1.Something is arriving slowly in a spaceship
2.Someone is acting a bit strange
3.Juos is a peaceful planet but war has started to ruin the peaceful planet
4.Why the Valroon are attacking is seemingly answered here but their is another scret reason why they attacking which will be revealed in Victory of the Chosen
5.The Valroon have moods of attacking and try to stop themselves starting to attack and at times they are peaceful
6.Their are a lot of chase scenes
7.Their are three layers of attack in this episode one the valroon,two will be revealed at the end of Metallic Mysteries and three will be revealed in Victory of the Chosen in a very shocking twist when everything seems as if its OK but suddenly a bigger dilemma emerges
8.The Ending is very sad and is very unfairytale like
9.The Doctor must make a choice and what ever he chooses he will lose
10.Three things return from the finale Two of them appeared and one was mentioned
Welcome to this blog, run by Dalek1099 and formerly by Dalek1099 and Ritzii,this is the blog where hopefully you will find what is next for the doctor,particularly in the current 50th anniversary year through the excellent spoilers this blog provides , in many different ways aswell as other exciting stuff about shows like Primeval.Thank You for visiting The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Spoilers Blog run by Dalek1099.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Sunday, 27 June 2010
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang Review
The Doctor will destroy The Universe
Quote of the Episode
Enemy:Unknown(Main Enemy)
Timefield(Helper Enemy)
The Alliance(Separate Enemy)
Companions:Amy Pond,River Song,Rory Williams
Saviour:The Doctor and Amy Pond
Rating:100000/10.00(The Pandorica Opens)(Best of the series)9.7/10(The Big Bang)(6Th Best of the series)
Twists:Van Gogh,Stormcage,Cabinet War Rooms,Starship Uk,Maloverium,Planet One,Underhenge,Cyberman,Rory,Loads of Spaceships,Roman Soldiers and Pandora's Box books,Roman Soldiers=Autons,The Alliance,Doctor in Pandorica,Amy's Death,Tardis Exploding,Silence Will Fall,Galaxies going out,Amelia,No Stars,Amy in Pandorica,Fez,Sonic to open pandorica,Lone Centurion,The love that lasts a thousand years,Stone Dalek,Time Loop,Future Doctor"Dead",Exterminated by a dalek,Mercy,Geronimo,Flying the tardis into the pandorica,Doctor never existing by going through crack,Amy having parents,The Wedding,Amy remembering the doctor,The doctor dancing again,Egyptian Goddess,Goodbye
Plothole:Loads(Rivers Timeline,Why river went in the tardis,how after-images are their,why the daleks firing has gone back to the RTD days when they changed the way they exterminated in VOTD and why the doctor didn't die he was completely hit he should have died with no regenerations left blah blah)
Reason for Plotholes:Might of not been plotholes to complicated
Great first episode last scene was awesome when the doctor was confronted by the alliance and it was strung together well and the Cgi was great with all the spaceships and Amy died but she wasn't dead for long because the doctor saved her by putting her into the pandorica and using Amelia's DNA to make Amy come back to life.The second episode was a bit of a let-down compared to the perfect first episode and had poor Cgi a loose and complicated plot but it was enjoyable and the wedding scene was great and the episode ended with what we all wanted Amy and Rory married travelling in the tardis and all I can hope for next series is no messing about no deaths and then coming back I want both Amy and Rory to stay for a very long time I think Rory is my second favourite companion ever behind Rose Tyler.I can not wait to find out what series six has in store and I still do not know how this series has gone so fast but we will find out soon because filming for the Christmas special starts in a few weeks and filming for series six will follow and details will almost certainly be leaked.Thank You for visiting this blog time and time again.Please visit Again and Again!!!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
The Lodger Review
The Correct Pilot has been found
Enemy:Hologram(Auto Pilot)
Aliens:Hologram(Auto Pilot)
Companions:Amy Pond
Deaths:17 (2 on screen I think)
Rating:9.54/10.00(8th Best of the Series)
Twists:Tardis throwing the Doctor out,Time Distortion,Earpiece,Fake Kiss,Shower,Monkeys,Man upstairs,Lodger Advert,headbutt,attempt to make a tardis,no upstairs,Crack,Wedding Ring
Plothole:1 Where on Earth did that Earpiece come from?
Reason for Plothole:Unknown
A decent episode the positives from this adventure are the portrayal of the hologram was very strange and at first I thought it was a zygon upstairs or some strange shapeshifting creature however it would have been better to have a creature as the main enenemy not a hologram that is my main criticism about the episode.I enjoyed the doctor playing football and being in the shower as it showed a new level to doctor who the doctor trying to become human.Craig opening the doctor's room was an hilarious moment and seeing a mad machine which was trying to track down signals from the upstairs flat and really didn't do anything at all so that was a bit silly.Another Criticism, I have for this episode is that their are still a lot of mysteries which haven't been answered who tried to create this space-time machine?I feel the production team again didn't have enough money to show us they should have showed us in a flashback scene or something anyway I can promise you if you are lacking monsters after Saturday's episode then episode 12 the pandorica opens is for you loads of monsters are coming.Their are other things I liked like the relationship between Craig and Sophie and I loved the bit where The Doctor and Amy said Kiss the Girl like they where ordering them to.I feel this was the low budget episode which showed in ways furthermore the humour and fun in this episode was good after two sad episodes and two sad ones to come after this and the ending was very strange does she remember Rory?Are Craig and Sophie safe from the crack behind their fridge?Let the finale commence!!!
What I am looking forward to in The Pandorica Opens:
1.The Return of the Cybermen
2.Rory retrning thank god he isn't gone forever
3.Amelia Returning
4.River Song,Liz 10 and Churchill returning
5.Loads and Loads and Loads and Loads of creatures including Daleks,Cybermen and Sontarans
6.The Pandorica
7.Finding out who is the most powerful and dangerous creature in the universe is
8.The Cliffhanger We know every single thing is revealed about the plot as everything from the entire series comes together
9.Finding out what happens to the Doctor How can he be gone by the big bang?
10.The Tardis being destroyed
11.Cyberman attacking Amy
12.Loads of spaceships above Stonehenge including four sontaran warships
13.The Doctor wrestling with two Roman soldiers with creatures watching
14.Chelonians We have seen them in a comic strip now they will appear on TV Will they be CGI or will actors play them?
15.Roman Soldiers
16.Finding out why the Roman soldiers are helping the aliens
17.Finding out how these cracks where created
18.Zygons How will they be different than when they where in Terror of the Zygons and how will they be the same?
19.Creatures walking somewhere with Cybermen leading
20.Weevils and Silurians Lovely to see these back
21.An action packed emotional incredible drama which I am sure will be the best one yet
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Weevils Galore!!!
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Friday, 11 June 2010
Doctor Who-Conspiracy on the Grotchel
In the Tardis
AMY:Where are we?
THE DOCTOR:Just flying near the grotchel
AMY:What is the grotchel?
