Welcome to this blog, run by Dalek1099 and formerly by Dalek1099 and Ritzii,this is the blog where hopefully you will find what is next for the doctor,particularly in the current 50th anniversary year through the excellent spoilers this blog provides , in many different ways aswell as other exciting stuff about shows like Primeval.Thank You for visiting The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Spoilers Blog run by Dalek1099.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
It's Exam Time
Yes it's exam time - what a shame!!!That means that we all have to work harder again-harder than we ever have.Exams for GCSE and A level have already started but i'm lucky because my first exam isn't until 10th June 1pm!!!I have 5 exams to sit:2 English Exams(La+Li),2 German Exams(R + L) and 1 Maths Exam.In total nearly 6 hours of exams.I also wish everyone else who is taking exams the best of luck!!!
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Doctor Who gets 8.86m
I'm surprised at the big leap from overnight ratingas and remember that the final figures are what counts.Also,an unknown amount of viewers also watched in hd.I can't find the ratings for HD on the barb ratings list.
Series 6 Ratings (So Far):
1.TIA 6.4M+2.46M=8.86M
2.DOTM 5.3M+2.46M?=7.76M?
Series 6 Ratings (So Far):
1.TIA 6.4M+2.46M=8.86M
2.DOTM 5.3M+2.46M?=7.76M?
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Monster of the Day-Astronaut Suit
The Monster of the Day today is the astronaut suit it was a simple life support system but the suit could move and would gobble up its victims.In this case,the victim was the little girl who i think is not the child of Amy i think she is Amy i still don't get how she has a future picture of herself though because it is too obvious to be the baby and the eye patched lady who will be revealed to be Kovarian recognbised her.The Astronaut Suit killed the doctor with the weaponary in the suit but it is not known who was gobbled up by it.The suit allowed the little girl to phone the president in distress.The suit was built by the silence to protect the girl for an unknown reason.The Silence even decided to send huimanity to the moon so they would produce a spacesuit for the little girl from the humans designs.
Doctor Who Falls by 1.1m to 5.3m
Doctor Who Overnight Ratings for Day of the Moon where 5.3m with about 0.1 million watching in hd compared to 6.4m last week with hd viewers added 6.5m.
Day of the Moon Review-Dalek1099
I won't bother with the a large review this time mainly because the way moffat writes this show just makes it hard to review.Anyway a bit confusing it areas but we do know that the doctor locked himself in the prison so that the silence couldn't get him or his friends.They would be safe in their and away from American inspection.A great episode lovely defeat of the silence although the defeat does make their scare factor go down because kids know that if they've seen a siloent then they will have killed it.Only disappointment is how Steven Moffat likes leaving all the ends open i mean a few hints like RTD but maybe you making the arc too cruical to individual episodes which is not a good thing.Also,we never found out what happened in them three months.Cliffhangers should always be resumed immediately because you only have to look at Last of the Timelords to see why.Excellent opening though really got you excited because Moffat really seemingly killed off everyone except The Doctor who had already died in the previous episode.
Loose Ends:
1.Who did Amy mean to shoot?
2.Is Amy pregnant?
3.Why is Amy being nasty to Rory?
4.Is the little girl Amy?How did she regenerate?
5.Who was in the suit at the start of the 1st episode?
6.Who is the eye patch lady(Kovarian)?
7.Who was the voice in the pandorica opens?
8.How come the doctor was able to switch the opening of the tardis to make River land in the swimming pool?
Any i missed?
Sorry for the spelling errors my laptop can't charge and my computer can't spellcheck.
Rating:9.89/10 (Best of the Series)
Next Time...
Amy must rescue The Doctor from the pirates and Rory from a hungry mermaid.
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