P1:The Doctor arrives on the planet of the weeping angels with river song and her armies.Can the doctor show river song the true dangers of the angels before the time of angels begins and flesh becomes stone?
P2:The Time of angels has begun and the doctor, Amy,river and her armies are stuck in dark tunnels with more powerful than before angels hunting for more potential energy.Can the doctor defeat two different types of angels to escape the world of the angels?
*The Byzantium crashes on a beach.
*The angels will be even worse this time.
*The planet is in ruins with loads of different frozen weeping angels.
* A strange connector device is involved with the words byzantium on.
*River Song falls into the tardis.
*Fire and ice are somehow involved.
*River Song has a strange device which she holds above her head.
*A holographic angel is involved.
*One of the scariest sequences in doctor who starts at 15 minutes and 35 seconds in of the first episode of the two parter
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