THE DOCTOR:A human spaceship of the 22nd century I will put TV advert on the scanner for us
The Doctor runs around the console pressing buttons then finally turning a console part and the advert appears
JANETTE WHITFIELD:Hello I am Janette Whitfield You need to fly on the Grotchel it is supreme for the first time ever you do not need spacesuits to travel in space all the pressure of space is controlled and their is an oxygen factory for all you're needs also the Grotchel can travel faster than ever before up to a quarter of the speed of light ten times faster than ever before You can buy tickets for the Grotchel from 27th June 2129 and the Grotchel will be ready to fly from 30th March 2136 book tickets for the Grotchel before you have to wait in a massive queue for the tickets its well worth it
THE DOCTOR:A quarter of the speed of light that's ridiculous
AMY:A quarter of the speed of light WOW!!!
THE DOCTOR:I should have took you to the year 2541 where the speed of light is broken by Japan they allowed everyone to fly on these spaceships apart from England,Wales and Northern Ireland thats why they needed a star whale it took them ages to reach the speed of light I am not sure wether they did anyway this tardis can travel much much mush faster than that so that is just boring
AMY:Grumpy Face
AMY:Doctor whats happening The Tardis keeps rocking AAAAARGH!!!
Amy falls over
THE DOCTOR:Are you alright?
AMY:I think I have got a sprained Ankle
The Doctor runs up to the console with Amy behind him they both hold onto the console
THE DOCTOR:We are under attack
AMY:Can you not do something?
THE DOCTOR:I am trying to get the main defence program working even if I can get it working it is a bit out of date it might not be good enough
AMY:Who is attacking us?
THE DOCTOR:The Grotchel
THE DOCTOR:I do not all I know is if we can not stop their attack very soon this tardis will be destroyed Does that cheer you up?
The Tardis goes purple
THE DOCTOR:I have got it online you get the first go at firing at the Grotchel
AMY:What do I do?
THE DOCTOR:Push Down on that lever while I pull up this lever as hard and quick as you can I have everything else setup but as soon as we start firing it is a matter of how quick we can fire which affects the spaceship if we can fire quick enough we can do some real damage hopefully
Amy pushes down on the lever while the Doctor pulls up the other lever
AMY:How did I do?
THE DOCTOR:You did excellent Unfournately the main defence program isn't any good just as I suspected Oh Dear!!!We only damaged the spaceships sheilds by 0.7% no where near enough
AMY:Will the tardis survive?
THE DOCTOR:I don't think so the shields of the tardis are down to 2% and we are defenceless
Part of the Console blows up and knocks the Doctor and Amy cleanly out and they fall down to the glass floor of the Tardis
The Tardis Explodes
LIAM:The Doctor is dead
Doctor Who Title Sequence
In the Tardis
The Tardis keeps flashing and the power of the console is failing the Doctor runs to the console
AMY:What are you doing?
THE DOCTOR:Storing all the energy in the time rotor its our only hope in their the energy will stabilize and be kept intact for about ten hours before it starts dieing we need to find an energy source to save the Tardis normally I would travel to Cardiff because I can the pure energy my time machine needs from the Rift running right through Cardiff but their isn't enough energy left in the Tardis for that
The Doctor flicks switches and the Time Rotor closesand the console goes dead
AMY:but this Tardis is special won't it need more Chronon Energy and Time Energy and that won't be in the normal power supply
THE DOCTOR:All we need is electricity it doesn't give the Tardis more power and energy it just makes the energy still alive in the time rotor more active and makes it reproduce and the whole Tardis can be rebuilt through it
AMY:As long as we can get the energy in time
THE DOCTOR:All we need is a spark of energy to survive the electricty will make that spark become all the energy we need to power the Tardis very quickly
AMY:Why did that spaceship stop firing
THE DOCTOR:Good Point Miss Pond We still had 1% Sheilds left in the Tardis and we wern't camoflaged
AMY:Why don't we have a look outside?
Amy starts running to the door
THE DOCTOR:A my come back anything could be out there we could be in heaven or santa's workshop
Amy opens the doors of the Tardis
AMY:Or a fully working spaceship unlike ours
THE DOCTOR:Don't wander off Amy this could be the Grotchel
The Doctor runs out of the Tardis and closes the doors
MR COPPER:I see you have changed your face
THE DOCTOR:Yes indeed you always notice everything
MR COPPER:Is this some sort of religous or cultural or alien display that ,whoever you really are, do normally?
THE DOCTOR:I do it a bit it is how my race survive I am not from Sto I am from Gallifrey I am part of a different species to anything on Sto
MR COOPER;Yes I see now You are still the same to me though I can feel your soul inside that head of your's and I can tel its the same
THE DOCTOR:How did we end up here? and what about the Grotchel because I know this is not the Grotchel?
MR COPPER:You where very lucky I recognised your blue box and saved you
THE DOCTOR:And How did you do that? and aren't the people who attacked us on the Grotchel a little susapicious of whats happened and surely they must be lucking for u
MR COOPER:We teleported you and your blue box to my spaceship and they won't be looking for you We created a virtual screen to block and replace the spaceship's real screen tricking them into thinking that your blue box was destroyed in a massive explosion caused by their firing
THE DOCTOR:Well Done Mr Copper I see you have moved on I am proud of you you have got your own spaceship and you got all my companions together to stop the Daleks
MR COPPER:I don't know what you are talking about I left Earth 1 week later than when You left me on Earth and brought this wonderful spaceship from the same company that have been repaying the surviours of what happened on the replica of the titantic Rastenburg Builders they called themselves they do all sorts
THE DOCTOR:Oh I get What the Pandorica and these cracks have done to the universe is still in place and that dalek invasion never happened
MR COPPER:I know this universe has been affected by all sorts recently so many cracks and wormholes have been appearing To me I think this all means one thing
MR COPPER:This universe must be being shaped and controlled by some impossible force some force that we have not encountered before and I think it is all going to end in a big sort of climax and you must save us all from whatever is happening We need your help more than ever
THE DOCTOR:I will do all I can to help you
Amy Comes Running
AMY:Thank God I found You I have been searching all over this spaceship is not the Grotchel I know because I have seen Posters up saying "Beware the Grotchel" and you wouldn't put that up on the Grotchel Would You?Doctor WEhat is this spaceship called?
MR COPPER:Copper Starliner
THE DOCTOR:Their is something else bothering me I have checked my watch Today is 21st June 2137 you can't be here you where realitive to the year 2008 you can't be here in 2137 in any shape or form
MR COPPER:This spaceship fell through a wormhole 3 days after we left Earth and arrived in 2134 The Spaceship almost fell apart
AMY:This Spaceship is amazing and it seems incredible to me
THE DOCTOR:I still don't understand Sto Technology was only about thirty years ahead of Earth and it has technology way better than 2008 Sto or 2038 Earth?
MR COPPER:That is because people still know us from Sto and places and I didn't get done for fraud lack of evidence for that they didn't mention it they didn't know at all what I had done but I have moved on and used these vital links to buy technology from Sto and Earth in 2134
AMY:How has he done all this with 1 million doctor?
THE DOCTOR:Mr Copper must be a good bussinessman and it does cost to be a passenger on this spaceship he probably borrowed loads from companies around Sto and Earth and then this came popular it has got 250 passengers and it costs 900,000 a day on it so you can see that he payed back the debt immediately through that
MR COPPER:Doctor!!!
THE DOCTOR:What?Sorry I wasn't listening
MR COPPER:Since I saved you and your companion I would like you to do me a favour
AMY:What do you want us to do Mr Copper?
