
15.Why the humans are drilling into the ground
16.The Doctor remembering the Silurians from old times (Hopefully this will happen)
17.What else 2015 has got in store
18.The doctor's chat with the boy
19.Next Time for Cold Blood
20.Silurian Masks

Monday, 10 May 2010

Parallel Universe News

Hello now through a crack in the void obviously caused by Pandorica I have been able to contact a far away parallel world not pete's world a much more far away world not as similar as that world to ours and I read a blog which I will post here about Here is what it said"Election just been yesterday 9Th Mailda 2010 Kate Lucas Won for the green party we are getting much greener with 7,210,942 computers out of 12,818,954 won by the green party this year Liberal Democracy Reports Got 2,608,012 computers lead by the famous Winston Clegg who was prime minister a day a ago and the conservatives came third with 2,500,000 computers lead by Dave Kamera Labour disappointed with only 23 computers lead by Tony Brown the other 499,977 computers were all broken in fights with parties and all the votes were lost so the computers couldn't have been given.Anyway onto Scientist What Matt Smull The new scientist has appeared on the screen with Sally Gill playing Jessica Amelia Lake What fans have critised for wearing 10,000 sets of clothes fans say they preferred a bikini or short skirt.The new companion's face is covered up by a balaclava and her farther has just started travelling with the scientist after the 6Th episode of this 13 episode series who is called Tiger Williams and is played by Arthur Idiot and no that isn't his real name it is his stage name it was suggested by showrunner Steve Cowfat because he is an idiot who normally falls over on set every 10 minutes and is nicknamed Idiot Chinned Giraffe by the cast and crew of scientist what.In the first episode of this series scientist what tried to save Jessica Amelia Lake from a hole created by a dart in her wall which wanted to turn her into a clown.In the second episode the pair had to uncover the secrets of Starship Skaro which was transporting the friendly so called Davros Pepper Experiments who helped the previous scientist through his happy
rebirth and discovered that the ship was being terrified by criers who cried too much
and the fact that scary scarecrows were onboard eating children who were from the alien world known as Australia and wouldn't eat pensioners.In the third episode the scientist faced defeat of the odd in world feast one he had to stop their defeat exterminating the Italians and worked out that a scientist called Brace Yourselves for Wells was actually a cake.
In a happy two feaster the scientist met the predictable river singer who he had met once but knew everything about and he to wanted to drag her into the past with his green terdis shaped book of chocolates and he succeeded but ended up making her kill a woman in the past and need a breakfast from storm college to be released and encounted the strange Woven Angles who existed as stone when you blinked and was forced to close his eyebrows to save the day and pull the woven angel out of jessica's legs.The cliffhanger saw the scientist free in the maze of the living ready to reweave woven angles and chop jessica's legs off to feed the woven angle saving her.In the sixth episode the scientist ended up falling out of the tap in jessica's farther's TV screen and pulled her farther from the bed all the way to 61St conury Revince in Tubekisted where they battled Rosanna Cerverri who planned to reinvent the rat to make the city afraid and also battled dogs with sour teeth who weren't really dogs but giant dolphins in disguise who wanted to wipe out the bones of Revince.Luckily the scientist was able to fall down a clock and save Revince.The next episode looks guytooud with the anti-dream lord wanting to pull the doctor's companions apart by stealing their dreams and destroying them and he has an army of friendly babies.This series has been the best yet.With the econes returning,a green supper with Sandro Botticelli,Tennis and disappearances in a lift and the door opening in the finale with cyberpets returning for us to cuddle we can be sure the series will continue to be good thank you all for reading my blog.
So their you are news from a parallel universe. I will continue to upload more news from this world if the crack in the void keeps open and stable.Looking forward to posting more news from this universe.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

The Vampires of Venice Review

Great Episode not the best of the series but we can't expect too much.Toby Whithouse's scripting has improved from school reunion so has vertly everyone's script writing 5 out of 6 episodes this season have been better than anything before this series but this also becomes the second out of six episodes of this series not to become the best doctor who story ever after being broadcast.So Venice everyone has to admit it looked so much like Venice so Thats a good start.Also their are two monsters in this episode Vampires and Saturnynians and they both can be counted because the Saturnynians were turning humans into Saturnynians but they had no perception filter on them this is because they were turning into Saturnyians most of the time we seen them they were just vampires they had not been fully converted.When we last seen them they were blown up by Guido starting to fully convert into fish from space.Since of this, Venice could have drowned and the Saturnyians would have still died out.Deaths were many in this episode
as Rosanna,Isabella,Francesco,Guido and the Vampire Girls all died.I am disappointed because we didn't see the 10,000 Saturnyians in the lake.They will survive a lot longer in the lake but they will die out eventually don't go gondoling around that lake and especially don't capsize or it might just be the end of you.Questions for the episode Why did Rosanna love Francesco so much she had 10,000 other sons in the lake and Why did Rosanna dive into the lake?Yes she had betrayed her children but she should have carried on and tried again and again with this schooling and everything or was she jumping in the lake to make the doctor think her race had died off so she could start the plan again?I have got to say I love the Saturnyians they are wonderfully created in CGI probably better than the previous success of Prisoner Zero.
What I am looking forward too in Episode 7
1.What world is which?
The Village World could be real since The Silurian Story follows on from that story but killer pensioners how can that be real
The Tardis World could be real because Rory and Amy never left the tardis and that world seems more realistic than the other world So I predict Tardis World but Is this just another trick of the Dreamlord?
2.Who exactly is the dreamlord I doubt he is the trickster but who on earth could he be and how does he create dream worlds
3.How they kill themselves
It is pretty obvious they must kill themselves in someway to escape the dreamlord's clutches I think they kill themselves using the van the doctor was riding crashing into something but if they were in the tardis they would just have to wait until the tardis crashed into the cold star and they died
4.Evidence of Fakeness/How they work out which is real and which is fake
5.They're reactions to this strange situation
6.The Dreamlord's view on the doctor
7. Interruptions from the Dreamlord
8. If Rory Stays We know he is in the Silurian Story but does Amy leave him
9.How the choice is more Amy's Choice than the doctor or Rory's choice
10.How the choice is life changing for Amy Pond
11.Amy Pond and Rory William's Life five year later and baby excreta excreta
12.Finding out what this has got to do with it"I know who you are. There's only one person in the universe who hates me as much as you do."
13.Killer Pensioners Attacking Them One Flings Rory One falls off building
14.How and Why Pensioners can be so vicious
They were created by the dreamlord but that doesn't tell us the whole story
15.More Cracks/Finale Links
16.How this episode links in with the Silurian Story
17.Why the year 2015 is so important
18.Rory's Ponytail
19.Another Dreamlord One More and More Persuasive Nastiness from the Dreamlord
Example"Pick a world and this nightmare will be all over" and "You die stupid that is why it is called reality"
20.The Plotline being revealed earlier than normal normally it will be 30 minutes in but this one will have to be early but will it beat the earliness the dalek plotline was revealed about 20 minutes in?
Series Ratings So Far

The Vampires of Venice

The Vampires of Venice was anticipated by 2 people.Don't vote vampires of venice because unless you have a time machine and have come from the past you should have seen the episode by now so how can you anticipate something you have already seen?

