Sunday, 28 April 2013

Paul McGann's Final Adventure-DVD Cover by Lesather

A great Time War cover-not created by me but from lesather of flickr.Suitable parameters:27.2cm*18.3cm.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

The 8th Doctor Returns in 50th Anniversary Celebrations

The above image shows Paul McGann protraying the 8th Doctor in The Cyber Seas of Rhye/The Cyberlords of Time, where the Doctor meets Horatio Hornblower and David Tennant also features in a flashforward sequence on the Cybermen's viewscreen.
I wanted to confirm rumours that the 8th Doctor will be returning as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations in The Cottling Mystery, the title of an episode that will be released in 2013 to mark the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who.

The BBC have brought back the 8th Doctor(Paul McGann) in a series of canonical adventures and although, a lot of money has been saved through reusing bits from other Doctor Who episodes eg. Dalek Scenes in The Parting of the Ways but with new voices in The Time War- the series still brings back the 8th Doctor and utilises the fact that it has been made after his doctor to make future references like those in The Cyberlords of Time but these are still official episodes and now the 8th Doctor has returned-you could say that the current doctors are Paul McGann and Matt Smith.The series is called Season26B and includes one of my favourite Doctor Who episodes,which is entitled The Time War, featuring the 8th Doctor's regeneration and is available here, because it is set between Series 26 and Series 27.

Not only have adventures already been broadcast on the web but the series is still continuing with new episodes coming every year and this means that Paul McGann will return as the 8th Doctor in the 50th Anniversary year(2013) in The Cottling Mystery as part of the celebrations and even though it isn't that likely he will appear in the special that will star David Tennant,Matt Smith, Billie Piper and Jenna Louise Coleman this is still great news for those, who wanted to see more than just a mere 60 minutes of Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor.Some of the stories in the series rival new Doctor Who, with returns of the Cybermen,Daleks,Destroyer and Trickster amongst many others.

I wanted to make this post because the BBC's production of these new online episodes that are high quality,not animated,not audio or text limited and not black and white hasn't been very well recognised and only a limited number of people watch them and I would appreciate it if you liked their page  on Facebook for all the hard work Steve Pearson,Dan Armitage and other people have done on this project, which is done on the behalf of the BBC.

My Doctor Who Rankings

I am pretty much an unorthodox fan because I hate the fan favourite of The Caves of Androzani and think Blink is about average.
Best Doctor Who Adventure(Top 22)-2 per each Doctor to make things simple
1.The Day of the Doctor
2.The Time of the Doctor
3.The End of Time
4.Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
5.The Trial of a Timelord
6.The Invasion of Time
8.The Cyber Seas of Rhye/The Cyberlords of Time
9.The Curse of Fenwick
10.Remembrance of the Daleks
11.The Invasion
12.Aliens of London/World War Three
13.The Chase
14. Resurrection of the Daleks
15.The Green Death
16.Doctor Who and the Silurians
17.Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
18.The Movie
20.Revelation of the Daleks
21.The Mind Robber
22.The Celestial Toymaker
Best Actor of the Doctor
1.Matt Smith
2.John Hurt
3.Peter Davison
4..David Tennant
5.Colin Baker
6.Patrick Troughton
7.Sylvestor McCoy
8.Christopher Eccleston
9.Jon Pertwee
10.Tom Baker
11.Paul McGann
12.William Hartnell
Best Companion
3.The Brigadier
Best Times to be a Doctor Who Fan
1.Late 2013

Frequencies of the Monsters of Doctor Who

This a post about the monsters of doctor who this list does not include cameo's/ unthreatening apperances and has some stories put together to make one story like Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks Mission of the Unknown and The Dalek's Master Plan so here it goes:

1.Timelords = 30(1965-2011)
2.Daleks = 24(1963-2013)
3.Cybermen = 18 Mondasian(1966-1988):10 Lumician(2006-2013):8
T4.Sontarans = 6(1973-2010)
T4.Kaled = 6(1975-2008)
T6.Ice Warrior = 5(1967-2013)
T6.Guardian = 4(1979-1983)
T8.Autons = 4(1970-2010)
T8.The Great Intelligence = 4(1967-2013)
T8.Weeping Angels = 4(2007-2013)
T12.Yeti = 3(1967-1983)
T12.Silurians = 3(1970-2010)
T12.Cybermat = 3(1967-2011)
T20.Mara = 2(1982-1983)
T20.Macra = 2(1967-2007)
T20.Robotic Spiders =(2005-2006)
T20.Roboform = 2(2005-2006)
T20.Slitheen = 2(2005)
T20.Sea Devils = 2(1972-1984)
T20.Nestene = 2(1971-2005)
T20.Mentor = 2(1985-1986)
T20. Headless Monks=2(2011)
T20. The Silence=2(2011)
T20. Dinosaur=2(1974-2012)
T20. Cassandra=2(2005-2006)
T20. Chip=2(2005-2006)
T20 Zygons(1975-2013)=2

31 recurring Monsters tell me if i have missed one

How to Prevent Monsters getting into your Bedroom

Virtually Dead Lock Sealed Door
If you have no lock on your bedroom door then don't worry as the picture shows you all you need to do is get a box like object, that has a rope like hanger and hang it from your door handle and secure the box to the door by using a chair and put things like DVDs and a teddy bear to fill up even more space, between the rope hanger on the box and the box making sure the DVDs and teddy bear go under the door handle , so if the Weeping Angels and other monsters try to get into your bedroom then even if they try hard to press on the lock it will only move a few centimeters and the door will not open and the DVDs look less secure than they are but because the force on the lock is being applied downwards, the DVDs won't move and even if the monsters try to kick the door down, the chair will prevent movement of the door which will in turn prevent the DVDs,which prevent the door from opening, from falling to the ground.

This is also a good way to prevent your parents getting into your room and you should also reinforce the door with everything you've got to prevent the strongest of the monsters and then the door will be as hard to get into as a door with a Deadlock seal, which is impenetrable even by a Sonic Screwdriver.