MR COPPER:The Grotchel over there has had so many staff changes recently and no normal spaceship would fire on a blue box passing by something is wrong on there something evil is happening some sort of conspiracy is happening
THE DOCTOR:Conspiracy on the Grotchel Really easy I will solve it in the Click of my fingers not literally though What could possibly go wrong?
AMY:Conspiracy on the Grotchel I wonder if River Song is there?
THE DOCTOR:River Song doesn't just appear in all the excitingly titled events
AMY:Well she was there at The Crash of the Byzantium,The Opening of the Pandorica which will happen some day,Shadows at the Library and the Bone Meadows we also haven't encounted that adventure yet
THE DOCTOR:You are too obssessed with River Song
AMY;I am not I was only using my brain
THE DOCTOR:I need a electricty cable for my ship
MR COPPER:Use this one from the engine
THE DOCTOR:I won't use much
The Doctor runs to the console unlocks the time rotor and plugs in the cable the Tardis goes back to normal
THE DOCTOR:Their we go Thank You Mr Copper I didn't use too much did I/
MR COPPER:No not at all
AMY:Bye Mr Copper and get a party ready for us when we come back
The Tardis dematerialises
Copper Starliner can be seen mainly green with blue sort of wings and black bold writing saying copper starliner the spaceship looked like an advanced plane
The Grotchel can be seen close to the Copper Starliner with purple windows and mainly red structure and silver expensilver sparkling crystals and diamonds around the exterior of the spaceship.The Grotchel was massive four times bigger than the Copper Starliner it had a shape like a bus and was tall and narrow
The Tardis materialises on the Grotchel
The Doctor instantly sonics the Tardis
AMY:What are you doing?
THE DOCTOR:Putting a perception filter around it
AMY:I can still see it
THE DOCTOR:That is because you want to see it the people around here and more importantly what ever attacked us on this spaceship will not notice it I am hoping whoever attacked us doesn't know I've changed
A tall young man wearing smart clothes approaches the Doctor
TIM:Who are you?Are you on the register list?
The Doctor shows Psychic Paper
THE DOCTOR:Journalists from The Daily Spaceships We have come here to investigate the working of the spaceship and interview its owners
TIM:That is acceptable
THE DOCTOR:Are you new to the staff?
TIM:No I have been on the Grotchel ages I saw the other staff being sacked and dropped of on Earth and repacled they are not doing that me
AMY:Could you lead us top the main reception area because we are tired after a long trip from Earth
TIM:Here is a map all the details should be on here for you to find everything I hope you enjoy your stay on the Grotchel and I will arrange quarters for you in a few hours and I will give them to you in the reception area
THE DOCTOR:Thank you for your service
In the reception area
The Doctor and Amy sit down and approach a young girl who looked about 25 with black hair and tanned skin
AMY:Have you noticed anything strange around here?
AMANDA:Yes I have I went on this cruise with my husband and my brother and they have just disappeared in the last few days
THE DOCTOR:Interesting because We have been sent here to work out what is going on by Copper Starliner don't tell anybody they are not liked by the Grotchel I told them we where from the Daily Spaceships
AMANDA:Copper Starliner is the only spacesghip cruise you can trust these days the rest are all cons or frauders but this cruise is worse so worse people keep disappearing 300 people out of the 450 people on this cruise if the rate of disappearances continues we will have nobody left
AMY:Any new staff over the last fe months?
AMANDA:Plenty vertly all the staff have been replaced by fat people who look like they are hiding something
THE DOCTOR:How did this all start?
AMANDA:When we Crashed into Clom the twin planet of Raxicoricofallapotorius
THE DOCTOR:I have got to think Clom fat people who look human but are hiding something (Pause)They are Abzorbaloffs
THE DOCTOR:They are a race from Clom they can hide in humans and have taken over this spaceship and they absorb people
The Doctor,Amy and Amanda run to the performing stage in the reception area and interrupt the singing of an old man with grey hair and a moustache in a black suit.
LIAM:What do you think your doing?
AMANDA:Making an important announcement
THE DOCTOR:Most of the Crew on this spaceship are not human they are aliens in human suits and technically they are Abzorbaloffs
MARTIN:He's worse than that man called the Doctor
LIAM:I think he is the Doctor he is a Timelord they can regenerate
MARTIN:What are you going to do now?
LIAM:Show all the passengers on this spaceship exactly who we are
MARTIN:You are going to reveal yourself
LIAM:Oh yes
AMY:The Doctor is telling the truth
ADAM:They're imbecile if their is any aliens on this spaceship they're the aliens the crew are not aliens
Liam steps on the stage
LIAM:Actually they are right and their is no escape
Liam and Martin start removing their skins and their transformation is very similar to the Slitheen but their is a blue light instead of a yellow light
THE DOCTOR:Run!!!Everybody Run!!!
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:I am sorry but their is no possible escape more Abzorbaloffs are coming
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:Thank You Doctor and your friend Elton Pope giving us the name Abzorbaloffs you gave us an excellent name which we are keeping
THE DOCTOR:I agree with keeping the name
AMY:What are we going to do now?
THE DOCTOR:Can you not think of a plan?
The Doctor picks up a green slodge of something near the stage and puts it in his pocket
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:Also Doctor you will be delighted to know that the Abzorbaloff on Earth was dieing of old age and was a disabled scavenger and he was never as powerful as us or normal Abzorbaloffs look at what I can do
Martin Abzorbaloff stretches his arm and abzorbs a man 1000 feet away from where he was standing and the man is instantly abzorbed
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:As you seen their we can stretch our arms 1000 feet and abzorb in a few seconds from touching you and we can alter our shape run rapidly
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:You shall all be abzorbed and their is no reverse to the process
AMY:If they are Abzorbaloffs won't something abzorbative slow them down
2 guards enter the room and remove their skins and show that they are Abzorbaloffs too
THE DOCTOR:Excellent idea Amy Amanda have you got any bath sponges
AMANDA:Luckily I have them for my shower in the evening How many do you need?
THE DOCTOR:1 for Liam 1 for Martin and 2 for the guards
AMANDA:4 is all I have got be careful with them
The Abzorbaloffs stretch their arms and absorb a family
The Doctor throws all 4 sponges at the Abzorbaloffs and the Abzorbaloffs start irritating and seem stuck to them
THE DOCTOR:You will be fine in a bit
AMANDA:Everybody Run!!!
All the passengers and crew which are human run with the Doctor
the Doctor sonics the doors to the Reception Area
MARTIN ABZORALOFF:Devilish Humans look what they have done
Liam Abzorbaloff fights his sponge off then Martin Abzorbaloff and then the Guard Abzorbaloffs
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:Lets abzorb them now Our Mother will still be able to deabzorb them from us and feast on them we need to ensure we get this spaceship to our mother she needs to feast she needs have her final feast this universe is getting dangerous the Crits are advancing she must get a final feast
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:We shall honour the tradition that all the mothers off the past have had a final feast close to her death and then her soul will be passed onto the next woman Abzorbaloff in line and mix with her to make the next Abzorbaloff Mother You are right this universe is getting dangerous we must ensure he tradition still happens before the Crits advance and kill her
GUARD ABZORBALOFF:We shall sacrifice ourselves and this spaceship for her don't you worry our plan shall succeed
The Abzorbaloffs break down the doors and start running incredibly fast
THE DOCTOR:I need to think fast now where is the Oxygen Factory
AMANDA:Its in here
The Doctor,Amy,Amanda and the passengers and crew which are humans enter the Oxygen Factory
The Doctor gets the green slodge out of his pocket
AMY:What have you got in your hand?