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Terrible Election for Doctor Who Fans

Viewers of my blog voted liberal democrats 7 votes wanting them to rule the country the most then labour 3 votes and conservatives 1 vote.Unfournately,we were not lucky and it was pretty much the opposite way round in the general election.At least conservatives didn't get 326 seats then we would have been in trouble please post you're comments and I will be adding a poll soon which you can vote what you think will happen now.Also,the favourite thing for viewers of my blog is the Pandorica shall open 6 votes while cracks and silence will fall got 1 vote from the shortened poll which was done because this poll received a draw between three favourite things about the series.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Doctor Who-Changing the Past

The Orange Cloud of Orlord Energy is about to consume The Doctor,Amy and the tardis when...
THE DOCTOR:Can you let me speak a little before we perish at the hands of your mighty race because I have an important fact you need to know and you know we definitely can't escape so you may aswell lets us speak
ORLORD LEADER:Go on then but when you do we will advance and consume you
THE DOCTOR:You should have checked my pockets before I left the tardis because I
put very important things in them things which I haven't needed since Pompeii and trust me without them more than the whole city would have gone up in a volcano I didn't need them that much on that occasion anyway but I really do need them this time
AMY:What have you got in your pockets doctor?
THE DOCTOR:Water Pistols
AMY:How did they all fit in your pocket
THE DOCTOR:I added a bit of tardis technology inside them which made them bigger in the inside
ORLORD LEADER:A silly old toy doctor explain their significance
THE DOCTOR:Well first this asteroid is very hot very very hot yes
THE DOCTOR:So hot everything is steaming up into space very very hot boiling so hot I shouldn't have brought my jacket
ORLORD LEADER:Explain this significance now Doctor
The Doctor starts moving round moving his hands when he starts talking
THE DOCTOR:This asteroid is so hot that water from these pistols evaporates into water vapour and that substance can slow down Orlords
The Doctor starts firing more and more water at the Orlords making them retreat with them losing some of the energy and the doctor and Amy run into the tardis as the doctor gives the pistols to Amy so she can constantly fire at the Orlords while the doctor sets the controls on the tardis and then
THE DOCTOR:Come in Amy all set
Amy closes the doors and the tardis dematerialises with the Orlord Energy covering over the tardis just after it had fully dematerialised
Doctor Who Title Sequence
ORLORD LEADER:This is unacceptable they have escaped how have we lets this happen
ORLORD:Now what do we do?
ORLORD LEADER:What we do next is very very simple even for you Orlord we follow them
ORLORD LEADER:Use the time energy tracer which picks up the trail we can not risk losing them
ORLORD LEADER:We must catch them they risk our ruling of the entire universe
ALL ORLORDS:The Entire Universe shall be ours we shall be the only lifeforms to have ever existed in the universe
AMY:How did that work?
THE DOCTOR:Well the Orlords are a lot of sort of gas type energy on the same sort of level yes have you got me Amy
AMY:Yes doctor carry on
THE DOCTOR:Well the asteroid was so hot the water evaporated instantly into water vapour and imagine Orlords like fire energy but they are not exactly like fire they are also in gas form so like fire in gas form the water had to be in gas form to equal the connection and it is like water to fire it doesn't always work quickly but it slows them down Unfounately I didn't have Gallons of It but it slowed them down and let us escape
AMY:So all we need to do is get Gallons of water brilliant we can use that to defeat them so the universe will be safe after all I knew you would come up with a clever idea to save us all you always do
THE DOCTOR:It is not exactly like fire and water the water only has a very small effect just enough for us to use to escape from them and the Orlords are growing in strength ever minute so approximately in five minutes the water will have no effect on them at all
AMY:Never mind so what do we do keep on flying endlessly through the time vortex
THE DOCTOR:No that was never part of the plan
AMY:What is the plan then?
THE DOCTOR:We go back to the past and stop the Sardines and Walheads ever gaining trust in him in Chief Malrun will be vulnerable they will have only just joined together so I should easily be able to proof to them that he is an Orlord
AMY:Easy Peasy lemon Squeezey then it always is with you
THE DOCTOR:No I am sorry Amy it is never that easy with anything in the life of a time traveller The Orlords will be following us every step of the way and they can edit time Amy So with the Timetracks in the time Vortex we will find Olopp in the past a little bit different than it should be and the Orlords will be chasing us
AMY:Oh well this is all normal for you isn't it?
THE DOCTOR:I totally agree GERONIMO!!!
AMY:Doctor why is the tardis on fire?
THE DOCTOR:It is because a load of Orlords are chasing us through the time vortex all the Orlords can't fit in with the tardis so the time vortex is spliting apart and we are all being crushed luckily the tardis is keeping us safe
AMY:Will the tardis be ripped apart soon?
THE DOCTOR:Hopefully not
The Tardis crash lands in a forest infested with killer Cyan coloured birds with small extremely sharp teeth called Valtroise
THE DOCTOR:We need to give her a rest for a while
AMY:Doctor Is your Machine Alive because you called it her
THE DOCTOR:Yes totally unfortunately she is malfunctioning she always finds the right spot to land anyway near right spot and it is definitely not safe watch out Amy their might be Valtroise in these forests.
AMY:What are Valtroise?
THE DOCTOR:Trust me you don't want to to do or ever find out if you you might just die
AMY:Doctor look how are their like white spaces in the forest
THE DOCTOR:It is a disturbance form the time vortex
Amy looks above
AMY:Doctor duck
The killer bird like Valtroise fly just above their heads leaving both of them pretty much unharmed apart from a tiny bit of Amy's neck where one of the birds was able to peck a little bit of skin off
AMY:OW!!! Was that the Valtroise?
THE DOCTOR:Yes and they are very deadly and every day they wake up they are starving so we need to move on quickly these creatures normally eat 10 humanoids each everyday in a pack of a 1000
AMY:So they hunt 10000 humanoids a day What do you mean by humanoids?
THE DOCTOR:Basic human form most people on this planet aren't human so mainly sardines and Walheads just basic human form same size and same parts head,arms,legs and feet excreta
AMY:All very interesting
The pack of birds group together on the branches then they come of the branches and attack a unconcentrated Amy
THE DOCTOR:What do I do?
AMY:Do something doctor I am going to be ripped to shreads soon
The Doctor plays a disturbing whistle and the birds fly away
THE DOCTOR:They shouldn't flown that far away
AMY:I think it wasn't the whistling that scared them away it was the Orlords
ORLORD LEADER:I can them and Amy is injured Easy Peasy meals for us and we will bring down the doctor aswell bring them to me Orlords
ORLORD:Yes leader I obey
AMY:AAAAARGH!!! My clothes are ripped doctor
