-Moffat's idea of freezing Gallifrey in a stasis cube in a picture that is bigger on the inside than out and this disappearance of Gallifrey causing the Daleks to fire on each other and wipe each other out is just incredible writing from Moffat.I kept thinking how could He be so clever?Is He a Timelord?
2.The Time of the Doctor-Excellent

3.(The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang)-Excellent

When the doctor arrives at the oldest clifface in the universe,a message is waiting for the doctor,and it reads "Hello Sweetie".This story is everything fans want it includes:alien planets,an unbeatable cliffhanger(still unbeaten) that left me confused on what would happen next,an historic trip,a fairytale and of course monsters and that is why this finale will always be at the top the list for the moment.Read on to find out about the other top stories of the Matt Smith Era
4.Vincent and the Doctor(Excellent)

A heart-warming,emotionally shocking adventure with a great monster idea!!!The monster idea is excellent becuase basically it's an invisible monster but for fans of CGI you still get to see it and a good monster it is too and thanks to a present form his great grand-mother in law of something like that and a sort of board used in art thats good at stabbing the doctor and vincent survive alive just about but it appears amy's memory isn't up to scratch.
5.Amy's Choice(Excellent)

Amy is pregnant,rory has a ponytail,the best actor to have set foot in doctor who plays a character who shows all aspects of personality needed at different times including winding the doctor up and tricking Rory, Amy and the doctor that they will die when there is no way of dieing and the only way really is to think one world world is real and did i forget the elderly monsters?and Rory's first death?
6.(The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone)-Excellent

Well with different types of angels,an alien planet,the return of the mysterious and dangerous river song,who could want anything more?or wait a minute i'm sure i employed Tom for this job but where is he?what was i just saying?of course it's only me here it always has been!!! and what is that smiling crack i think i'll go over and touch it!!!
7.The Snowmen(Excellent)
8(The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People)-Excellent

This story had everything aswell as all the others it had monsters aswell as an interesting perception on the future of the human race through a moralistic story wrote by matthew graham who appears to have actually wrote something good unlike Fear Her.This story develops upon another two parter from last series wrote by paulk cornell but shows another moral that is very scary and immediately took in by the viewer-can their sole be copied?because normally in clone sci-fi shows the body is the same and the sole is completley different because that is what mskes someone unique and their body shape-shifts like a monster too and although the acting seems peculiar at first it soon becomes exceptional especially by Jenny and the person who is a dad and the person who is evil on both accounts both human and gnager so a lot of good acting then; this story also shows how someone can be created who is equally entitled to be you as you which is horrifically terrifying to the viewer.
The other stories in the era are listed below according to my ranking:
9.A Good Man Goes to War(Excellent)
10.A Girl Who Waited(Excellent)
11.Victory of the Daleks(Excellent)
12.The Angels take Manhattan(Excellent)
13.The Wedding of River Song(Good)
14.Journey to the Centre of the Tardis(Good)
15.The Doctor's Wife(Good)
16.The Hungry Earth(Bad)/Cold Blood(Excellent)
17.The Impossible Astronaut(Ok)/Day of the Moon(Excellent)
18.The Eleventh Hour(Good)
20.The Bells of Saint John(Good)
21.The Vampires of Venice(Good)
22.The Name of the Doctor(Good)
23.The Crimson Horror(Good)
24.Cold War(Good)
25.The Power of Three(Good)
26.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship(Ok)
27.A Christmas Carol(Ok)
28.A Town Called Mercy(Ok)
29.Let's Kill Hitler(Ok)
30.Closing Time(Ok)
31.The Rings of Akaten(Ok)
32.The God Complex(Ok)
33.The Lodger(Ok)
34.The Beast Below(Bad)
35.Night Terrors(Bad)
36.The Curse of the Black Spot(Bad)
37.Nightmare in Silver(Bad)
38.The Doctor,the Widow and the Wardrobe(Bad)
39.Asylum of the Daleks(Bad)