THE DOCTOR:Abzorbaloff Tissue green and sticky it was spilt on the floor
AMY:What can you do with the tissue doctor?
THE DOCTOR:This is Abzorbaloff Tissue and its not abzorbing me is it so I think that if Abzorbaloff Tissue escapes the body of an Abzorbaloff it only becomes dangerous to the Abzorbaloffs.I believe the Abzorbaloff Tissue would attract all the other Abzorbaloff Tissue on the other Abzorbaloffs and pull them all apart
AMY:We only have a very small amount of Abzorbaloff Tissue
Amanda opens up a section of the Treeborg wiring
AMANDA:We could put the tissue in the the Treeborgs we could mix it in with the Chlorophyll supplies and edit the Photosynthesis's of the Treeborgs in the Oxygen Factory we would need to rewire all the systems aswell
THE DOCTOR:Yes that will be perfect
The Doctor and Amanda start rewiring the Circuits of the Treeborgs
AMY:One small problem Doctor
THE DOCTOR:Amy What is the problem?
AMY:How will we be able to breathe
THE DOCTOR:We are setting up the Treeborgs to reverse to emergency settings after thirty seconds
AMANDA:That won't be enough to kill them
THE DOCTOR:I am not intending to kill them I want to just remove their Abzorbabilities
AMANDA:I have set the new program to make Abzorbaloff Tissue for 30 seconds and then set it to start emergency settings after that
The Abzorbaloffs enter
Liam Abzorbaloff Claps
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:Well Done and now for all your betrayal to us you shall die now doctor and our mother shall have her meal
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:I have already closed down the ships main systems and started lowering the ship so it will start falling soon and crash into our mother and she shall eat this all up
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:Now you shall die doctor
Liam Abzorbaloff's arm starts stretching getting nearer and nearer to the Doctor
Amanda sets off the new instructions for the Treeborgs and loads of Abzorbaloff Tissue comes squirting out and starts heading straight for the Abzorbaloffs
The green Abzorbaloff tissue starts spreading across the entire spaceship slowly abzorbing the staff which are Abzorbaloffs and are working normally across the spaceship
The green Abzorbaloff Tissue stops being produced by the Treeborgs and oxygen starts coming out instead and all the Abzorbaloffs have turned White and over three hundred humans can be seen behind them which have been deabzorbed because of the Abzorbaloff Tissue
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:I don't like this I can't abzorb anymore
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:What have you done to us?
THE DOCTOR:Took away your Abzorbabilities you can't abzorb anymore and think how cross you're mother will be when she eats this this terrible meal humans are much much better than Abzorbaloffs drained of their Abzorbabilities and the humans who where abzorbed before have been deabzorbed
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:You will still all be abzorbed by her this spaceship is falling you have no means of escape and we saw your Tardis be destroyed so you can't escape
AMY:If you did get this Spaceship to the mother with you having your Abzorbabilities wouldn't she have been ripped apart
GUARD ABZORBALOFF-No because she is in ways a different creature which feasts on Abzorbaloff Tissue the centre of Abzorbaloff society nothing can defeat her
THE DOCTOR:I am sorry to tell you this but my Tardis hasn't been destroyed and you are now only Abzorbaloffs with no Abzorbabilities Now all the 450 people of the Grotchel and the only human crew follow me now and run very very fast
The Doctor sonics the Tardis to remove the Perception Filter
THE DOCTOR:Everybody Hurry up this Spaceship is going to be Abzorbed
AMANDA:Come on In
Everybody gets inside the doors close and the Tardis dematerialises
The Abzorbaloff Mother appears, green with loads of faces on and she is twice the size of the Grotchel and has a massive blue mouth half the size of the Grotchel with the Grotchel falling fast.The Mother thinks she is about to Abzorb the Spaceship and have a incredible meal but she is about to soon realise that the meal is lacking humans and Abzorbaloff Tissue
ABZORBALOFF MOTHER:My Children this is not right look at that the meal have you have given me
Mother starts Abzorbing
ABZORBALOFF MOTHER:This is horrible where are the humans? and you are horribly white this is revolting and I can't deabzorb this junk.I am disappointed in you I wanted a final meal you all know that the Crits are taking over changing time and space to suit their needs and they are destroying our universe.I shall die soon because of the Crits and I won't have had a proper tasty final meal.I am incredibly disappointed with you,you have broke the tradition of our race.I trusted you on the Grotchel
In the Spaceship
AMANDA:This spaceship is amazing How does this all work?
AMY:Its to do with dimensions but I don't really understand it
THE DOCTOR:This spaceship is called the TARDIS and it stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space does that help you
AMANDA:No Its a bit confusing
THE DOCTOR:Travelling in the Tardis when you are a human
AMANDA:thank you for saving my husband and my brother if you hadn't found that green slodge of Abzorbaloff issue we would be all dead
The Doctor,Amy,Amanda and over three hundred more humans step out of the Tardis
MR COPPER:You can't bring that many more people on my Spaceship
THE DOCTOR:Let them Mr Copper they payed for the Grotchel and they didn't get what they wanted so I think its fair
MR COPPER:I need £900,000 off them everyday then
THE DOCTOR;No Mr Copper they are going for free I solved Conspiracy on the Grotchel
so you are letting them on for me
AMANDA:I think We are going to stay on this Cruise after we arrive at Cardolia the planet I have a bank on Earth and I am going to start paying from their after I have reached Cardolia
THE DOCTOR:Goodbye Amanda and I hope you,your husband and your brother have good luck on the Grotchel and make sure every Conspiracy gets solved immediately if their is any
AMANDA:I will try my best
AMY:Goodbye Amanda
MR COPPER:You succeeded
THE DOCTOR;I did now Amy has a order for you one you didn't succeed in doing when we returned here which Amy asked when we last left
AMY:I want a party
THE DOCTOR:Get a party ready Mr Copper we will be back in 1 hour
MR COPPER:I will doctor Goodbye
AMY:We will see you later
The Tardis dematerialises
End Titles
AMY:Where are we?
THE DOCTOR:Just flying near the grotchel
AMY:What is the grotchel?
THE DOCTOR:A human spaceship of the 22nd century I will put TV advert on the scanner for us
The Doctor runs around the console pressing buttons then finally turning a console part and the advert appears
JANETTE WHITFIELD:Hello I am Janette Whitfield You need to fly on the Grotchel it is supreme for the first time ever you do not need spacesuits to travel in space all the pressure of space is controlled and their is an oxygen factory for all you're needs also the Grotchel can travel faster than ever before up to a quarter of the speed of light ten times faster than ever before You can buy tickets for the Grotchel from 27th June 2129 and the Grotchel will be ready to fly from 30th March 2136 book tickets for the Grotchel before you have to wait in a massive queue for the tickets its well worth it
THE DOCTOR:A quarter of the speed of light that's ridiculous
AMY:A quarter of the speed of light WOW!!!