THE DOCTOR:Don't mind about your clothes their are more important things to think about for example the Orlords who just about have control of the entire universe and soon they will have the whole of time and space under their control so think about the Orlords Amy not anything else at the moment is needed to be thought about is that crystal clear?
AMY:Very clear doctor Doctor you really need to look over there
THE DOCTOR:The Orlords are coming
AMY:I Think we should run Doctor
The Doctor and Amy pond run down a tunnel which used to be a mine and is pitch black.
Where Wolvians who have had nothing to eat for months wait Wolvians are Wolf like creatures with faint red bodies 10 times the height and width as humans with one million multi-coloured teeth two times larger than humans and their teeth are also thousand times sharper than Piranha Teeth
THE DOCTOR:I can sense something Amy be quiet we may have company
AMY:Look over there doctor what are they?
THE DOCTOR:Wolvians be careful Amy If one of their teeth gets into you're skin you are dead and so am I
AMY:How many teeth are there in total?
THE DOCTOR:Ten thousand Wolvians approximately approximately one million teeth each about ten billion
AMY:Doctor they are grouping up how are we going to stop them there are too many teeth
THE DOCTOR:Look Orlords
THE DOCTOR:I think we should start running very fast again
AMY:Yes I agree
The doctor and Amy run out with Orlords following them and they cover the entrance to the tunnel with more and more wood and keep it steady
AMY:Will that stop them?
THE DOCTOR:Nothing stops Orlords they will be able to get through the wood in two minutes so we need to keep moving
The Doctor and Amy run off into the horizon and the wood topples over as the Orlords escape and start chasing them
In a meeting in the council hall South to the Great Olopp Beach
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):Now I have developed abilities which can transfer information by me sniffing my nose
THE DOCTOR:He is not Chief Malrun anymore He has been taken over and he just wants to feast on this Scrotel a green Pig like criminal with pink millimetre teeth and it is not much of a feast so don't bother
AMY:So did Malrun come here and try to feast and feast until he found the right one
THE DOCTOR:Yes he tried and tried to bring the Orlords back and then Captain Jack came that was enough to bring them all storming back into existence and trust me you do not want that to happen
SCROTCEL:I am a normal criminal who stole some vodka from earth and he is a normal sardine called Malrun stop wasting my time and interrupting the meeting
AMY:To prove that he is a deadly alien I will let the doctor play some notes on his piano which he somehow fitted in his pockets
WALHEAD DELEGATE:What happened to you?
SCROTCEL: Will you just get on with the Meeting I want my Dinner
THE DOCTOR:If the people at this meeting don't believe he is an alien and allow him to hypnotise them then you are not going to have any Meals ever again
CHIEF MALRUN:In answer to you're question Walhead it is pretty obvious what happened to her She will have been attacked by those Valtroise things in the forest very deadly creatures which hunt in packs and can easily kill you she was lucky to escape
The Doctor Plays very loud notes on his piano I perfect orders which should bring the Orlord Energy out of him and this makes Chief Malrun to keep on vomiting Purple Frogs
THE DOCTOR:This is not right at all the Orlord Energy should have came straight out of him not purple frogs Which means only thing A very very Terrible Thing
AMY:What Doctor?What is it?
THE DOCTOR:This timeline must have been edited by the Orlords Oh dear we only have one option left now we need to get back to the tardis
AMY:It is too dangerous back that way Orlords,Wolvians and Valtroise
THE DOCTOR:No Amy it is not dangerous at all the orlord energy will have moved from that area now and they will have feasted on all them poor unfournate creatures Come on Amy back to the Tardis
AMY:You have been good company I hope we see you all again
CHIEF MALRUN (SARDINE):And remember doctor I am not an Orlord I don't want to be part of any of that stuff
SCROTCEL:He is right Doctor and Malrun shall guarantee peace for us all
Amy and The Doctor Leave the meeting and start running back to the Tardis
CHIEF MALRUN (SARDINE):My people the Orlords you exist I thought you had all been trapped
Chief Malrun transforms into Orlord Energy and the Orlords Start Eating him up
ORLORD MALRUN:You can't eat me I am Orlord AAAAARGH!!!
SCROTCEL:The Doctor was right after all and I really think he is right I won't ever have anymore meals in my life AAAAARGH!!!
Orlords absorb Scrotcel and then all the other delegates in the meeting
ORLORD LEADER:How have you not got them yet?I am very disappointed at our performance Orlord we need that energy I need to consume The Doctor and Amy they will be such great meals they are time travellers I must eat them up all their life essence must be mine.
ORLORD:We have lost them
ORLORD LEADER:This is extremely poor for an Orlord Do I have to kill you? and find a replacement?
ORLORD:No leader
ORLORD LEADER:Then make sure you find them
ORLORD:Yes Leader
ORLORD LEADER:If you fail to capture them I Promise you I will execute you
Is that understood?
ORLORD:Yes Leader
ORLORD LEADER:Where are they?Find where they are Immediately
ORLORD:Searching for time traces traces negative readings suggest they are still on the planet
ORLORD LEADER:Hunt them down and bring me them alive so I can feast I will not be satisfied until I have ate them All their Life Energy shall be mine to consume
ORLORD:Yes leader
ORLORD LEADER:The Doctor and Amelia Jessica Pond shall have their energies consumed by me when you bring me them so I can consume them What tasty meals they will be I can not miss out on that meal.I won't ever forget that meal once I am able to eat them
THE DOCTOR:Get in the Tardis Now
THE DOCTOR:The Orlords are approaching We must escape before they can consume our life energy
AMY:Well we must be fast then
THE DOCTOR:Come on in
AMY:Alright Doctor
They get in the Tardis and it dematerialises Just before the Orlords Reach the area
ORLORD LEADER:What has happened?
ORLORD:They have gone of the scanner range Leader
ORLORD LEADER:You have Failed You're mission you shall be consumed
ORLORD:Please Don't Leader You don't have To do this I beg for Mercy Leader Please
ORLORD LEADER:You have betrayed us You're failures could help the Doctor stop us I will now consume you
Orlord Leader consumes Orlord
ORLORD LEADER:You Shall be the replacement
ORLORD:I am proud to accept your offer Leader I will immediately try to get the scanners online So we can stop whatever they are planning because whatever they are planning they will be planning to destroy proper existence of us and we can't let that happen
ALL ORLORDS:We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!We Must Feast on the Doctor!!!
THE DOCTOR:I am able to block their systems of detecting us for a few minutes with this special tardis system I have discovered but as ever with the Orlords they always are able to work out how to stop things in a few minutes
AMY:So we have a little breathing space
THE DOCTOR:Yes I suppose we do Amy
AMY:Where are we travelling to doctor?
THE DOCTOR:The Medusa Cascade
THE DOCTOR:It always makes me imagine,it somehow gives me ideas and it is so so beautiful you will love it
The Tardis Arrives and Starts Floating across the Cascade
