When The master was on his last Timelord incarnation, his body was being worn away by age but the master always had tricks up his sleeve.He was in this condition in The Deadly Assassin and The Keeper of Traken.He stole Tremas's body,he then somehow survived being exterminated and stole the body of ambulance driver Bruce and then he was finally killed by the eye of harmony. The Time Lords ressurected him to fight in the time war.The Master was too afraid to fight and changed himself into a human Professor Yana.After many years he realised who he was and stole the Tardis.Unfounately,Martha was able to defeat him using the archangel network against him.He killed himself so that he did not have to be the doctor's prisoner forever.He was ressurected by ancient potions but Lucy Saxon had her own potion which killed everyone in the building and left the master incredibly powerful with a body ripping apart.He turned every human on earth into the master apart from Wilfred Mott,He used a
White Point Star to bring back the Timelords who reversed his plan and tried to cause the end of time. The doctor shot at the white point star connection and the master, angry that the Timelords put a terrible knocking in his head,fired bolts of energy at them and he and the Timelords disappeared into the time war, leaving the doctor to deal with his fate.
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