THE DOCTOR:I should have took you to the year 2541 where the speed of light is broken by Japan they allowed everyone to fly on these spaceships apart from England,Wales and Northern Ireland thats why they needed a star whale it took them ages to reach the speed of light I am not sure wether they did anyway this tardis can travel much much mush faster than that so that is just boring
AMY:Grumpy Face
AMY:Doctor whats happening The Tardis keeps rocking AAAAARGH!!!
Amy falls over
THE DOCTOR:Are you alright?
AMY:I think I have got a sprained Ankle
The Doctor runs up to the console with Amy behind him they both hold onto the console
THE DOCTOR:We are under attack
AMY:Can you not do something?
THE DOCTOR:I am trying to get the main defence program working even if I can get it working it is a bit out of date it might not be good enough
AMY:Who is attacking us?
THE DOCTOR:The Grotchel
THE DOCTOR:I do not all I know is if we can not stop their attack very soon this tardis will be destroyed Does that cheer you up?
The Tardis goes purple
THE DOCTOR:I have got it online you get the first go at firing at the Grotchel
AMY:What do I do?
THE DOCTOR:Push Down on that lever while I pull up this lever as hard and quick as you can I have everything else setup but as soon as we start firing it is a matter of how quick we can fire which affects the spaceship if we can fire quick enough we can do some real damage hopefully
Amy pushes down on the lever while the Doctor pulls up the other lever
AMY:How did I do?
THE DOCTOR:You did excellent Unfournately the main defence program isn't any good just as I suspected Oh Dear!!!We only damaged the spaceships sheilds by 0.7% no where near enough
AMY:Will the tardis survive?
THE DOCTOR:I don't think so the shields of the tardis are down to 2% and we are defenceless
Part of the Console blows up and knocks the Doctor and Amy cleanly out and they fall down to the glass floor of the Tardis
The Tardis Explodes
LIAM:The Doctor is dead
Doctor Who Title Sequence
In the Tardis
The Tardis keeps flashing and the power of the console is failing the Doctor runs to the console
AMY:What are you doing?
THE DOCTOR:Storing all the energy in the time rotor its our only hope in their the energy will stabilize and be kept intact for about ten hours before it starts dieing we need to find an energy source to save the Tardis normally I would travel to Cardiff because I can the pure energy my time machine needs from the Rift running right through Cardiff but their isn't enough energy left in the Tardis for that
The Doctor flicks switches and the Time Rotor closesand the console goes dead
AMY:but this Tardis is special won't it need more Chronon Energy and Time Energy and that won't be in the normal power supply
THE DOCTOR:All we need is electricity it doesn't give the Tardis more power and energy it just makes the energy still alive in the time rotor more active and makes it reproduce and the whole Tardis can be rebuilt through it
AMY:As long as we can get the energy in time
THE DOCTOR:All we need is a spark of energy to survive the electricty will make that spark become all the energy we need to power the Tardis very quickly
AMY:Why did that spaceship stop firing
THE DOCTOR:Good Point Miss Pond We still had 1% Sheilds left in the Tardis and we wern't camoflaged
AMY:Why don't we have a look outside?
Amy starts running to the door
THE DOCTOR:A my come back anything could be out there we could be in heaven or santa's workshop
Amy opens the doors of the Tardis
AMY:Or a fully working spaceship unlike ours
THE DOCTOR:Don't wander off Amy this could be the Grotchel
The Doctor runs out of the Tardis and closes the doors
MR COPPER:I see you have changed your face
THE DOCTOR:Yes indeed you always notice everything
MR COPPER:Is this some sort of religous or cultural or alien display that ,whoever you really are, do normally?
THE DOCTOR:I do it a bit it is how my race survive I am not from Sto I am from Gallifrey I am part of a different species to anything on Sto
MR COOPER;Yes I see now You are still the same to me though I can feel your soul inside that head of your's and I can tel its the same
THE DOCTOR:How did we end up here? and what about the Grotchel because I know this is not the Grotchel?
MR COPPER:You where very lucky I recognised your blue box and saved you
THE DOCTOR:And How did you do that? and aren't the people who attacked us on the Grotchel a little susapicious of whats happened and surely they must be lucking for u
MR COOPER:We teleported you and your blue box to my spaceship and they won't be looking for you We created a virtual screen to block and replace the spaceship's real screen tricking them into thinking that your blue box was destroyed in a massive explosion caused by their firing
THE DOCTOR:Well Done Mr Copper I see you have moved on I am proud of you you have got your own spaceship and you got all my companions together to stop the Daleks
MR COPPER:I don't know what you are talking about I left Earth 1 week later than when You left me on Earth and brought this wonderful spaceship from the same company that have been repaying the surviours of what happened on the replica of the titantic Rastenburg Builders they called themselves they do all sorts
THE DOCTOR:Oh I get What the Pandorica and these cracks have done to the universe is still in place and that dalek invasion never happened
MR COPPER:I know this universe has been affected by all sorts recently so many cracks and wormholes have been appearing To me I think this all means one thing
MR COPPER:This universe must be being shaped and controlled by some impossible force some force that we have not encountered before and I think it is all going to end in a big sort of climax and you must save us all from whatever is happening We need your help more than ever
THE DOCTOR:I will do all I can to help you
Amy Comes Running
AMY:Thank God I found You I have been searching all over this spaceship is not the Grotchel I know because I have seen Posters up saying "Beware the Grotchel" and you wouldn't put that up on the Grotchel Would You?Doctor WEhat is this spaceship called?
MR COPPER:Copper Starliner
THE DOCTOR:Their is something else bothering me I have checked my watch Today is 21st June 2137 you can't be here you where realitive to the year 2008 you can't be here in 2137 in any shape or form
MR COPPER:This spaceship fell through a wormhole 3 days after we left Earth and arrived in 2134 The Spaceship almost fell apart
AMY:This Spaceship is amazing and it seems incredible to me
THE DOCTOR:I still don't understand Sto Technology was only about thirty years ahead of Earth and it has technology way better than 2008 Sto or 2038 Earth?
MR COPPER:That is because people still know us from Sto and places and I didn't get done for fraud lack of evidence for that they didn't mention it they didn't know at all what I had done but I have moved on and used these vital links to buy technology from Sto and Earth in 2134
AMY:How has he done all this with 1 million doctor?
THE DOCTOR:Mr Copper must be a good bussinessman and it does cost to be a passenger on this spaceship he probably borrowed loads from companies around Sto and Earth and then this came popular it has got 250 passengers and it costs 900,000 a day on it so you can see that he payed back the debt immediately through that
MR COPPER:Doctor!!!
THE DOCTOR:What?Sorry I wasn't listening
MR COPPER:Since I saved you and your companion I would like you to do me a favour
AMY:What do you want us to do Mr Copper?
MR COPPER:The Grotchel over there has had so many staff changes recently and no normal spaceship would fire on a blue box passing by something is wrong on there something evil is happening some sort of conspiracy is happening
THE DOCTOR:Conspiracy on the Grotchel Really easy I will solve it in the Click of my fingers not literally though What could possibly go wrong?