THE DOCTOR:You will love it Amy look outside but don't fall out we haven't landed it is a Constellation of Stars with a hidden space time rift which I closed ages ago it has reopened many times and I closed it again and again every time
Amy opens the doors and then starts smiling
AMY:Oh that is wonderful it is so so beautiful We are definitely not letting this be consumed by Orlords.
THE DOCTOR:No way Got any Ideas Amy?
AMY:No Sorry Doctor
THE DOCTOR:Changing the Past never seems to be very successful with Orlords
AMY:You can never find the right point
THE DOCTOR:No and the Orlords have manifested themselves into the past aswell so when you arrive events could have already been changed and their seems no way of starving them again like I did before.
AMY:Their is always some way of stopping enemies we just have to think
THE DOCTOR:Now lets lower the criteria of where we could go We have the past,the present and the future At the present moment we can't defeat the Orlords and in the future they will have total control so their is no point going their so we have the past what do we have in the past
AMY:We have you when you were Six stopping the Orlords
THE DOCTOR:That won't stopping their current plans though
AMY:Just think if you defeat the Orlords you might have to save the daleks too
THE DOCTOR:I never thought I would end up saving the Daleks but we just might have to to stop the Orlords from controlling the universe from start to finish
AMY:The Doctor saving The Daleks
THE DOCTOR:The Daleks are never quite defeated ever unfortunately always their to be my constant rivals across the universe forever
AMY:Can we go back in time and snatch the daleks and use them to fight the Orlords
THE DOCTOR:Use The Daleks?Well their are two major problems with that problem one I doubt we would get them to agree and we would probably end up exterminated and problem two The Orlords destroyed them in seconds they don't stand a chance against the Orlords not strong enough to defeat them
AMY:Good Point Doctor
ORLORD:We have located them
ORLORD LEADER:Excellent The Doctor and Amy you shall soon be mine to feast on
ORLORD:We are now following them We will soon have them for you to feast on
ORLORD LEADER:Well Done You have not disappointed me Orlord
ORLORD:The Tension is unbearable Leader The only minor thing that could ever stop us is about to be defeated
ORLORD LEADER:And they shall be all mine to feast on
ORLORD:We have sighted them
ORLORD LEADER:Fantastic Speed on Full Speed
ORLORD:Leader This has certainly been some excellent asteroid we were able to arrive on which the doctor unfortunately escaped us on and they shall soon be yours leader
ORLORD LEADER:I suppose we don't really need this asteroid to travel on It doesn't speed us up all it does is let us plant our equipment follow directions into the right place and have very comfy seats
ORLORD:Very Comfy Seats
THE DOCTOR:We will have to be very fast in making a decision now they are almost close enough to consume us now
AMY:Could we not do something close to the time of you defeating the Orlords when you were six?
THE DOCTOR:Nothing Close to that would give us some chance to stop them
THE DOCTOR:The Orlords are broadcasting turn on the scanners Amy
AMY:Doing it now
Amy turns on the scanners and The Orlord Leader
ORLORD LEADER:Doctor I am incredibly pleased to see you
THE DOCTOR: I am extremely angry to see you
ORLORD LEADER:Just think in a few minutes you will be all mine to feast on you're life essence will be consumed by Orlord Energy and just make this very clear our energy is easily capable of destroying you're tardis don't waste you're energy Just Surrender now to the Orlords Doctor and you and you're companion can have brilliant deaths doctor I order you to give yourself to me
THE DOCTOR:Don't so greedy Orlord Leader You can't get all the privileges share the energy with the other Orlords they should all have some when the consume me but understand this I will never surrender to get you're much wanted life energy you are going to have to get the life energy that I know you are desperate to consume
AMY:You are stupid creatures only here to kill You should of never been created
ORLORD LEADER:You Shall Show respect to me Useless Human
AMY:Why should I have too give you respect?
ORLORD LEADER:Because I am the Orlord Leader but I have to say you're description is accurate apart from the fact that we should have not been created.We are proud to be such good killers and look at the delicious meals we achieve since of our excellent killing techniques and ruthlessness.
AMY:But it is evil you should be friends with different races not consume them think of the friends you could make and you could see all sorts if you travelled the universe
ORLORD LEADER:In your terms We are Racist We only care about ourselves everything else is dumb,stupid and tasty
AMY:I don't like racists so I don't like you
AMY:Doctor I have an Idea
THE DOCTOR:We better turn off the screen so they can't hear us
AMY:Goodbye for Now Orlord Leader
The Doctor turns off the Screen
AMY:We could go back to the first building blocks of the universe and you said the Orlords Where the first things to be created in the universe and you said that if someone could stop that event or change it they could control the universe
THE DOCTOR:What a brilliant idea Amy Pond We will have to be quick and we will have to destroy the Orlords from every existing we have no choice
The Doctor turns the Screen on again
THE DOCTOR:I have got to say it is nice to you again
ORLORD LEADER:I agree it is very nice to meet you too aswell So I presume you have decided to talk to me about surrendering and a make some nice meals for me
AMY:No We have decided to show you that we are not dumb at all We are much more Clever than you and that shall be you're downfall you may know everything about the universe but you don't know how to use knowledge and you don't understand knowledge like we do
The Doctor starts flicking switches
ORLORD LEADER:Where are you going?
AMY:Nowhere near you
Tardis Dematerialises
ORLORD LEADER:Concentrate Orlord Follow Therm Immediately Orlord You Are letting them escape
ORLORD:We can't at this current moment we can not find the trace I am trying my hardest leader
ORLORD LEADER:I expect more from you I need my dinner
ORLORD:Searching Leader
THE DOCTOR:Here we are the building blocks for creation
Amy opens the Doors
AMY:Why is it all white with a small black dot
THE DOCTOR:It is a no space it is like a blank videotape you can't go much further back than this and fall into it and you will be taken out of ever probably existing you will exist but no one will know you will have ever existed you will be trapped in white space for eternity you wouldn't have a body you would just have a soul trapped in no space anyway I have got to start working the Orlords will be chasing us Close the doors Amy
AMY:What is the black dot doctor?
THE DOCTOR:It is creation starting to create life and destroy the no space it will grow bigger and bigger and the white space will go smaller and smaller with it the balance of creation
AMY:Closing the doors now doctor
Amy Closes the Doors of the Tardis
AMY:How are you going to stop the Orlords being created?
THE DOCTOR:I am going to get the Tardis to transmit Cosmic Blueane Anti-Life Radiation it will last ten days and then creation will take a different path and the big bang will be created and everything will happen like we all want and I will never need to do what I did what I was Six and The Universe will be Safe
AMY:And the Orlords will have never existed