AMY:Conspiracy on the Grotchel I wonder if River Song is there?
THE DOCTOR:River Song doesn't just appear in all the excitingly titled events
AMY:Well she was there at The Crash of the Byzantium,The Opening of the Pandorica which will happen some day,Shadows at the Library and the Bone Meadows we also haven't encounted that adventure yet
THE DOCTOR:You are too obssessed with River Song
AMY;I am not I was only using my brain
THE DOCTOR:I need a electricty cable for my ship
MR COPPER:Use this one from the engine
THE DOCTOR:I won't use much
The Doctor runs to the console unlocks the time rotor and plugs in the cable the Tardis goes back to normal
THE DOCTOR:Their we go Thank You Mr Copper I didn't use too much did I/
MR COPPER:No not at all
AMY:Bye Mr Copper and get a party ready for us when we come back
The Tardis dematerialises
Copper Starliner can be seen mainly green with blue sort of wings and black bold writing saying copper starliner the spaceship looked like an advanced plane
The Grotchel can be seen close to the Copper Starliner with purple windows and mainly red structure and silver expensilver sparkling crystals and diamonds around the exterior of the spaceship.The Grotchel was massive four times bigger than the Copper Starliner it had a shape like a bus and was tall and narrow
The Tardis materialises on the Grotchel
The Doctor instantly sonics the Tardis
AMY:What are you doing?
THE DOCTOR:Putting a perception filter around it
AMY:I can still see it
THE DOCTOR:That is because you want to see it the people around here and more importantly what ever attacked us on this spaceship will not notice it I am hoping whoever attacked us doesn't know I've changed
A tall young man wearing smart clothes approaches the Doctor
TIM:Who are you?Are you on the register list?
The Doctor shows Psychic Paper
THE DOCTOR:Journalists from The Daily Spaceships We have come here to investigate the working of the spaceship and interview its owners
TIM:That is acceptable
THE DOCTOR:Are you new to the staff?
TIM:No I have been on the Grotchel ages I saw the other staff being sacked and dropped of on Earth and repacled they are not doing that me
AMY:Could you lead us top the main reception area because we are tired after a long trip from Earth
TIM:Here is a map all the details should be on here for you to find everything I hope you enjoy your stay on the Grotchel and I will arrange quarters for you in a few hours and I will give them to you in the reception area
THE DOCTOR:Thank you for your service
In the reception area
The Doctor and Amy sit down and approach a young girl who looked about 25 with black hair and tanned skin
AMY:Have you noticed anything strange around here?
AMANDA:Yes I have I went on this cruise with my husband and my brother and they have just disappeared in the last few days
THE DOCTOR:Interesting because We have been sent here to work out what is going on by Copper Starliner don't tell anybody they are not liked by the Grotchel I told them we where from the Daily Spaceships
AMANDA:Copper Starliner is the only spacesghip cruise you can trust these days the rest are all cons or frauders but this cruise is worse so worse people keep disappearing 300 people out of the 450 people on this cruise if the rate of disappearances continues we will have nobody left
AMY:Any new staff over the last fe months?
AMANDA:Plenty vertly all the staff have been replaced by fat people who look like they are hiding something
THE DOCTOR:How did this all start?
AMANDA:When we Crashed into Clom the twin planet of Raxicoricofallapotorius
THE DOCTOR:I have got to think Clom fat people who look human but are hiding something (Pause)They are Abzorbaloffs
THE DOCTOR:They are a race from Clom they can hide in humans and have taken over this spaceship and they absorb people
The Doctor,Amy and Amanda run to the performing stage in the reception area and interrupt the singing of an old man with grey hair and a moustache in a black suit.
LIAM:What do you think your doing?
AMANDA:Making an important announcement
THE DOCTOR:Most of the Crew on this spaceship are not human they are aliens in human suits and technically they are Abzorbaloffs
MARTIN:He's worse than that man called the Doctor
LIAM:I think he is the Doctor he is a Timelord they can regenerate
MARTIN:What are you going to do now?
LIAM:Show all the passengers on this spaceship exactly who we are
MARTIN:You are going to reveal yourself
LIAM:Oh yes
AMY:The Doctor is telling the truth
ADAM:They're imbecile if their is any aliens on this spaceship they're the aliens the crew are not aliens
Liam steps on the stage
LIAM:Actually they are right and their is no escape
Liam and Martin start removing their skins and their transformation is very similar to the Slitheen but their is a blue light instead of a yellow light
THE DOCTOR:Run!!!Everybody Run!!!
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:I am sorry but their is no possible escape more Abzorbaloffs are coming
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:Thank You Doctor and your friend Elton Pope giving us the name Abzorbaloffs you gave us an excellent name which we are keeping
THE DOCTOR:I agree with keeping the name
AMY:What are we going to do now?
THE DOCTOR:Can you not think of a plan?
The Doctor picks up a green slodge of something near the stage and puts it in his pocket
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:Also Doctor you will be delighted to know that the Abzorbaloff on Earth was dieing of old age and was a disabled scavenger and he was never as powerful as us or normal Abzorbaloffs look at what I can do
Martin Abzorbaloff stretches his arm and abzorbs a man 1000 feet away from where he was standing and the man is instantly abzorbed
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:As you seen their we can stretch our arms 1000 feet and abzorb in a few seconds from touching you and we can alter our shape run rapidly
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:You shall all be abzorbed and their is no reverse to the process
AMY:If they are Abzorbaloffs won't something abzorbative slow them down
2 guards enter the room and remove their skins and show that they are Abzorbaloffs too
THE DOCTOR:Excellent idea Amy Amanda have you got any bath sponges
AMANDA:Luckily I have them for my shower in the evening How many do you need?
THE DOCTOR:1 for Liam 1 for Martin and 2 for the guards
AMANDA:4 is all I have got be careful with them
The Abzorbaloffs stretch their arms and absorb a family
The Doctor throws all 4 sponges at the Abzorbaloffs and the Abzorbaloffs start irritating and seem stuck to them
THE DOCTOR:You will be fine in a bit
AMANDA:Everybody Run!!!
All the passengers and crew which are human run with the Doctor
the Doctor sonics the doors to the Reception Area
MARTIN ABZORALOFF:Devilish Humans look what they have done
Liam Abzorbaloff fights his sponge off then Martin Abzorbaloff and then the Guard Abzorbaloffs
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:Lets abzorb them now Our Mother will still be able to deabzorb them from us and feast on them we need to ensure we get this spaceship to our mother she needs to feast she needs have her final feast this universe is getting dangerous the Crits are advancing she must get a final feast
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:We shall honour the tradition that all the mothers off the past have had a final feast close to her death and then her soul will be passed onto the next woman Abzorbaloff in line and mix with her to make the next Abzorbaloff Mother You are right this universe is getting dangerous we must ensure he tradition still happens before the Crits advance and kill her
GUARD ABZORBALOFF:We shall sacrifice ourselves and this spaceship for her don't you worry our plan shall succeed
The Abzorbaloffs break down the doors and start running incredibly fast
THE DOCTOR:I need to think fast now where is the Oxygen Factory
AMANDA:Its in here
The Doctor,Amy,Amanda and the passengers and crew which are humans enter the Oxygen Factory
The Doctor gets the green slodge out of his pocket
AMY:What have you got in your hand?