THE DOCTOR:Yes and this can never ever be changed Amy Pond our whole adventure we had will have never existed
THE DOCTOR:Hold Down that lever,press that down and bash that part as hard as you can until I say Stop
AMY:I Have got the levers and switches in the positions
The Doctor Whizzes around the console and then
THE DOCTOR:Stop Now!!!
AMY:I have stopped Now
THE DOCTOR:Well Done Amy Couldn't Do anything like this without you
AMY:You have to feel sorry for what we are about to do to the Orlords
THE DOCTOR:It is either the Orlords or the rest of creation I can't save them no other way
AMY:Are we ready to destroy the Orlords?
THE DOCTOR:We have a signal on the screen turning it on now
Doctor turns on screen
AMY:It is the Orlords
ORLORD LEADER:Stop right There We have teleported a bomb inside you're tardis while you were so busy you wouldn't have noticed and it is protected with a strong paradox stronger than creation and only we know how to stop it
THE DOCTOR:Would you take a bet?
ORLORD LEADER:I would you are not clever enough to stop it and We have activated it you,you're companion and you're tardis will never have ever existed if you defy us and activate it then you will die
AMY:You're Bluffing
THE DOCTOR:Even if their was a bomb and we didn't set off the radiation you would
never ever tell us how to stop the bomb
THE DOCTOR:Search for a bomb Amy now
ORLORD LEADER:Will you call off you futile attempt to stop us from ever existing in the universe?
AMY:Doctor I have found the Bomb
THE DOCTOR:Through it over quickly and carefully
AMY:Here it comes doctor
The Doctor Catches the Bomb Perfectly
THE DOCTOR:I will definitely not stop my radiation this is a very simple bomb for me to stop
ORLORD LEADER:It will activate in Approximately one minute You can never defeat us doctor and I must thank my assistant Orlord for setting up this excellent bomb Well Done Orlord and get ready to activate now
ORLORD:Yes Leader
ALL ORLORDS:The Doctor,His Companion and His Tardis shall be wiped out of ever existing forever
AMY:Doctor we are never going to have never existed if that bomb goes off
THE DOCTOR:Pass the Screwdriver
AMY:Throwing it(Pause) NOW!!!
The Doctor Catches the Sonic Screwdriver Perfectly
The Doctor Sonics Part of the Bomb and it opens to sow two orange incredibly shiny crystals
THE DOCTOR:We have a choice
THE DOCTOR:Two Green Crystals We will make the bomb go off immediately by picking one of them and if we pick the other we deactivate it
AMY:We have had more than one minute they must be having problems
THE DOCTOR:They lied a bit but it will go out in 30 seconds it says on the Digital Timer
AMY:Choose the left one now doctor
Amy looks up rubbing her hands in tension and excitement smiling as if she was sure of what would happen
The Doctor picks the left one and the digital timer reverts to zero and all the power fades away off the bomb
AMY:I love this crystal Can I keep it?
THE DOCTOR:I am sorry you won't be able to do It will disappear when we destroy the Orlords anything linked to them will because they will have never existed
AMY:Never Mind
ORLORD LEADER:What has happened?
THE DOCTOR:We deactivated you're bomb and now you shall all die and never have existed
ORLORD LEADER:Doctor you can't do this to me
THE DOCTOR:I Have no choice
The Doctor And Amy Hold hands and press the button on the tardis together
ORLORD LEADER:Doctor remember you are worse than us you took us out of existence
All the Orlords disappear forever existing and The Doctor and Amy can still Remember What Happened and they end up on a beach with Captain Jack who can also remember. The events they still remember haven been erased from history
THE DOCTOR:You know what we need to do don't you Jack and Amy?
The Doctor,Captain Jack and Amy Pond head up to the the council hall for a meeting with Sardines and Walheads
In a meeting in the council hall South to the Great Olopp Beach
THE DOCTOR:Now Walheads the Sardines have been here 10,000 years haven't they you have to be fair they deserve to live here as much as you do
WALHEAD DELEGATE:We need the land though
AMY:So do the sardines
CHIEF MALRUN (SARDINE):Come on though we do live here you can't just kick us out
CAPTAIN JACK:Exactly how does the fact the Walheads have lived here longer make them better than the sardines they have lived here 10,000 years that is long enough you both should agree that it is fair if both races can live here in peace
5 minutes later
ADAN MALROON (WALHEAD):I Now must make the decision we have all been not wanting to make Walheads and Sardines need to stand together as a planet we can't be nasty to each other No one can claim this planet Sardine or Walhead We need to join together and use our skills to attract more and more people to our planet and mark this planet to be a very happy place to be on the top universal tourist places like it used to be before we started losing our community hold and I must thank The Doctor,Amy Pond and Captain Jack Harkness because without them nothing would be possible
The Doctor,Amy and Captain Jack shake hands with the Walheads and the Sardines
At the Alien bar
CAPTAIN JACK:I am back at the bar I only went to Earth because of the Nestene Conciousness threat to the planet and I had to make sure that it didn't prevail because if it did I wouldn't have ever existed and then I get eaten by an Orlord and then I end up on a beach on Olopp the same planet I was on before I was eaten Anyway until next time Doctor and I promise not to do any flirting anymore
THE DOCTOR:Goodbye Jack and definitely no flirting ever I will be coming to arrest you if I find out you have flirted
The Doctor and Captain Jack start laughing and hug each other
AMY:What do you think about the Orlords?
THE DOCTOR:They had to be ripped out of existence for all this to be possible
AMY:How come we always remember when we shouldn't?
THE DOCTOR:I think it is down to magic how we remember
AMY:I feel sorry for them a little
THE DOCTOR:They didn't deserve to be wiped out of entire existence ever but all the destruction and hate they stood for was all totally wrong so in a way they deserved to have punishment for their crimes but not the punishment they got but I couldn't have not took them out of existence it was the Orlords or the whole of proper creation would have never happened so I had no choice
AMY:Well at least you can be certain they won't turn up again because no one in the universe even knows they ever existed and you said that the start of creation has had so many changes it is now pretty much a fixed point in time
THE DOCTOR:I hope for all our sakes it will become one and become unchangeable
AMY:Where too next?
THE DOCTOR:Let the tardis decide
The doctor and Amy go in the tardis and it dematerialises
A heavily armoured alien Comes into the bar and sits with a slitheen
ALIEN:Have you got the attracting device?
SLITHEEN:Yes Have you got 10,000 Raxos
ALIEN:Yes I have Here you go
SLITHEEN:Here is the attracting device
ALIEN:Thank You very much
The Pair shake hands and the slitheen leaves to go to order some vodka at the bar and the alien can be seen on the phone
ALIEN:Now I have this I will be able to attract aliens to earth to be our prey it shall be funny killing aliens who think they are the only invaders
OTHER ALIEN:I Have ripped the pages out and I am sending you them by Spacepost so you can keep them save
ALIEN:It is just a safety measure if anyone found those they could defeat us especially since rumours are going around about a hero called the doctor better safe than sorry
OTHER ALIEN:I agree Goodbye