THE DOCTOR:Abzorbaloff Tissue green and sticky it was spilt on the floor
AMY:What can you do with the tissue doctor?
THE DOCTOR:This is Abzorbaloff Tissue and its not abzorbing me is it so I think that if Abzorbaloff Tissue escapes the body of an Abzorbaloff it only becomes dangerous to the Abzorbaloffs.I believe the Abzorbaloff Tissue would attract all the other Abzorbaloff Tissue on the other Abzorbaloffs and pull them all apart
AMY:We only have a very small amount of Abzorbaloff Tissue
Amanda opens up a section of the Treeborg wiring
AMANDA:We could put the tissue in the the Treeborgs we could mix it in with the Chlorophyll supplies and edit the Photosynthesis's of the Treeborgs in the Oxygen Factory we would need to rewire all the systems aswell
THE DOCTOR:Yes that will be perfect
The Doctor and Amanda start rewiring the Circuits of the Treeborgs
AMY:One small problem Doctor
THE DOCTOR:Amy What is the problem?
AMY:How will we be able to breathe
THE DOCTOR:We are setting up the Treeborgs to reverse to emergency settings after thirty seconds
AMANDA:That won't be enough to kill them
THE DOCTOR:I am not intending to kill them I want to just remove their Abzorbabilities
AMANDA:I have set the new program to make Abzorbaloff Tissue for 30 seconds and then set it to start emergency settings after that
The Abzorbaloffs enter
Liam Abzorbaloff Claps
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:Well Done and now for all your betrayal to us you shall die now doctor and our mother shall have her meal
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:I have already closed down the ships main systems and started lowering the ship so it will start falling soon and crash into our mother and she shall eat this all up
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:Now you shall die doctor
Liam Abzorbaloff's arm starts stretching getting nearer and nearer to the Doctor
Amanda sets off the new instructions for the Treeborgs and loads of Abzorbaloff Tissue comes squirting out and starts heading straight for the Abzorbaloffs
The green Abzorbaloff tissue starts spreading across the entire spaceship slowly abzorbing the staff which are Abzorbaloffs and are working normally across the spaceship
The green Abzorbaloff Tissue stops being produced by the Treeborgs and oxygen starts coming out instead and all the Abzorbaloffs have turned White and over three hundred humans can be seen behind them which have been deabzorbed because of the Abzorbaloff Tissue
MARTIN ABZORBALOFF:I don't like this I can't abzorb anymore
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:What have you done to us?
THE DOCTOR:Took away your Abzorbabilities you can't abzorb anymore and think how cross you're mother will be when she eats this this terrible meal humans are much much better than Abzorbaloffs drained of their Abzorbabilities and the humans who where abzorbed before have been deabzorbed
LIAM ABZORBALOFF:You will still all be abzorbed by her this spaceship is falling you have no means of escape and we saw your Tardis be destroyed so you can't escape
AMY:If you did get this Spaceship to the mother with you having your Abzorbabilities wouldn't she have been ripped apart
GUARD ABZORBALOFF-No because she is in ways a different creature which feasts on Abzorbaloff Tissue the centre of Abzorbaloff society nothing can defeat her
THE DOCTOR:I am sorry to tell you this but my Tardis hasn't been destroyed and you are now only Abzorbaloffs with no Abzorbabilities Now all the 450 people of the Grotchel and the only human crew follow me now and run very very fast
The Doctor sonics the Tardis to remove the Perception Filter
THE DOCTOR:Everybody Hurry up this Spaceship is going to be Abzorbed
AMANDA:Come on In
Everybody gets inside the doors close and the Tardis dematerialises
The Abzorbaloff Mother appears, green with loads of faces on and she is twice the size of the Grotchel and has a massive blue mouth half the size of the Grotchel with the Grotchel falling fast.The Mother thinks she is about to Abzorb the Spaceship and have a incredible meal but she is about to soon realise that the meal is lacking humans and Abzorbaloff Tissue
ABZORBALOFF MOTHER:My Children this is not right look at that the meal have you have given me
Mother starts Abzorbing
ABZORBALOFF MOTHER:This is horrible where are the humans? and you are horribly white this is revolting and I can't deabzorb this junk.I am disappointed in you I wanted a final meal you all know that the Crits are taking over changing time and space to suit their needs and they are destroying our universe.I shall die soon because of the Crits and I won't have had a proper tasty final meal.I am incredibly disappointed with you,you have broke the tradition of our race.I trusted you on the Grotchel
In the Spaceship
AMANDA:This spaceship is amazing How does this all work?
AMY:Its to do with dimensions but I don't really understand it
THE DOCTOR:This spaceship is called the TARDIS and it stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space does that help you
AMANDA:No Its a bit confusing
THE DOCTOR:Travelling in the Tardis when you are a human
AMANDA:thank you for saving my husband and my brother if you hadn't found that green slodge of Abzorbaloff issue we would be all dead
The Doctor,Amy,Amanda and over three hundred more humans step out of the Tardis
MR COPPER:You can't bring that many more people on my Spaceship
THE DOCTOR:Let them Mr Copper they payed for the Grotchel and they didn't get what they wanted so I think its fair
MR COPPER:I need £900,000 off them everyday then
THE DOCTOR;No Mr Copper they are going for free I solved Conspiracy on the Grotchel
so you are letting them on for me
AMANDA:I think We are going to stay on this Cruise after we arrive at Cardolia the planet I have a bank on Earth and I am going to start paying from their after I have reached Cardolia
THE DOCTOR:Goodbye Amanda and I hope you,your husband and your brother have good luck on the Grotchel and make sure every Conspiracy gets solved immediately if their is any
AMANDA:I will try my best
AMY:Goodbye Amanda
MR COPPER:You succeeded
THE DOCTOR;I did now Amy has a order for you one you didn't succeed in doing when we returned here which Amy asked when we last left
AMY:I want a party
THE DOCTOR:Get a party ready Mr Copper we will be back in 1 hour
MR COPPER:I will doctor Goodbye
AMY:We will see you later
The Tardis dematerialises
End Titles
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Vincent and the Doctor Review
Quote of the Episode
To me Van Gogh is the finest painter of them all
Companions:Amy Pond,Vincent Van Gogh
Saviour:Vincent Van Gogh
Deaths:Girl in Cafe and one died a week before and Vincent died a few months later but none of these on screen so its 0
Rating:6000/10.00(Best of the Series so far)
Twists:Face,Sofa and a chair,Maurice,Van Gogh's rage at the doctor,Crafayis is blind,Stabbing,Afraid,Starry Night,Musee D'Orsay,Dr Black explaining how good a painter Van Gogh was,Van Gogh dieing even though Amy thought they had cheered him up for forever
Plothole:1Where is his ear?Van Gogh should have already cut a small portion of ear off yes not the whole ear their was no evidence of stitches scars or cuts just clean ear
Reason for Plothole:You can't really cut someone's ear that would hurt the actor!!!