End Titles

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Doctor Who-Tricks of the Orlords

Earth,2010 Underground train station York
The Nestene Conciousness is talking to Captain Jack Harkness.
NESTENE:Earth shall be mine you were foolish to return
CAPTAIN JACK:I returned to save my own people
NESTENE:You're own people from the past interesting paradox you're mind shall definitely be mine autons steal his mind
Autons start approaching from the distance with an axe
CAPTAIN JACK:No you can't how can you do make plastic come alive and speak?
NESTENE:I am made of plastic you shall die as my race come storming from Norlonia and take over the human race so you will never have existed
CAPTAIN JACK:You will all these wonderful people just learning how to walk and are capable of so much more and don't you realise if you kill them you stop me from ever existing and my mind too if you carry on with your plans you can't have my mind you're choice
NESTENE:I will absorb the brain energy from you're mind so that it can be kept in a protected paradox Autons steal his mind now now is the perfect time for our plans to begin and I need his mind now
Autons approach and are just about to chop his head of with an axes when the tardis materialises
THE DOCTOR:Captain nice to meet you again I am sorry for what is about to happen to you but nestene you are the same one from underground the one i destroyed with anti plastic How did you survive?
NESTENE:It was only enough to temporarily weaken me and stop my immediate plan but I have developed new ones which will my race here to harvest this planet from Norlonia
THE DOCTOR:That planet was destroyed in the time war I tried to save it from the timelord bombers I am so sorry daleks came to your planet and it caused the timelord bombers to destroy it all
NESTENE:Incorrect it only fell out of time and into a totally different part of space luckily a part that holds life and it has been lost for so long but I have now after all this time came in contact with my people
THE DOCTOR:So why do you need earth?
NESTENE:This planet is much better than our world holded in a secure orbit Norlonia is starting to freeze I need to rescue my people
THE DOCTOR:And this planet is getting hotter with carbon emissions and greenhouse gases
NESTENE:Absolutely perfect we feed on these gases
THE DOCTOR:Oh I forget about well I tried to trick you and you have been able to develop a strong human voice and give voices to autons
NESTENE:I was able to extract the good plastic parts which were 3% of the anti plastic and harvest it to make a bigger transmitter so big it detected my home planet and it will teleport all our species to this world and the transmitter activate all the plastic to kill every being on this planet so the nestenes can start without any other races in our way
THE DOCTOR:Where is this massive transmitter?
NESTENE:It is all around this train station
THE DOCTOR:Well I know what to do I will throw so anti plastic at you I always have some spare
The Doctor throws all the anti plastic he has 10 litres
THE DOCTOR:It hasn't worked
NESTENE:I grew immune from anti-plastic ages ago it now makes me stronger
THE DOCTOR:Well Plan B no their isn't any plan B just kill this person I don't care about him anymore
CAPTAIN JACK:This new regeneration is a nasty one you can't just leave me doctor help me
The Doctor says quietly
THE DOCTOR:You can't die and trust me this will work if you sacrifice you're head to the nestene
Auton uses axe to chop off jack's head and extracts the brain from the head and feeds it to nestene.
Parallel World,Park,Earth 2010
JACKIE TYLER:What is wrong sweetheart
PETE TYLER:You're eyes are going yellow fully yellow
ROSE TYLER:Keep you're eye on the baby not me I am not important
Rose Tyler starts springing off more and more golden time vortex energy
ROSE TYLER:No you shall not live
Rose Tyler then falls back and the time vortex energy starts fading fast and she goes normal again
ROSE TYLER:What Happened?
THE DOCTOR:Oh Rose Tyler you are fantastic more fantastic than you were before
Nestene starts going yellowish and dieing
THE DOCTOR:Technically speaking just before the nestene was about to finish the transmitter and bring all the nestenes here and activate all the plastic I just in time connected you to Capitan Jack Harkness The nestene harvested Captain Jack Harkness's brain and he is connected to the time vortex and you are aswell so through jack's brain you were able to connect to the nestene and destroy it before it destroyed the world very simple
NESTENE:My race will become extinct how nasty of you to destroy our races hopes of survival from our freezing planet
THE DOCTOR:I am sorry but you're race was just unlucky you can't use you're unluckiness to have an excuse to wipe out over races you just have to accept it
Captain Jack's Brain and head grows back fully
THE DOCTOR:You are back jack well say goodbye to the nestene conciousness
NESTENE:Transmitter Failing I am dieing AAAAARGH!!!
The Nestene bursts into time vortex energy which the tardis sucks up
ROSE TYLER:Doctor how did I escape the parallel world?
THE DOCTOR: connecting you to the nestene conciousness to save earth bursted loads of energy time vortex energy and transmitter energy so it has ripped a temporal whole between the universes which you can push through because you have time vortex energy in you're head so you are boosting the signal and falling through but in a moment the hole will close as the energy fades and you will be sucked back in you can't escape I am sorry what happened to the Human doctor?
ROSE TYLER:One day I woke up and he told me he was dieing and he just burst into regeneration energy
THE DOCTOR:The meta-crisis must have destabilized which means Donna will be fine she will be able to remember but she will not be able to remember why I left her and why she isn't travelling with me anymore I could visit her some day But I realise every second that every time I regenerate I start a new life maybe I should leave it and move on you can't always go back to the past
ROSE TYLER:I would like to travel with you again
THE DOCTOR:I have moved on and the energy isn't stable as I said you will sucked back to pete's world in about five minutes
ROSE TYLER:Goodbye doctor and by the way you are much sexier than before
THE DOCTOR:Thanks for the compliment by the way I can send you fully through for less than a minute if you would prefer that than being half through for five minutes
ROSE TYLER:I would much prefer that
The Doctor starts flicking switches on the train station transmitter controls and starts connecting the tardis to the controls to divert the energy to full materialisation
The Doctor then sonics Rose Tyler and Rose Tyler comes fully through and heads straight for the doctor's lips and they hug and snog for 15 seconds
ROSE TYLER:Definitely much more sexier than before
THE DOCTOR:As I said I can't always go back to old times
ROSE TYLER:Will I ever see you again?
THE DOCTOR:I am sorry but I doubt we will be this lucky again
Rose Tyler Disappears Forever
Earth,2010 Chiswick,London
DONNA NOBLE: Granddad where is the doctor?
WILFRED MOTT:You can't ever remember him
DONNA NOBLE:Granddad I feel fine I am totally sure and I remember every part of my life my life all clicks together now but why did the doctor leave me granddad?
WILFRED MOTT:Can you be sure about it Are you certain you are fine?
DONNA NOBLE: Granddad I feel better than I have felt before
SYLVIA NOBLE:Donna I am back
Donna hugs her mum and says happily
DONNA NOBLE:I can remember him I can remember The Doctor
SYLVIA NOBLE:How can she remember?
WILFRED MOTT:I don't know maybe the doctor fixed it it's brilliant all those adventures and she can remember them now forever Donna Noble Companion on the doctor
SYLVIA NOBLE:I think we need a party to celebrate this Thank You Doctor
DONNA NOBLE:Anyway I have decided I am going to join UNIT do what the doctor would have always wanted me to do and I hope I really hope that I see the doctor again so he can be so proud of me
WILFRED MOTT:Won't he just My granddaughter working for UNIT and Donna we all hope we can see that wonderful man again The Doctor is always a part of my heart and hearts of all the stars up their in the sky
In the Tardis
CAPTAIN JACK:Where to now?
THE DOCTOR:The Planet Olopp I have a task for you
THE DOCTOR:I need you to make peace between the Sardines and the Walheads on the planet Olopp
CAPTAIN JACK:How do I do that?
THE DOCTOR:I don't know
CAPTAIN JACK:Why don't you do it?
THE DOCTOR:I can die they might kill you if things turn bad
CAPTAIN JACK:I see you have changed the tardis.How did you do that?
THE DOCTOR:A very long story and I am counting on you to make peace between these species's
CAPTAIN JACK:Why do you need to make peace between them?
THE DOCTOR:They have a wonderful planet I don't want it ruined.
CAPTAIN JACK:Do you not have a companion in the tardis travelling through time and space with you anymore?
THE DOCTOR:I do she's sunbathing on a peaceful beach on Olopp I am going to join her in a moment once the tardis has landed on Olopp
CAPTAIN JACK:So basically you want to keep the beaches the same
THE DOCTOR:Sort of I will be back to see how you are doing in 10 hours
CAPTAIN JACK:10 Hours it might take a bit longer than that
THE DOCTOR:If anything goes wrong contact me with this
CAPTAIN JACK:What is this?
THE DOCTOR:Message sender just type in the message and it sends it to my Psychic Paper
THE DOCTOR:We have landed
THE DOCTOR:Olopp,Green moons in the sky,blue sand orange grass purple soil pink atmosphere black clouds the 110Th planet closest to the sun in the Olonia System
kept alive by artificial heat energy from the Pallonian work station 100,000 light years that way
The Doctor points to the left and Smiles
Doctor who Title Sequence
CAPTAIN JACK:You think you are so sexy when you do that
THE DOCTOR:You need to watch you're words you are turning into River Song and don't flirt definitely no flirting totally banned from the rules of the planet Olopp
THE DOCTOR:Yes totally It's a shame because you like to flirt don't you
CAPTAIN JACK:I really doubt it you really have got to be kidding me
THE DOCTOR:My rules of the planet
CAPTAIN JACK:You never change
THE DOCTOR: Definitely no flirting Jack
CAPTAIN JACK:Okay Doctor I will not flirt
THE DOCTOR:Flirt and You are dead Jack
CAPTAIN JACK:See how well I am doing in 10 hours
THE DOCTOR:I am sure you will have it sorted in 10 hours
Captain Jack Runs off into the distance
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):This is interesting imagine the energy I could steal from him I must get there through him I can feed all the Orlords that have been starved out of existence
In a meeting in the council hall South to the Great Olopp Beach
CAPTAIN JACK:Now this is correct you sardines have stayed here 10,000 years and evolved through generations and you want to stay here on Olopp and the Walheads who evolved originally from here now want you off this planet
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):Do not Trust Him he is trying to get into your heads he wants both of our species's to stay and secretly get his species to take over
Chief Malrun sniffs transferring orange invisible energy across the room
ADAN MALROON(WALHEAD):I agree whatever situations we have got ourselves in this pest will not help us but instead take over our planet or even worse destroy our planet
CAPTAIN JACK:That is not correct I do not want to do anything to you planet I just want to help I bring both spieces's together to trust each other and be friendly to each other
SARDINE DELEGATE:I am sure this man can be trusted Why come here to help us in the first place?I totally disagree that he has invasion plans
Chief Malrun Sniffs at the delegate
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):My evidence is totally accurate proof isn't it delegate you know it is
SARDINE DELEGATE:Yes I have changed my mind I have got to say I agree now I have obviously not thought this through I have looked at this in a wrong way Our tensions on our planet are hardly noticeable except for keen watchers keen for invasion and this is his plan to achieve his ultimate goal.
WALHEAD DELEGATE:Gives us more solid proof and I will agree but at the moment we have no proof
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):Here is all the evidence you need in one sniff
Chief Malrun Sniffs Again at the Walhead Delegate
WALHEAD DELEGATE:I understand now
DELEGATES REPEATEDLY: What evidence did he give you?
WALHEAD DELEGATE:It was a planning document it shows clearly that Jack is planning against us We must call this meeting off he is using us and thank you Malrun for using you're sniffs to tell us information no other lifeform on this planet has the ability it is obvious you were sent by the gods to help us
Captain Jack starts typing on the message sender
On the Beach
AMY:What is wrong doctor?
THE DOCTOR:I have received a message on the Psychic paper"The delegates are ganging up on me it is because Chief Malrun keeps sniffing and seems to be hypnotising please help I might be in trouble"Their is only one sort of lifeform that could be doing this
AMY:What sort of lifeform?
THE DOCTOR:Orlords they use it to capture fake hate to take the life essence of lifeforms and if he is sniffing one must have escaped by binding with a sardine and if he is able to harness Jack's lifeforce then it means the end of the universe he would be able to bring the Orlords back fully to rule the universe Run now Amy we need to immediately help jack we need to get to the council hall as quick as we can
Amy and The Doctor start running towards the Council Hall
In a meeting in the council hall South to the Great Olopp Beach
CAPTAIN JACK:I told you clearly when I started this discussion I am here to help nothing more nothing less I try my hardest to ensure this planet does not have a civil war I need to try to keep the sardines and the Walheads together in peace and I need you're help
The Doctor and Amy Burst into the room
THE DOCTOR:Trust me believe me he is my friend and all he wants is peace no invasion plans at all
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):More Proof these are his accomplices coming here to give him extra support to make ultimate sure they succeed in taking over the planet
ADAM MALROON(WALHEAD):I agree these are enemies of our planet they must be removed
SARDINE DELEGATE:We need more proof
The Doctor sniffs to Confirm the fact that Chief Malrun is an Orlord in Disguise
THE DOCTOR:All of you should really not believe him he is not a sardine he may look like you're chicken headed race with large blue teeth around purple shining crystalline bodies but he is just pure energy hiding in that form he has taken over that body and soon the entire universe if you let him hypnotise you into hating him
SARDINE DELEGATE:I knew it he is a Walhead in disguise
THE DOCTOR:He isn't really shark headed with a green and red dragon like body and two goat like hooves either
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):He is lying his words make no sense he is speaking in a strange untranslatable language they are strangers who want to use Olopp for the own uses
THE DOCTOR:Don't play tricks with me orlord
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):You are not making any sense a what lord?
AMY:Believe the doctor is telling the truth just look into his eyes they are turning orange this must be clear proof trust the doctor he is an orlord and you are all in serious danger if you don't act quickly
THE DOCTOR:He is blocking the tardis translation circuit so they can't understand us
AMY:Can't you boost the translation circuits
THE DOCTOR:I will try with my sonic Give me them Sunglasses
AMY:What for?
THE DOCTOR:To hide the noise they might suspect something if they hear the noise?
AMY:Is it Working?
THE DOCTOR:I have done it to 100 times it's normal strength good job this new sonic screwdriver can connect to the tardis long distances and the tardis translation circuits now work even longer distances than they use to work
AMY:Can he still block it?
THE DOCTOR:No I have no got it too high for even the powers of Orlords to block but Amy Orlords have a lot more tricks than you can imagine
AMY:Now you can all hear properly surely you can all see his suspicious looks and sniffs which none of you can perfect he is not of this planet he is an Orlord and trust me if you let him use you to build up his strength you are all going to die very soon.Captain Jack is not the enemy Malrun is.Focus fight his mind get past him and stop him before it is too late
SARDINE DELEGATE:I believe the girl is right
CHIEF MALRUN(SARDINE):The only not convinced person in this room apart from the strangers do you want more evidence?
THE DOCTOR:Be careful Jack anymore hate and you are gone forever you maybe immortal but the Orlords can wipe you out of existence forever forever feeding on your energy as you start to life again anymore hate and you will die forever
SARDINE DELEGATE:He is telling the truth Captain Jack must be destroyed
ALL DELEGATES: Captain Jack must be destroyed!!! Captain Jack must be destroyed!!! Captain Jack must be destroyed!!! Captain Jack must be destroyed!!!
CAPTAIN JACK:This is ridiculous I told you plain and simply I am here to help you and that is all I am to do to make certain peace between both races
The Doctor and Amy pull worried faces
ALL DELEGATES: Captain Jack must be destroyed!!! Captain Jack must be destroyed!!! Captain Jack must be destroyed!!! Captain Jack must be destroyed!!!