Setting:Provence,France,1-3Rd June 1890 Musee D'Orsay,Early 2010
I really enjoyed this episode it showed something we hadn't seen in doctor who before a overload in emotion and it worked and I thought it wouldn't work this emotion got into your heads and made you desperately want to see more paintings and devastated to see Van Gogh still killed himself.The Creature was fantastic the other creatures have been good this series but this has to be the best well done the Mill.Unfournately,some people don't appreciate it the creature was real enough to me if I seen that in my back yard I would believe was an alien if it wasn't in this weeks doctor who because I'd know it would be some sort of doctor who joke.What else can you say?The best scene was where Dr Black was telling the Doctor what he thought about Vincent Van Gogh and Bill Nighy and Tony Curran did excellent there I really want both actors to return and play their roles.Well Done to Richard Curtis you have showed us that doctor who can be enjoyed on an emotional level aswell as a scary and dramatic level.However,I feel this idea shouldn't be used again or it will spoil the uniqueness of the emotion in this episode it should only be done for one episode you will spoil the emotion if you do it for anymore.Also,I would like these creatures to return in a group and with abilities to see so we can see them eat people aswell as attack them.I saw a production error the people who saw thebody of the girl said she had been ripped to shreds through the camera angles you could clearly see no scratches or attack marks nothing but a person who looked dead Oh dear!!!Maybe,the BBC should give back the money it cut from the budget the make people look like they have been ripped to shreds.
What I'm looking forward to in The Lodger:
1.The Doctor playing football
2.Finding out what happens to Amy
3.Seeing people disapeer upstairs
4.What is at the top of the stairs
5.How the doctor copes with anormal life
6.Amy telling the doctor to remove bow tie
7.Craig's reaction to The Doctor
8.Finding out Why the doctor has a load of clutter in a shopping trolley
9.Finding out what happens to the tardis in this episode its rumoured that it does a logopolis because asmallerversion of the tardishas been seen in pictures of the finale
10.A new tardis console
11.Craig and Sophie's reaction to seeing the alien orwhatever is at the top of thestairs
12.The Doctor,Craig and Sophie running out of the house
13.What the monster or whatever at the top of thestairs is doing to the people it tricks into going upstairs
14.Finding out how this links into the finale
15.The Doctor's reaction to the monster
16.Why this alien at the top of the stairs is on Earth and its story
17.Seeing whether we can find any more cracks
18.The Pandorica Opens Next Time Trailer I hope its like The Stolen Earth's normally they are packed with everything and are incredibly massive
Monday, 7 June 2010
10 teasers for Conspiracy on the Grotchel
1.Two spaceships appear one the Grotchel the other ****** Starliner
2.Something massive is waiting for its meal and is angry when it doesn't get fed what it has been waiting ages to eat
3.The episode takes ideas from The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone
4.Somebody thinks this is a River Song adventure
5.A lot of Tissue is needed
6.The Passengers are starved of something for 30 seconds
7.Green becomes White
8.A lot of people get crammed in the tardis similar to Dispanded Sherwood
9.The Grotchel had recently crashed into a planet before this conspiracy started
10.Their are 450 passengers on the Grotchel and recently three hundred of them have disapeered
This story will hopefully be uploaded on Thursday if not Friday
Tuesday=Vincent and the Doctor Review
2.Something massive is waiting for its meal and is angry when it doesn't get fed what it has been waiting ages to eat
3.The episode takes ideas from The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone
4.Somebody thinks this is a River Song adventure
5.A lot of Tissue is needed
6.The Passengers are starved of something for 30 seconds
7.Green becomes White
8.A lot of people get crammed in the tardis similar to Dispanded Sherwood
9.The Grotchel had recently crashed into a planet before this conspiracy started
10.Their are 450 passengers on the Grotchel and recently three hundred of them have disapeered
This story will hopefully be uploaded on Thursday if not Friday
Tuesday=Vincent and the Doctor Review
Friday, 4 June 2010
23 Finale Pictures
Thursday, 3 June 2010
City of the Daleks Review
Quote of the Episode
Witness the might of the Daleks!!!
Enemies:Varga Plant,Time,Daleks Dalek Emperor
Aliens:Varga Plants,Daleks,Dalek Emperor
Companions:Amy Pond
Saviour:Amy Pond
Deaths:Thousands of Daleks (Sylvia died but her death was reversed when the daleks were defeated)
Rating:9.00/10(Worst of the series so far)
Twists:Destroyed London,Amy starting to Disappear,Rebuilt Skaro,The Eye of Time,Varga Plants
Plothole:1(How did Skaro survive?)
Reason for the Plothole:Its only meant to be a game
Setting:1963,London and Kaalann,Skaro
I think the problem with this episode was it took ages to get going and the problems where solved too easily with the doctor knowing exactly what to do immediately.The solution to the problem attach a working gun and eye to the emperor was very strange how does that block out the vision of all the daleks.
However,the animation was brilliant and Amy disappearing because time was catching up with her was a clever concept.The best scene was when the daleks took the doctor to see the emperor but I feel this seen was a little to short to match up with similar moments in other stories like the doctor's big talk to the supreme.To play the game not watch is a different experience all together but the game lacked instructions and was full of stupid little puzzles which again didn't have any instructions. I think the game would have been better if it was formatted more like Attack of the Graske because the doctor was there to help you along the adventure where technically you where on you're own in this adventure.From a watching perspective the game still offered god lot references telling us that the daleks have stolen the timelord's power but I still have one big question How on Earth had Skaro Survived?This is not the first time this mistake has happened Skaro was first destroyed totally in Remembrance of the Daleks then it existed in The Movie and The Daleks executed the master on the planet then it was supposed to be destroyed in the time war as one of the cult of Skaro said to Mr Diagoras in Daleks in Manhattan and now it has survived again some how. Could there be worse than daleks on Skaro? species keeping the planet alive even though it should have been destroyed?Maybe we will never know but one thing is for sure the supreme white dalek in the adventure games definitely escaped fine from this adventure because that dalek is in the finale with proper vision and how would you escape Skaro without vision anyway.A lot of things can point to this technically for all doctor who fans I can announce secretly hiding away from the BBC,who are always watching from the shadows,City of the Daleks is not Canon it does not fit in with events in the whoniverse so I declare it is not canon.
What I am looking forward to in Vincent and the Doctor
1.What the creature looks like it looks impressive CGI from what we have seen but what does the whole creature look like
2.The scene where The Doctor and Amy hide in a cupboard and the creature attacks them
3.When and Where has the doctor seen the creature in the episode before
4.The Doctor being knocked off a building by the creature
5.The Doctor,Amy and Van Gogh leaving Provence on horses
6.How the creature kills
7.The fully identity of the creature
8.How Vincent Van Gogh dies
9.Vincent Van Gogh stabbing a yellow monster
10.More painting by Vincent Van Gogh
11.The Doctor showing Vincent the future and how loved his pictures are
12.How sunflowers are involved
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Vincent and the Doctor Monster
Blink on Doctorwho-blink.blogspot.com has posted about this on his blog and has done two excellent screenshots I have done another.
Blinks Screenshots:
My Screenshot:
So we can confirm the creature has brown feet,brown arms and a brown sort of strange tail I thought this creature was supposed to be YELLOW!!!
Blinks Screenshots:
My Screenshot:
So we can confirm the creature has brown feet,brown arms and a brown sort of strange tail I thought this creature was supposed to be YELLOW!!!
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