Captain Jack dissolves into orange energy Bringing Back many more Orlords back into existence and Chief Malrun turns into his true form
THE DOCTOR:You are Orlords just like I said see now delegates look what you have done
AMY:You said he was immortal He Will be coming back in a few minutes Won't He Doctor?
THE DOCTOR:I am sorry Amy he will not be coming back ever the Orlords have absorbed his life essence forever and whatever life essence was going to be created by him will be sucked back to resurrect trapped Orlords trapped invisibly into the working of the universe
ORLORD MALRUN:Doctor such a incredible life essence we have absorbed and you thought you had trapped us all into the universe reality didn't you?
THE DOCTOR:How did you survive?
ORLORD MALRUN:When we were being sucked in by the universes structures I quickly scattered away from your Cosmic Flattener shifting the building blocks of the universe to your design creating this mess of a universe I fell through time to this planet about 20 years and thank you doctor you have given us the perfect man to bring us back into proper existence remember doctor you can never destroy the Orlords.
I took over Chief Malrun's body and this entire universe universe shall be taken over by the Orlords.
THE DOCTOR:Amy run as fast you can now Amy for your life
A massive orange cloud can be seen chasing them and spreading across the planet Olopp
Sardines and Walheads all over the planet start being eaten by the Orlords and turning into more golden energy with more Orlords being brought back into proper existence
Amy and The Doctor rush into the tardis and the doctor rushes the consoles as quickly as he can and the tardis dematerialises with clouds of Orlords chasing at incredible speeds
THE DOCTOR:They will keep growing forever unstarving stored flattened starved Orlords bringing them back into existence feasting on everything in their path soon they will have the universe then will travel through the time vortex and eat the existence of the universe the universe will have never existed
AMY:But won't they destroy theirselves doing that because they will stop themselves stealing jack's life essence
THE DOCTOR:No,The Orlords are Strong Enough to hold small paradoxes on events like that
AMY:I reckon they won't be able to feast on one ship
THE DOCTOR:Amy What Ship?
AMY:This Tardis it is indestructible you said it was we are 100% safe in here aren't we?
THE DOCTOR:I am so sorry but I lied this tardis isn't quite indestructible
AMY:How can I trust you when you lie all the time?
THE DOCTOR:You can always trust me Amy I only lied to make you feel secure this tardis is vertly indestructible 99.99% indestructible but the Orlords are structured into the universe in a way they are very similar to space but different because they are alive fully alive they are like gods that is what you would call them and do you think gods don't have enough power to destroy this tardis?
AMY:But if Orlords are part of the universe like space and you knocked them out of proper existence how did life form?The universe should have fell apart doctor How did all this life in the universe survive without the Orlords?because you said they are part of the universe
THE DOCTOR:It was way back when I was born I am a Timelord but I was born out of my time deliberately when I was born I was the only person alive other than the Orlords
The Orlords stopped life other than themselves from ever being created.I through combining trapped energy with lost bits of technology the Orlords created was able to trap them in what I call a Cosmic Flattener it basically flatteners think of the Orlords as gases and I restricted the balance to solids and liquids of course they aren't they are a totally different form of Luidine Lifeforms but it gives you an idea of what I did to make life exist outside the Orlords.
AMY:So you created the universe?
THE DOCTOR:I caused the big bang if you mean that
AMY:So how did you get created?
THE DOCTOR:My parents must have realised my potential at saving the universe and creating the universe they stole a time machine went all the way back to where the Orlords where they were the only Lifeforms and my mother gave birth and left me their on a liquid reef sort of place with orange skies of Orlords above they created enough heat and water to keep me alive.
AMY:But how did they end up being created to send you back into the past
THE DOCTOR:Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Amy very very complicated stuff
AMY:How old were you when you were able to work out ho to trap the Orlords and begin the universe you wanted?
AMY:How did the Orlords not kill you before then?
THE DOCTOR:They didn't notice me How would they?they were certain they had stopped any possibility of any other life being created and then after I started the universe this tardis arrived with my parents in just as the Orlords fell out of time for what I thought would be Forever They took me to what should have been my home planet Gallifrey but it wasn't and I started schooling and looked into the Untempted Schism and I didn't find it amazing at all what they didn't realise was the fact that I had already seen it all before I had created it and in a way it was why I stole this box it had helped me create the universe I felt connected to it so I took it and travelled the stars with Amy Pond
AMY:Doctor What about the Orlords How are they doing?How are they advancing?How much longer can the tardis keep being chased for?
The Tardis starts crashing to a black massive deserted asteroid 100 times the size of earth
THE DOCTOR:Not much longer their powers are eating into the tardis They are puling us down
The Tardis Crash Lands on the Asteroid and The Doctor and Amy step out of the Tardis
THE DOCTOR:So you have this entire sector of the universe
ORLORD:Yes we have Doctor apart from one spaceship
THE DOCTOR:What spaceship?
ORLORD:A spaceship stuck fighting [Pandorica heading slowly for an unknown
AMY:How come you can not drain the life essence of that spaceship?
ORLORD:They have weapons which could blast us out of the universe into Voids and None Existence weapons of massive size so much technology they can through bits off very often replaced by better versions of the technology and they are forcing Pandorica out of permanent existence
AMY:What are you planning to do?
ORLORD:We are planning to destroy the universe then the time vortex and then we will be able to life like the olden days the old universe will have never not been the universe it was a brilliant universe where only us creatures existed and no others it was a universe the doctor foolishly destroyed
THE DOCTOR:I will stop you
AMY:The doctor always saves the universe and he will save this time don't you worry you Orlords he will save the universe again and stop you
ORLORD:We shall consume the entire existence of the universe very soon
AMY:Apart from that Spaceship
ORLORD:Yes quite right Amelia Jessica Pond Apart from that spaceship
AMY:How does he know my name?
THE DOCTOR:Orlords know every single fact about the universe they have seen every single thing that has happened in the universe
AMY:Scary Doctor Very Scary So they know more than you doctor?
THE DOCTOR:Yes indeed Amy more than any creatures ever technically they are the gods of the universe
AMY:How long will this plan take to complete?
ORLORD:In human hours for our timelines 10 hours
THE DOCTOR:What are you going to do about us?
ORLORD:Very soon you will have all you're life energy consumed by us you will all make very tasty meals for us Orlords
AMY:What about the tardis?
ORLORD:That shall be consumed by us aswell
THE DOCTOR:This is the end no way out the Orlords are going to rule the entire universe forever their are no special tricks or plans I can perfect to save the day and the timelords are dead so I can't get any help of them
they are strong enough to easily consume the daleks
ORLORD:We have already consumed a dalek ship carrying the progenitor before it entered the time vortex it was planning to go to 1963 earth but we ate them before the spaceship entered the time vortex and all them daleks onboard very all delicious meals
THE DOCTOR:Surely you can let us live a little longer to see you're ultimate victory and see you destroy this universe forever
ORLORD:Always the funny one doctor but no we will never risk you stopping us again we will consume you,your companion and your tardis what delicious meals you will make all you're life energy will be ours to feast on and trust me doctor very very soon the universe will consist of only one form of energy orlord energy.
Massive Clouds of Orange Energy of the Orlord Creatures starts storming faster and faster at The Doctor, Amy and The Tardis ready to consume them.

To be Continued...

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